Sailor Health Dictionary

Sailor: From 1 Different Sources

(American) One who sails the seas Sailer, Sailar, Saylor, Sayler, Saylar, Saelor, Saeler, Saelar, Saler, Salor, Salar, Salore
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C (see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS), is a simple sugar found in living tissues – its highest concentrations being in the adrenal cortex (see ADRENAL GLANDS) and the eye. Stress and CORTICOTROPIN lead to a loss of ascorbic acid from the adrenal cortex. Fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly blackcurrants, citrus fruits, berries and green vegetables, are the richest dietary sources; it may also be synthetically prepared. Ascorbic acid is easily eliminated from the diet by traditional methods of cooking, being very soluble in water and easily destroyed by heat, alkalis, traces of copper or by an oxidase released by damage to plant tissues. De?ciency may lead to SCURVY, traditionally associated with sailors, among elderly people living alone or in poor communities living at subsistence level. It has been claimed that large doses (1–2 g daily) will prevent the common cold, but few large controlled trials have been carried out and it is inadvisable for people to dose themselves with large quantities of ascorbic acid, which may result in the formation of oxalate stones in the urinary tract. (See also VITAMIN.)... ascorbic acid

Immersion Foot

The term applied to a condition which develops as a result of prolonged immersion of the feet in cold or cool water. It was a condition commonly seen during World War II in shipwrecked sailors and airmen who had crashed into the sea, spending long periods there before being rescued. Such prolonged exposure results in VASOCONSTRICTION of the smaller arteries in the feet, leading to coldness and blueness and ?nally, in severe cases, to ulceration and GANGRENE. (See also TRENCH FOOT.)... immersion foot


(German) From the rocky cliff; in mythology, a siren who lured sailors to their deaths

Laurelei, Laurelie, Loralee, Loralei, Loralie, Loralyn, Lorilee, Lorilyn, Lura, Lurette, Lurleen, Lurlene, Lurline, Lurlyne, Lorali, Loreli, Laureli... lorelei

