Sagittaria trifolia Health Dictionary

Sagittaria Trifolia: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: S. sagittifolia Hook. f. (non L.)

Family: Alismataceae.

Habitat: Throughout the plains of India.

English: Old world Arrowhead.

Folk: Chhotaa Kuuta, Muyaa (Bengali).

Action: Plant—discutient, anti- galactagogue, astringent, antiinflammatory. Tuber—used for cutaneous diseases. Leaves—powder dusted in pruritus; mashed with molasses used in sore throat and inflammation of the breasts.

The plant contains a diterpene, sagit- tariol, beta-sitosterol, its glucoside and hentriacontanone. The diterpenes, tri- foliones A, B, C and D, inhibited his- tamine release from rat mast cells.

The bulbs contain sandaracopimar- ic acid which suppressed the immune function of animal T-cells.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary


Having three leaflets in a compound leaf, like a clover.... trifoliate

Indigofera Trifoliata


Synonym: I. prostrata Willd.

Family: Fabaceae.

Habitat: Throughout greater parts of India.

Folk: Vana-methi.

Action: Astringent, antileucor- rhoeic, antirheumatic, alterative, restorative.

The seeds contain crude protein 31.5 pentosan 7.3, water soluble gum 3.0%.... indigofera trifoliata

Menyanthes Trifoliata


Family: Gentianaceae.

Habitat: Native to Britain and Europe; found in Kashmir.

English: Bogbean, Buckbean, Goat's bean, Marsh Trefoil.

Folk: Buckbean.

Action: Bitter tonic, deobstruent. Laxative in large doses. Used for diseases of liver and gallbladder, and rheumatism. (Contraindicated in diarrhoea, dysentery and colitis.)

Key application: Leaf—in loss of appetite, peptic discomforts. (German Commission E.) As a bitter tonic. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) The drug stimulates saliva and gastric juice secretion. (German Commission E.)

The herb contains iridoid glyco- sides, foliamenthin, dihydrofoliamen- thin, menthiafolin and loganin; pyri- dine alkaloids including gentianine; coumarins (scopoletin); phenolic acids (caffeic, with protocatechuic, ferulic, sinapic, vanillic including others; fla- vonoids including rutin, hyperoside.

Choleretic action of the herb is attributed to the synergistic action of caffeic and ferulic acids and iridoid glycosides.

Scoparone and scopoletin (cou- marins isolated from the aerial parts) exhibit antihepatotoxic, choleretic and cholagogue properties.

The rhizomes contain dihydrofolia- menthin, loganin, menthiafolin and a triterpenoid saponin menyantho- side. Aqueous extract of the rhizome showed greater preserved renal function and higher glomerular filtration rate, possibly due to Platelet Activating Factor (PAF)-antagonistic effect of the extract.... menyanthes trifoliata

Triphasia Trifolia

(Burm. f.) P. Wils.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Wild in parts of Peninsular India; cultivated in gardens.

English: Lime Berry, Myrtle-Lime, Chinese Lime.

Folk: Chinese Naarangi.

Action: Leaves—used in skin diseases and in preparation of bath salts. Ripe fruits—used against cough.

The leaves contain the alkaloid O- methylhalfordinol and coumarins, including umbelliferone, isomeranzin and triphasiol.... triphasia trifolia

Vitex Trifolia


Family: Verbenaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India in tropical and subtropical regions.

Ayurvedic: Sinduvaara, Nirgundi (white var.).

Siddha/Tamil: Karu Nochi, Siru Nochi.

Folk: Paani-Sambhaalu.

Action: Leaves—febrifuge, antibacterial, anthelmintic, cytotoxic. Extract of the leaves showed inhibitory action against Mycobac- terium tuberculosis. Leaves used as poultice in rheumatism, inflammations and sprains. Root and flowers—febrifuge. Root—expectorant. Fruit—used in amenorrhoea.

Aerial parts gave friedelin, beta- sitosterol and itsbeta-D-glucoside, and a long chain hydrocarbon. The leaves gave the flavonoids—artemetin, lute- olin, orientin, casticin; and iridoid gly- cosides, aucubin and agnuside. The fruits contain an alkaloid, vitricin.

Vitrosin A and vitexicarpin, isolated from the plant, blocked spontaneous contraction of isolated guinea-pig trachea induced by histamine. (Planta Med, 2002, Nov., 68/11).

The leaves are reported to improve memory and favour hair growth. Leaf extract showed significant antitumour activity in the murine tumour system.... vitex trifolia

Walsura Trifoliata

(A. Juss.) Harms.

Synonym: W. piscidia Roxb.

Family: Meliaceae.

Habitat: Karnataka, Western Ghats, Palni and Anaimalai Hills, also western India.

Siddha/Tamil: Cheddavokko, Kanjiram.

Folk: Waalsuuraa.

Action: Bark—stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue, emetic. Also used to kill vermin in the hair.

The bark contains saponin and tannin.... walsura trifoliata

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