Rhinoviruses Health Dictionary

Rhinoviruses: From 1 Different Sources

A large group of viruses; to date around 80 distinct rhinoviruses have been identi?ed. Their practical importance is that some of them are responsible for around one-quarter of the cases of the COMMON COLD.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


An agent that experimentally inhibits the proliferation and viability of infectious viruses. In our domain of herbal medicines, some plants will slow or inhibit the adsorption or random initial attachment of viruses, extend the lifespan of infected target cells, or speed up several aspects of immunity, including complement, antibody, and phagocytosis responses. Herbal antivirals work best on respiratory viruses such as influenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and the enteric echoviruses. Touted as useful in the alphabet group of slow viruses (HIV, EBV, CMV, etc.), they really help to limit secondary concurrent respiratory infections that often accompany immunosuppression.... antiviral

Cold, Common

An infection by any one of around 200 viruses, with about half the common-cold infections being caused by RHINOVIRUSES. Certain CORONAVIRUSES, ECHOVIRUSES and COXSACKIE VIRUSES are also culprits. The common cold – traditionally also called a chill – is one of several viral infections that cause respiratory symptoms and systemic illness. Others include PNEUMONIA and GASTROENTERITIS. Colds are commoner in winter, perhaps because people are more likely to be indoors in close contact with others.

Also called acute coryza or upper respiratory infection, the common cold is characterised by in?ammation of any or all of the airways – NOSE, sinuses (see SINUS), THROAT, LARYNX, TRACHEA and bronchi (see BRONCHUS). Most common, however, is the ‘head cold’, which is con?ned to the nose and throat, with initial symptoms presenting as a sore throat, runny nose and sneezing. The nasal discharge may become thick and yellow – a sign of secondary bacterial infection – while the patient often develops watery eyes, aching muscles, a cough, headache, listlessness and the shivers. PYREXIA (raised temperature) is usual. Colds can also result in a ?are-up of pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis or ear infections. Most colds are self-limiting, resolving in a week or ten days, but some patients develop secondary bacterial infections of the sinuses, middle ear (see EAR), trachea, or LUNGS.

Treatment Symptomatic treatment with ANTIPYRETICS and ANALGESICS is usually su?cient; ANTIBIOTICS should not be taken unless there is de?nite secondary infection or unless the patient has an existing chest condition which could be worsened by a cold. Cold victims should consult a doctor only if symptoms persist or if they have a pre-existing condition, such as asthma which could be exacerbated by a cold.

Most colds result from breathing-in virus-containing droplets that have been coughed or sneezed into the atmosphere, though the virus can also be picked up from hand-to-hand contact or from articles such as hand towels. Prevention is, therefore, di?cult, given the high infectivity of the viruses. No scienti?cally proven, generally applicable preventive measures have yet been devised, but the incidence of the infection falls from about seven to eight years – schoolchildren may catch as many as eight colds annually – to old age, the elderly having few colds. So far, despite much research, no e?ective vaccines have been produced.... cold, common

Picorna Viruses

These infectious agents derive their name from pico (small) and from RNA (because they contain ribonuleic acid). They are a group of viruses which includes the ENTEROVIRUSES and the RHINOVIRUSES.... picorna viruses


n. one of a group of small RNA-containing viruses (pico = small; hence pico-RNA-virus). The group includes *Coxsackie viruses, *polioviruses, and *rhinoviruses.... picornavirus

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