Mugwort Tea - An Herbal Tea With Many Benefits

Mugwort tea is one of the many herbal teas that have many health benefits. Despite its bitter, tangy taste, it’s worth a try to drink some mugwort tea, as it’s good for your body. Find out more about the tea’s health benefits in this article. About Mugwort Tea Mugwort tea is a type of herbal tea made from mugwort dried leaves. The mugwort is an herbaceous perennial plant with a woody root; it can grow up to 2 meters tall. The stem is reddish in color, with dark green, pinnate leaves that are 5-20 cm long, and radially symmetrical small flowers which have many yellow or dark red petals. It grows in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, Alaska and North America; it is often considered an invasive weed. It is sometimes referred to by the following names: felon herb, chrysanthemum weed, wild wormwood, old Uncle Henry, sailor’s tobacco, or St. John’s plant (be careful not to confuse it with St. John’s wort). The leaves and buds of the plant are best picked right before the flowers of the plant bloom, between July and September. They can be used with season fat, meat and fish, to give them a bitter flavor. Native American legends say that mugwort leaves were rubbed all over one’s body in order to keep ghosts away, as well as to prevent one from dreaming about the dead. Nowadays, it is mixed with other herbs (chamomile, peppermint) to make the so-called “dream tea”, which helps you improve dream recall, and increases the number of dreams you have per night. Components of Mugwort Tea Mugwort, which is the main ingredient of the mugwort tea, has plenty of components that are good for our health. Some of them are essential oils (such as cineole/wormwood oil, and thujone), flavonoids, triterpenes, coumarin derivatives, tannins, and linalool. Thujone consumed in large amounts can be toxic. In many countries, the amount of thujone which can be added in food or drink products is regulated. The amount of thujone oil found in the plant is considered safe. How to make Mugwort Tea In order to enjoy a cup of mugwort tea, add one teaspoon of the dried mugwort herb to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes before removing the dried plants. It is recommended that you drink the mugwort tea in mouthful doses throughout the whole day. If the mugwort tea is too bitter for your taste, you can add honey or sugar to sweeten it. Mugwort Tea Benefits Thanks to the many components of mugwort, the mugwort tea is full of health benefits. Mugwort tea is useful when it comes to having a good digestion. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, relieves flatulence and bloating, and helps in the treatment for intestinal worms. It also improves your appetite, and helps with indigestion, colic, and travel sickness. This tea might help in the treatment of various brain diseases. It is also a useful remedy when it comes to nervousness, exhaustion, depression, and insomnia. Mugwort tea is also useful during child birth. It has a calming effect when you are during labor, and it also lessens contraction pains. It is also useful when you get menstrual cramps, and stimulates irregular or suppressed menstruation. Considering the diuretic properties of mugwort, it is believed that mugwort tea can help with liver, spleen, and kidney problems. It is also recommended that you drink this type of tea if you’ve got a cold, a fever, or if you’re suffering from asthma or bronchitis. Mugwort Tea side effects Although mugwort tea contains little amount of thujone oil, it is recommended that you don’t drink if you’re pregnant. It might cause miscarriages. Consumed in large quantities, the thujone oil found in the composition of this tea may lead to side effects such as anxiety and sleeplessness. When drinking mugwort tea, be careful not to have an allergic reaction. You might be allergic to mugwort if you know you’re allergic to plants from the Asteraceae or Compositae family. These include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, chamomile, and many other plants. Also, avoid drinking this tea if you know you’re allergic to birch, celery, wild carrot, honey, royal jelly, cabbage, hazelnut, olive pollen, kiwi, peach, mango, apple, mustard, and sunflower. Don’t drink more than six cups of mugwort tea - or any other type of tea - a day. If you drink too much, it’ll end up doing more harm. The symptoms you might experience are headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats.   Despite its bitter taste, mugwort tea is definitely good for your body. It has lots of health benefits, but first make sure you’re not affected by any of its side effects. Once you’re sure it’s safe, you can enjoy a cup of this  delicious tea.... mugwort tea - an herbal tea with many benefits


Scurvy, or scorbitus, is caused by de?ciency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid – see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS) and is now rarely seen in developed countries except in people on poor diets, such as homeless down-and-outs. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin derived from citrus fruits, potatoes and green vegetables. Nowadays woody haemorrhagic OEDEMA of the legs is the usual way in which the disease presents. The former classic disease of sailors living on salt beef and biscuits was characterised by bleeding of the gums, loss of teeth, haemorrhage into joints, ANAEMIA, lethargy and DEPRESSION. The introduction of fresh lime juice into the seaman’s diet in 1795 eliminated scurvy in the Royal Navy. Vitamin C is curative.... scurvy


Cochlearia officinalis. N.O. Cruciferae.

Synonym: Known in some parts as Spoonwort.

Habitat: Grows freely along the sea shore.

Features ? The smooth, shiny stem is angular and much branched, with ovate leaves which become sessile upwards; further roundish, kidney-shaped, stalked leaves grow from the roots. Clusters of white, cruciform flowers bloom in May. The taste is pungent and cress-like.

Scurvygrass is a powerful antiscorbutic, but, as scurvy, like other "deficiency" diseases, is now prevented and cured by purely dietetic methods, the herb is but rarely used. It is, however, given a place here both for its historic interest and for the striking way in which it exemplifies the curative potency of non-poisonous herbs.

The Medical Research Council, in its publication Vitamins ? A Survey of

Present Knowledge, says:

"Scurvygrass (Cochlearia officinalis) . . . figures largely in old records of scurvy cures among mariners. Thus Bachstron in 1734 tells the following story ? 'A sailor in the Greenland ships was so over-run and disabled with scurvy that his companions put him into a boat and sent him on shore, leaving him there to perish without the least expectation of recovery. The poor wretch had quite lost the use of his limbs ; he could only crawl about the ground. This he found covered with a plant which he, continually grazing like a beast of the field, plucked up with his teeth. In a short time he was by this means perfectly recovered, and upon his returning home it was found to be the herb scurvy grass.' (Rendering given by Lind [1757, p.


