Rohypnol Health Dictionary

Rohypnol: From 1 Different Sources

Drug Assisted Rape

Also known as ‘date rape’, this is an unwelcome phenomenon in which an intending rapist undermines a potential victim’s resistance by giving her a hypnotic drug such as benzodiazepine. The British National Formulary warns that ?unitrazepam (Rohypnol®) tablets may be particularly subject to abuse – perhaps given to the unsuspecting victim in an alcoholic drink so the sedative e?ect is greatly enhanced.... drug assisted rape


A drug with the trade name Rohypnol®, ?unitrazepam is one of the BENZODIAZEPINES with a prolonged action prescribed as a hypnotic (see HYPNOTICS). The British National Formulary warns that the drug may be particularly subject to abuse (see DRUG-ASSISTED RAPE).... flunitrazepam

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