Rubia cordifolia Health Dictionary

Rubia Cordifolia: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: R. munjesta Roxb.

Family: Rubiaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, ascending to an altitude of 3,700 m.

English: Indian Madder, Bengal Madder.

Ayurvedic: Manjishthaa, Vikasaa, Samangaa, Yojanavalli, Kaalameshi- ka, Raktaangi, Raktayashtikaa, Arunaa, Gandira, Jingi.

Unani: Manjeeth.

Siddha/Tamil: Manjitti.

Action: Roots and dried stem— blood purifier, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, deobstruent, antidysenteric, antiseptic, alterative.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the use of the dried stem in blood, skin and urinogenital disorders; dysentery; piles, ulcers, inflammations; erysipelas, skin diseases and rheumatism. (Roots, leaves and seeds of R. cordifolia, R. tinctorum and allied species are used in amenorrhoea, liver diseases, gall and spleen complaints.) (Mutagenic and carcinogenic aspects of the drug are under investigation.)

It is reported that after oral administration of the root decoction, the urine and bones of the patient show a red tinge.

The roots are rich in anthraquinones and their glycosides (around 20), the important ones include purpurin (tri- hydroxy anthraquinone), munjistin (xanthopurpurin-2-carboxylic acid); besides xanthopurpurin, peudopur- purin (purpurin-3-carboxylic acid), free alizarin as well as its glucoside.

Whole plant yielded pentacylic tri- terpenic acids—rubicoumaric and ru- bifolic acids.

Antitumour cyclic hexapeptides have been isolated from the root (while lucidin is thought to be carcinogenic).

The root extracts of R. sikkimensis Kurz, known as Naaga-Madder (Nepal eastwards to Assam, Nagaland and Ma- nipur); are very similar to those of R. cordifolia.

Dosage: Stem—2-4 g. (API, Vol. III.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Adina Cordifolia

Hook. f. ex Brandis

Family: Rubiaceae.

Habitat: Indigenous in deciduous forests all over India.

English: Yellow Teak, Saffron Teak.

Ayurvedic: Haridru, Haraduaa- kadamba, Gaur-kadamba, Girikadamba, Dhaaraakadam- ba, Pitadaaru, Kadambapushpa.

Siddha/Tamil: Manjakadambu.

Folk: Haladu, Kheta Kadam.

Action: Antibacterial, antiseptic, antidysenteric, antibilious (used in biliary colic), febrifuge. Root— astringent.

The heartwood contains indole alkaloids; bark 7.27-9.27% tannin. The leaves contain ursolic acid and querce- tin.... adina cordifolia

Ficus Cordifolia


Synonym: F. rumphii Bl.

Family: Moraceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, up to 1,700 m in the hills.

Ayurvedic: Ashmantaka (var.)

Folk: Gajanaa, Ashtaa, Paakar.

Action: Fruit juice and latex— antiasthmatic and vermifuge.

Siddha/Tamil: Kal Aal, Pei Aal.

Action: Fruit—cardiotonic. Leaves and bark—used in affections of the liver and skin diseases.... ficus cordifolia

Rubia Tinctorum


Family: Rubiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Southern Europe and parts of Asia; also found in Kashmir.

English: Alizari, European Madder.

Action: Root—used for menstrual and urinary disorders and liver diseases.

The root contains anthraquinone and their glycosides, including alizarin, purpurin, purpuroxanthin, pseudopurpurin, rubiadin, ruberythric acid and lucidin primeveroside. There are indications that lucidin is carcinogenic. All parts of the plant contained an iri- doid, asperuloside.... rubia tinctorum

Sida Cordifolia


Family: Malvaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India in moist places.

English: Country Mallow.

Ayurvedic: Balaa (yellow-flowered var.), Sumanganaa, Khara- yashtikaa, Balini, Bhadrabalaa, Bhadraudani, Vaatyaalikaa.

Unani: Bariyaara, Khirhati, Khireti, Kunayi.

Siddha/Tamil: Nilatutti.

Action: Juice of the plant— invigorating, spermatopoietic, used in spermatorrhoea. Seeds— nervine tonic. Root—(official part in Indian medicine) used for the treatment of rheumatism; neurological disorders (hemiplegia, facial paralysis, sciatica); polyuria, dysuria, cystitis, strangury and hematuria; leucorrhoea and other uterine disorders; fevers and general debility. Leaves—demulcent, febrifuge; used in dysentery.

Ephedrine and si-ephedrine are the major alkaloids in the aerial parts. The total alkaloid content is reported to be 0.085%, the seeds contain the maximum amount. In addition to alkaloids, the seeds contain a fatty oil (3.23%), steroids, phytosterols, resin, resin acids, mucin and potassium nitrate.

The root contains alkaloids—ephed- rine, si-ephedrine, beta-phenethyl- amine, carboxylated tryptamines and hypaphorine, quinazoline alkaloids— vasicinone, vasicine and vasicinol. Choline and betaine have also been isolated.

A sitoindoside, isolated from the plant, has been reported to exhibit adaptogenic and immunostimulatory activities. Alcoholic extract of the plant possesses antibacterial and antipyretic propeptide. Ethanolic extract of the plant depresses blood pressure in cats and dogs.... sida cordifolia

Tinospora Cordifolia

(Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thoms.

Family: Menispermaceae.

Habitat: Tropical India and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Guduuchi, Gudu- uchikaa, Guluuchi, Amrita, Am- ritaa, Amritalataa, Amritavalli, Chinnaruuhaa, Chinnodbhavaa, Madhuparni, Vatsaadani, Tantrikaa, Kundalini. Guduuchi sattva (starch).

Unani: Gilo, Gulanchaa. Sat-e-Gilo (starch).

Siddha: Seenil, Amrida-valli.

Folk: Giloya.

Action: Herb—antipyretic, an- tiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, spasmolytic, hypo- glycaemic, hepatoprotective. Water extract increases urine output. Stem juice—prescribed in high fever; decoction in rheumatic and bilious fevers. Aqueous extract of the plant—fabrifuge. Starch—antacid, antidiarrhoeal and antidysenteric.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, along with other therapeutic applications, recommends the dried stems in jaundice, anaemia, polyuria and skin diseases.

The stem contains alkaloidal constituents, including berberine; bitter principles, including columbin, chas- manthin, palmarin and tinosporon, tinosporic acid and tinosporol.

The drug is reported to possess one- fifth of the analgesic effect of sodium salicylate. Its aqueous extract has a high phagocytic index.

Alcoholic extract of the stem shows activity against E. coli. Active principles were found to inhibit in vitro the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Oral administration of alcoholic extract of the root resulted in a significant reduction in blood and urine glucose and in lipids in serum and tissues of alloxan diabetic rats. (Phytother Res. 2003 17 (4), 410-3.)

A significant reduction in levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP and bilirubin were observed following T. cordifolia treatment during CCl4 intoxication in mature rats. (J. Toxicol Sci. 2002, 27 (3), 139-46.) The plant extract showed in vitro inactivating activity in Hepatitis- B surface antigen. (Indian Drugs, 1993, 30, 549.)

A new hypoglycaemic agent was isolated from the plant; it was found to be 1,2-substituted pyrrolidine.

The starch from roots and stem, used in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, contains a polysaccharide having 1-4 glucan with occasional branching points.

Dosage: Stem—3-6 g powder; 2030 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.)... tinospora cordifolia

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