Salvadora persica Health Dictionary

Salvadora Persica: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: S.persica L.var. wightiana Verde. S. indica Wt.

Family: Salvadoraceae.

Habitat: Arid regions, on saline lands and in coastal regions.

English: Mustard tree. Salt Bush tree, Tooth Brush tree.

Ayurvedic: Pilu (smaller var.), Pilukaa, Sransi, Angaahva, Tikshna- vrksha.

Unani: Miswaak, Araak.

Siddha: Perungoli.

Action: Fruit—carminative (used in biliousness), deobstruent (used for rheumatism, tumours, splenomegaly), diuretic, lithotriptic. Leaves—decoction used for cough and asthma, poultice in painful piles and tumours; juice in scurvy. Flowers—stimulant, laxative. Applied in painful rheumatic conditions. Seeds—diuretic; purgative; fatty oil applied locally on rheumatic swellings. Root bark—topically vesicant. Bark—emmenagogue, ascarifuge, febrifuge. Biological activity of stem bark—spasmolytic. Plant—anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, antibacterial.

The root gave elemental gamma- monoclinic sulphur, benzyl glucosino- late, salvadourea (a urea derivative), m-anisic acid and sitosterol. Benzyl isothiocyanate, isolated from the root, exhibits antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus-1 which affects oral region. (The root is used in many parts of the world as a tooth brush.) Root bark and stem bark contain trimethy- lamine. Myristic, lauric and palmitic acids are the major acid components of the seed fat.

Dosage: Fruit—3-6 g powder; 50100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Amygdalus Persica


Synonym: Prunus persica Batsch.

Family: Rosaceae.

Habitat: Native to China; cultivated in Himalayan regions; grows in tropical and semi-tropical regions and temperate climates.

English: Peach tree.

Ayurvedic: Aaruka.

Unani: Aaaduu, Khokh.

Action: Leaves and bark—expectorant (used in cough, whooping cough, and chronic bronchitis), sedative, stomachic, demulcent, antiscorbutic, diuretic. Fresh leaves—anthelmintic. Powder of leaves—styptic (externally). Fruit— stomachic, antiscorbutic.... amygdalus persica

Ferula Persica


Family: Umbeliferae; Apiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Arabia and Persia.

English: Sagapenum.

Unani: Sakbeenaj, Sakbekh.

Family: Umbelliferae; Apiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Central Asia.

English: Musk Root.

Folk: Sumbul, Sambala.

Action: Used as a sedative in hysteria and other nervous disorders. Also used as a mild gastrointestinal stimulant. Formerly used for asthma, bronchitis and amenorrhoea.

Ferula sumbul contains 0.2-0.4% volatile oil; 5-15% resin; hydroxy- coumarins including umbelliferone; sumbulic and angelic acids.... ferula persica

Prunus Persica


Synonym: Persica vulgaris Nutt. Amydgala persica Linn.

Family: Rosaceae.

Habitat: Native to China; cultivated in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Kumaon.

English: Peach.

Ayurvedic: Aaluka, Aaruka, Aru, Pichuka.

Action: Fruit—mild tranquillizer, expectorant, diuretic, antipyretic. Bark or leaves—used as tea for morning sickness, dry and hard cough, whooping cough and bronchitis. Leaves—used in leucoderma.

Flowers—galactagogue. Peach seeds are a constituent of a traditional Chinese herbal drug which has been used for the treatment of gynaecological disorders such as hypermen- orrhea, dysmenorrhoea and infertility.

Peach fruit extract containing nitrile glycosides, such as prunasin and amyg- dalin, has been reported to inhibit the growth of Sarcoma-180 cells in culture.

Fast-acting, wrinkle-eliminating cosmetic formulations contain peach kernel extract as one of the components.

The heartwood contains beta-sitos- terol and its D-glucoside, hentriacon- tane, hentriacontanol, and the flavo- noids naringenin, dihydrokaempferol, kaempferol and quercetin.... prunus persica


(Spanish) Feminine form of Salvador; savior

Salvadorah, Salvadoria, Salbatora, Salbatoria, Salvatora, Salvatoria... salvadora

Salvadora Oleoides


Family: Salvadoraceae.

Habitat: The arid regions of Punjab, Rajasthan and western India.

Ayurvedic: Pilu (bigger var.).

Action: Leaf—bechic. Bark— vesicant. Fruit—febrifuge (in low fever), used in enlarged spleen. Oil from seed—applied in rheumatic affections and after child birth.

The fruit contains sterols, beta-sitos- terol and its glucosides and stigmas- terol; benzylisothiocyanate, n-octaco- sanol and tetracosane; flavonoids including quercetin and rutin; thiourea derivatives and phospholipids. Myris- tic, lauric and palmitic acids were obtained from the seed fat.... salvadora oleoides

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