Habitat: The Himalayas up to 300 m, and in the plains from Assam to Western and Southern India.
Folk: Jangali Paalak.Action: Plant—astringent; used in cutaneous disorders.
The leaves contain vitamin C 115 mg and vitamin A value 11,700 IU/100 g and are a rich source of calcium and beta-carotene. The dried leaves contained 7.8% of flavonoids and 0.04% of anthraquinone derivatives. Flavonoids include rutin, avicularin, quercitrin, quercetin. Roots contain chrysophan- ic acid and emodin, the total an- thraquinone content being 0.13%.Rumex hastatus D. Don.Folk: Amlora, Chumlora (Kumaon); Khattimal, Katambal (Punjab).Action: Astringent.
The root and bark yield 21-23% tannin.