Rna Health Dictionary

Rna: From 4 Different Sources

The abbreviation for ribonucleic acid. and DNA carry inherited genetic instructions. In animal and plant cells, carries the instructions and helps decode them. In some viruses the instructions are held by instead. (See also nucleic acids; protein synthesis.)
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Ribonucleic acid. A type of nucleic acid that carries the message coded in DNA (the genes) to the manufacturing system of the cell.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary
RNA is the abbreviation for ribonucleic acid, one of the two types of NUCLEIC ACID that exist in nature. It is present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of the CELLS of the body, but principally in the former. With DNA it is an essential component of the genetic code. It exists in three categories known, respectively, as ribosomal (r), transfer (t), and messenger (m) RNA. Genetic information resides in the linear sequence of nucleotides (see NUCLEIC ACID) in DNA and is transcribed into messenger RNA before protein is synthesised. In the language of the computer, the genetic code consists of 64 three-letter code-words, or codons. The code in DNA is comparable to a tape which contains information written linearly in the form of these codons, each of which is the code for one of the 20 AMINO ACIDS from which proteins are made. The genetic information encoded in DNA is used to programme the manufacture of proteins (see PROTEIN) in two stages.

In the ?rst, the information is transcribed from DNA on to a molecule of mRNA. In the second, the messenger RNA-intermediary transports the information to the protein-manufacturing centres of the cell where the information is translated from the linear sequence of codons in the RNA into a linear sequence of amino acids which are concurrently converted into protein. (See also GENES.)

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
(ribonucleic acid) a *nucleic acid, occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells, that is concerned with synthesis of proteins (see messenger RNA; ribosome; transfer RNA; translation). In some viruses RNA is the genetic material. The RNA molecule is a single strand made up of units called *nucleotides.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Amoebic Liver Abscess

Usually contracted in a tropical country during foreign travel. Likely to be associated with amoebic dysentery by the organism Entamoeba histolytica from contaminated drinking water or decaying foods (uncooked vegetables), foods exposed to flies. Onset of the disease may not be apparent until years after original infection. It presents with tenderness over the liver. On palpation, liver area is tender and the diaphragm elevated.

Symptoms. Fever, sweating, constitutional upset.

Differential diagnosis: diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, salmonella, carcinoma, bacillary dysentery.

Alte rnative s:– Blue Flag, Boneset, Burdock, Chaparral, Echinacea, Elecampane, Elder flowers, Eucalyptus, Fringe Tree, Milk Thistle, Marshmallow, Queen’s Delight, Thyme (garden), Wild Indigo, Wild Yam, Yarrow, Yellow Dock.

Tea. Combine: equal parts, Yarrow, Burdock leaves, Marshmallow leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water: infuse 10-15 minutes; 1 cup freely.

Decoction. Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Yellow Dock root 1. 2 teaspoons to 2 cups water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half a cup freely.

Formula: Combine: Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Boneset 1; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 2-4ml. Tinctures: 4-8ml. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules, or one-third teaspoon). In water, honey, or cup of Fenugreek tea.

Cold puree. Pass Garlic corm through food blender. Eat with a spoon as much as tolerated. Blend with adjutants: carrots, raisins, apple. ... amoebic liver abscess

Arthritis – Osteo

Osteo-arthritis. Erosion of cartilage of a joint with pain and stiffness. “Wear and tear” arthritis of the over 50s, affecting hands, knees, spine or hips. Biochemical changes in the cartilage stimulate overgrowth of bone cells (hyperplasia) which is an effort by the body to correct the disturbance.

Common in the elderly and menopausal women. Calcium salts may be laid down in a joint believed to be due to errors of diet. Small crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite have been observed to form in cartilage and synovial fluid. (Research group: St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London)

The aged sometimes suffer from diminished supply of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism. An effective substitute is 2 teaspoons cider vinegar in a glass of water sipped before or during meals.

Alte rnative s. Black Cohosh and Meadowsweet (natural sources of salicylic acid), Asafoetida (inflammation of connective tissue), Hawthorn (efficient circulation of the blood), Poke root, Bladderwrack, Guaiacum, Devil’s Claw, Bogbean, White Poplar bark, Yucca leaves.

Tea. Celery seeds. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup, 2-3 times daily, before meals. Comfrey tea.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. White Willow 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Black Cohosh half; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily in water or Nettle tea. Liquid extracts. White Willow 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Bogbean 1; Fennel 1; Tincture Capsicum quarter. Mix. 1 teaspoon thrice daily in water or Nettle tea.

Tinctures. Bogbean 2; Meadowsweet 2; Black Cohosh 1; Guaiacum quarter; Peppermint quarter. Mix. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules: Devil’s Claw, Wild Yam, Ligvites.

Cod liver oil. Chief of the iodised oils. Can reach and nourish cartilage by the process of osmosis. Its constituents filter into cartilage, imparting increased elasticity which prevents degeneration. Known to soften-up fibrous tissue. 2 teaspoons once daily. Also helps correct uric acid metabolism.

Topical. Physiotherapy. Osteopathy. Jojoba oil packs. Capsicum Cream. Hot and cold compresses twice daily – followed by a cold compress at night, leaving on when in bed. Hot Epsom salt bath twice weekly. Diet. Oily fish: see entry. Low fat. Low salt. High fibre. Avoid lemons and other citrus fruits. Lemon juice may remove some calculi from the body but later begins to remove calcium from the bones. Supplementation. Pantothenic acid 10mg; Vitamin A 7500iu; Vitamin B6 25mg; Vitamin E 400iu; Zinc 25mg.

