Robotic prostatectomy Health Dictionary

Robotic Prostatectomy: From 1 Different Sources


An operation to remove part or all of the PROSTATE GLAND. The most common method is transurethral prostatectomy (TURP) carried out during cytoscopy. A very enlarged prostate may need to be removed by a retropubic prostatectomy. After several weeks, most patients are able to resume normal activity including sexual intercourse.... prostatectomy

Robotic Surgery

a type of laparoscopic surgery in which the operating surgeon controls the instruments via a robot. The surgeon sits at a console away from the patient and controls the robot’s operating arms.... robotic surgery

Trans-oral Robotic Surgery

(TORS) a form of robot-assisted surgery used for treating difficult-to-access tumours of the pharynx and larynx.... trans-oral robotic surgery

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