Pylor Health Dictionary

Pylor: From 1 Different Sources

Pyloric Stenosis

Narrowing of the PYLORUS, the muscular exit from the STOMACH. It is usually the result of a pyloric ulcer or cancer near the exit of the stomach. Food is delayed when passing from the stomach to the duodenum and vomiting occurs. The stomach may become distended and peristalsis (muscular movement) may be seen through the abdominal wall. Unless surgically treated the patient will steadily deteriorate, losing weight, becoming dehydrated and developing ALKALOSIS.

A related condition, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, occurs in babies (commonly boys) about 3–5 weeks old, and surgery produces a complete cure.... pyloric stenosis

Helicobacter Pylori

A bacterium which colonises the stomach. While it may cause no disease, it has a tendency to produce in?ammation – gastritis. This may progress in some people to peptic ulceration (see PEPTIC ULCER), and even to gastric cancer. The bacterium can be identi?ed on blood testing or, more accurately, by obtaining a biopsy of the stomach wall by ENDOSCOPY. It can be eradicated by treatment with PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS and antibiotics.... helicobacter pylori


Also called Ramstedt’s operation, this is a surgical procedure to divide the muscle around the outlet of the stomach (PYLORUS). It is done – usually on babies – to relieve the obstruction caused at the outlet by congenital PYLORIC STENOSIS.... pyloromyotomy


Spasm of the pyloric portion of the STOMACH. This interferes with the passage of food in a normal, gentle fashion into the intestine, causing the pain that comes on from half an hour to three hours after meals; it is associated with severe disorders of digestion. It is often produced by an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.... pylorospasm


The lower opening of the STOMACH, through which the softened and partially digested food passes into the small INTESTINE.... pylorus


An operation in which the pylorus (the outlet from the stomach) is widened to allow free passage of food into the intestine.

Pyloroplasty may be performed as part of the surgery for a peptic ulcer, or to prevent tightening of the pyloric muscles after vagotomy.... pyloroplasty


n. a surgical operation that involves the removal of the distal part of the stomach (*pylorus). See antrectomy; pyloroplasty.... pylorectomy

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