General. Warm dry climate often relieves. Surgery may be necessary. Herbs Pleurisy root, Comfrey root and Bryonia, sustain the constitution and promote tissue healing after joint replacements with ceramic substitute after the famous Charnley operation. The condition is disabling but it is possible to manage successfully, maintaining normal activities with minimum difficulty. ... arthritis – osteo


Hives. A rash resembling the sting of a nettle. Itchy red or red-white patches appear chiefly on face and trunk. A transient eruption or watery swelling may appear by release of histamine due to allergy. May be a reaction to environmental irritants from plants, insect stings, chemicals or certain foods as after eating strawberries, lobster. Numerous allergens include food additives, acid fruits, pork, bacon, ham, eggs.

Alte rnative s. Oral anti-histamines include: Burdock, Goldenseal, Juniper berries, Marshmallow, Lobelia, Myrrh, Echinacea, Nettles, Parsley root.

Teas. Betony, Boneset, Celery seed, Chamomile, Chickweed, Elderflowers, Hops, Meadowsweet, Motherwort, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Skullcap, Yarrow.

Tea, formula. Equal parts: Meadowsweet, Nettles, Red Clover. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction (cold). One teaspoon Barberry bark to each cup cold water steeped overnight. Half-1 cup thrice the following day.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag. Echinacea.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Blue Flag 1; Valerian 1. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.

Practitioner’s prescription. Tinctures: Echinacea ang. 20ml; Ephedra sinica, 20ml; Urtica dioica, 10ml.

Aqua et 100ml. Sig: 5ml (3i) tds Aq cal. pc.

Alternative:– Liquid extract Echinacea ang. 1 fl oz (30ml). Liquid extract Urtica dioica. 1 fl oz. Liquid extract Humulus lupulus. Half fl oz (15ml). Syrup Senna. 2 fl oz (60ml). Aqua et 8 fl oz (240ml). Sig: 8ml (3i) tds aq cal. pc. (Arthur Barker, FNIMH)

Topical. Wash with infusion of Chickweed, Elderflowers, Mullein, Chamomile or Eucalyptus leaves.

Oil of Evening Primrose. Aloe Vera gel.

Creams: Vitamin E, Chickweed, Elderflowers, Comfrey, Plantain. Diet. See: DIET – SKIN DISEASES.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A (7500iu). Vitamin C (2g). ... nettlerash

Rna Interference

(RNAi) a mechanism, either natural or the result of biotechnological manipulation, by which *RNA suppresses or interferes with the expression of a gene or genes. Its possible role in gene-specific therapy is under investigation.... rna interference


Acute: non-recurring indigestion may be caused by isolated episodes of overeating, excessive alcohol, rapid eating and irregular eating habits. Chronic indigestion may indicate some serious disorder such as gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gall bladder disorder or hiatus hernia: see appropriate entry. Symptoms vary according to each disturbance, but for simple indigestion are usually confined to abdominal discomfort, nausea and gastric reflux.

Of Value. Agrimony, Balm, Balmony, Boldo, Calamus, Caraway, Cardamom, Catnep, Cayenne, Centuary, Cinnamon, Condurango (tumour), Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Gentian, Ginger, Hops (nervous stomach), Peppermint, Quassia, Thyme, Wild Yam, Wormwood, German Chamomile.

Herbal mucilages protect walls of the digestive tract from erosion by strong acid secretions: Slippery Elm, Marshmallow root, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss. One of these may be combined with any of the above, as appropriate to the individual case. A simple combination is Meadowsweet and Marshmallow root (equal parts).

Alte rnative s. Teas. (1) Formula. Equal parts: Agrimony, Chamomile, Dandelion. (2) Formula. Meadowsweet 2; Balm 2; Hops 1. Prepare: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water, infuse 5-10 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Decoction. Gentian root (shredded): 1 teaspoon to each cup cold water, steep overnight. Half-1 cup on rising. For weak digestion.

Acid insufficiency (especially in the elderly): 2 teaspoons Cider Vinegar in glass water; drink freely. Tablets/capsules. Dandelion, Goldenseal, Papaya, Slippery Elm, Chamomile, Meadowsweet.

Powders. Formula. Dandelion 2; Gentian 1; Ginger quarter. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts. Combine equal parts: Chamomile, Meadowsweet, Marshmallow. One to two 5ml teaspoons thrice daily.

Tincture. Tincture Cardamom Compound BP (1973) Dose: 15-60 drops (2-4ml) in water thrice daily. Aloe Vera. Juice from crushed leaves (1-2 tablespoons).

Papaya. To assist protein digestion: leaf tea, fresh juice, or papain in tablet form.

David Hoffman. “For all kinds of infants indigestion, Balm herb acts like a charm. Two teaspoons of the herb, finely cut, is placed in a teacup, filling with boiling water. When cool, give hourly, one or two teaspoons to the very young and half to one cup to the over-sevens.”

Dr A. Vogel. To strengthen stomach, increase appetite, and stimulate bile flow: Cola nut 16 per cent, Peruvian bark 16 per cent, Frankincense 4.5 per cent, Myrrh 4.5 per cent, Sweet Myrtle 16 per cent, Yellow Gentian 10 per cent, Bitter Orange 16 per cent. Dose: 10-15 drops.

Banana Cure. The banana is a traditional treatment for gastric ulcer in India. Research has shown how three quarters of a treatment group on powdered banana had complete or partial relief of pain. The banana could be a useful early therapy before beginning more expensive forms of treatment. (All India Institute, Delhi)

Diet. The Hay diet. Slippery Elm gruel. Honey.

Supplements. Vitamins B-complex, B1, B6, Folic acid, Niacin.

Note: German Chamomile is the most widely used for simple dyspepsia; Roman Chamomile being important as an anti-inflammatory where dyspepsia is accompanied by feverish conditions. ... dyspepsia

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