Habitat: A large, climbing shrub or small tree occurring throughout India, including the Andaman Islands.
English: Saptrangi.Ayurvedic: Saptachakraa, Swarn- muula, Saptarangi.Folk: Ingali (Maharashtra), Modhuphal (Bengal), Cherukuranti (Kerala).Action: Roots—used in diabetes. Also used for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and genito-urinary and venereal diseases.
The root bark contains proantho- cyanidins, consisting of monomeric leucopelargonidin, its monomer, dimer and tetramer; triterpenoids (friedelin and its derivatives), mangi- ferine, phlobatannin, and glucosidal tannins.The stem yielded gutta, dulcitol and proanthocyanidin consisting of dimer of leucopelargonidin.Dosage: Root—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)