Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation Health Dictionary

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: From 1 Different Sources

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

... nuclear magnetic resonance

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

See MRI.... magnetic resonance imaging

Repetitive Strain Injury

(RSI) An overuse injury that affects keyboard workers and musicians, causing weakness and pain in the wrists and fingers.... repetitive strain injury

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

See TENS.... transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Magnetic Resonance Imaging(mri)

See MRI.... magnetic resonance imaging(mri)

Repetitive Strain Injury (rsi)

See UPPER LIMB DISORDERS.... repetitive strain injury (rsi)

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (tens)

A method of electrical stimulation that is being used for the relief of PAIN, including that of MIGRAINE, NEURALGIA and phantom limbs (see AMPUTATION). Known as TENS, its mode of action appears to have some resemblance to that of ACUPUNCTURE. Several controlled trials suggest that it provides at least a modicum of relief of pain after operations, thereby reducing the amount of ANALGESICS that may be called for.... transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tens)

Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

(COS) see superovulation.... controlled ovarian stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation

(DBS) a surgical treatment involving the implantation of a medical device that sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain. DBS in selected brain regions can provide benefits for treatment-resistant movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and *dystonia.... deep brain stimulation

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

(fMRI) a type of *magnetic resonance imaging that measures the increased hemodynamic response seen with neural activity in the brain or spinal cord. fMRI has allowed major advances in brain mapping (i.e. matching sections of the brain with particular behaviours, thoughts, or emotions).... functional magnetic resonance imaging

Glucagon Stimulation Test

a test for *phaeochromocytomas not displaying typically high levels of plasma *catecholamines. An intravenous bolus of *glucagon is administered and the test is positive when there is a threefold increase in plasma catecholamine levels with a consequent rise in blood pressure. The test is now very rarely used due to safer and more sensitive screening tests, combined with modern tumour imaging techniques.... glucagon stimulation test

Magnetic Imager

see 3-D magnetic imager.... magnetic imager

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

(MRS) a diagnostic technique that utilizes the phenomenon of *nuclear magnetic resonance to obtain a biochemical profile of tissues by exciting elements other than hydrogen in water and other body components. It is particularly useful for biochemical analysis of tissues in the living body. This technique is used clinically in the brain and prostate.... magnetic resonance spectroscopy

3-d Magnetic Imager

an instrument that harnesses magnetic technology to give a virtual image of an endoscope during colonoscopy. It aids steering and minimalizes looping of the endoscope. An external antenna tracks the magnetic field generated by coils built inside the endoscope, enabling real-time 3D imaging of this instrument. Trade name: ScopeGuide.... 3-d magnetic imager

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

(TMS) stimulation of the brain by strong magnetic fields that induce electric currents in the underlying brain tissue. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), consisting of a series of TMS pulses, is used to treat depression. Its clinical utility is controversial, with inconsistent research results regarding its efficacy. Although there have been some small studies regarding its use with other conditions, such as OCD, rTMS is not currently used routinely in the treatment for any illness other than depression.... transcranial magnetic stimulation

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