When a well-authenticated case such as this is quoted by such a body as the Medical Research Council it should not be difficult to believe that other agents used in the herbal practice may be equally effective in illnesses not at present included in the official list of "deficiency diseases."... scurvygrass


(Greek) A seductive and beautiful woman; in mythology, a sea nymph whose beautiful singing lured sailors to their deaths

Sirene, Sirena, Siryne, Siryn, Syren, Syrena, Sirine, Sirina, Sirinia, Sirenia... siren

Public Health Service

(PHS) the oldest and one of the largest US federal health agencies. Founded in 1798 as a system of hospitals for sailors, the PHS is now the major health service operating division of the *Department of Health and Human Services and administers eleven agencies, including the *Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The agency employs tens of thousands of people with a total annual budget well into the billions.... public health service


A venereal infection that may be acute or chronic. Affects the mucous membrane of the urethra in the male or the vagina in the female. Almost always the result of sexual contact. One million cases are reported in the United States annually and perhaps as many as two million go unreported. Causative organism: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae.

In the initial attack in the male bacteria produces inflammation, with pus, which spreads to the prostate gland and other organs. In women there may be a painful abscess at the opening of the vagina, with characteristic yellowish discharge. It is particularly destructive to the lining of the womb, Fallopian tubes and ovaries, producing sterility or miscarriage. A notifiable disease.

Symptoms occur from two to eight days with scalding pain on passing water; urgency, frequency, and irritation of the urethra. A profuse discharge sets in and the urine contains visible yellowish threads of pus as the bladder is affected. Inflammation is followed by fibrosis producing urethral stricture; narrowing of the canal makes the passing of water difficult in men and swelling of the prostate gland may result in acute retention of water. Glands in the groin may enlarge, suppurate. Abscess formation in various parts of the body. Infection of the eyes and pharynx possible through transferred infection.

If severe, valves of the heart may be affected (endocarditis). The chronic form is accompanied by rheumatic pains in the joints, especially knee, ankle and wrist. Untreated patients may remain anonymous carriers months before detection.

Alternatives. It was observed that on South Sea Islands where Kava Kava (piper methysticum) is a popular native remedy, gonorrhoea was rare. It was claimed that, used by the native doctors, it was capable of curing the disease in visiting sailors. Once given in combination with Black Cohosh and Marshmallow root.

Tincture Thuja. 5-10 drops thrice daily.

Sandalwood oil. 5-10 drops thrice daily.

Formula. Hydrangea 10; Black Cohosh 5; Gelsemium 1. If headache follows, reduce dose. Dose: 20 drops in water 2-hourly. If discharge does not lessen within 3 days give external douche: 10 drops Goldenseal in an ounce of Witch Hazel distilled extract, or rosewater to bladder and urethra. If a thin discharge prevails on the fifth day, add to each dose 5 drops Liquid Extract or 10 drops tincture Kava Kava. (Dr G.A. West, Ellingwood’s Physiomedicalist)

“I used Echinacea for gonorrhoea, both internally and by injection” writes Dr A.G. Smith, Washington, claiming success in recent and chronic cases.

Early Australian settlers used: Tea Tree oil internally (drop doses) and as a douche: 3-5 drops in half a pint boiled milk allowed to cool.

Powders. Formula. Kava Kava 2; Hydrangea 1; Cinnamon half. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Elderflower tea. If fever is present give abundant Elderflower tea. OR: 5-15 drops tincture Aconite BP. 2-3 times daily.

Diseases due to suppressed gonorrhoea (arthritis, etc): Liquid Extract Thuja, 5 drops thrice daily.

Eye infections from gonorrhoea, Great Celandine. (Priest)

For genital lesions, Tincture Myrrh and Goldenseal lotion: (20 drops each) to 1oz Evening Primrose oil. Thoroughly mix by shaking before external use.

Diet: Avoid alcohol, condiments and hot spicy foods, curries, etc which worsen the irritation.

Exercise: Avoid all violent exercise.

To be treated by STD specialist only. ... gonorrhoea

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