Pyometra Health Dictionary

Pyometra: From 1 Different Sources

Endometrial Cancer

a malignant tumour of the lining (*endometrium) of the uterus. Risk factors are nulliparity (never having given birth), obesity, and tamoxifen use as chemotherapy for breast cancer. The presenting symptom is usually *postmenopausal bleeding, but this cancer may present with postmenopausal discharge or *pyometra. The tumour invades the *myometrium and spreads down to the cervix and through the Fallopian tubes to the ovaries and peritoneal cavity and through the lymphatics to pelvic and aortic nodes. Prognosis depends on tumour differentiation, depth of myometrial invasion, extent of tumour spread, and involvement of retroperitoneal nodes. Treatment is laparoscopic abdominal *hysterectomy and bilateral *salpingo-oophorectomy, with *lymphadenectomy and radiotherapy if indicated.... endometrial cancer

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