Habitat: Western Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.
English: Garden Sorrel, Sorrel Dock.Ayurvedic: Chukram, Chuukaa.Unani: Hammaaz-Barri.Action: Laxative, diuretic, antiscorbutic, refrigerant. Used for scurvy, as a cooling drink in febrile disorders, as a corrective of scrofulous deposits. Seeds—astringent (in haemorrhages).
Flowers—hepatoprotective and an- tihaemorrhagic. Root—used for jaundice, also for gravel and stone in the kidneys.Aerial parts gave rutin, hyperin and vitexin and traces of oxymethy- lanthraquinone. The roots contain anthraquinones—chrysophanol, phys- cion and emodin anthrones.The leaves contain 124.0 mg/100 g ascorbic acid, about 0.3% oxalic acid. Free oxalic acid caused fatal hypogly- caemia in rabbits.