In?ammation of the PORTAL VEIN. A rare but serious disorder, it usually results from the spread of infection within the abdomen – for example, appendicitis. The patient may develop liver abscesses and ASCITES. Treatment is by ANTIBIOTICS and surgery.
(portal pyaemia) n. septic inflammation and thrombosis of the hepatic portal vein. This is a rare result of the spread of infection within the abdomen (as from appendicitis). The condition causes severe illness, with fever, liver abscesses, and *ascites. Treatment is by antibiotic drugs and surgical drainage of abscesses.
n. inflammation of the wall of a vein, which is most commonly seen in the legs as a complication of *varicose veins. A segment of vein becomes painful and tender and the surrounding skin feels hot and appears red. Thrombosis commonly develops (see thrombophlebitis). Treatment consists of elastic support together with drugs, such as NSAIDs, to relieve the inflammation and pain. Anticoagulants are not used (compare phlebothrombosis). Phlebitis may also complicate sepsis (see pylephlebitis) or cancer, especially of the stomach, bronchus, or pancreas. In pancreatic cancer the phlebitis may affect a variety of veins (thrombophlebitis migrans).... phlebitis
n. obstruction of the portal vein by a blood clot (see thrombosis). It can result from infection of the umbilicus in infants, pylephlebitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and liver tumours. *Portal hypertension is a frequent result.... pylethrombosis