Ingredients: Cayenne pods 2oz (or Tincture Capsicum 60 drops); Camphor flowers quarter of an ounce; Peppermint oil 20 drops; Cajuput oil 50 drops; Eucalyptus oil 20 drops; Beeswax 2oz. Sunflower seed oil 16oz.
Method: Gently heat Sunflower seed oil. If Cayenne pods, are used: add pods, steep for one and a half hours. Stir. Strain. Over gentle heat add wax stirring gently until dissolved. Add other ingredients (including Tincture Capsicum if used), stirring well. Pour into jars while fluid. ... golden fire
Habitat: Indigenous to southern United States; introduced into Indian gardens.
English: Adam's Needle.Action: Rhizomes and leaves—used for the treatment of glandular and liver and gallbladder disorders; in bilious headaches accompanied by yellow tongue; in despondency and irritability. Root—tincture is used in the treatment of rheumatism; a poultice or salve is used in inflammations.
The leaves contain steroidal sapo- genins sarsasapogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, diosgenin, kammogenin, yuccagenin, hecogenin, manogenin, mexogenin, chlorogenin and smila- genin. The rhizomes contain mainly sarsasapogenin.Tincture of the herb is used in Homoeopathic medicine for bilious symptoms with headache.... yucca filamentosaSymptoms. Itchy redness and peeling. Sore raw areas left after removal of patches of skin. Possible invasion of other parts of the body: fingers, palms. The fungus can be picked up walking bare-feet in sport’s clubs, schools or swimming baths. Worse in warm weather. Resistant to cleansing.
Treatment. Tablets/capsules. Echinacea, Thuja, Poke root.
Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Poke root half. Mix. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Thrice daily before meals.
Topical. Alternatives:– Thuja lotion applied on lint or suitable material (1 teaspoon Liquid extract Thuja in 1oz (30ml) distilled extract of Witch Hazel. Wild Indigo salve (1 teaspoon Wild Indigo powder in 1oz (30ml) honey – store in screw-top jar.
Aloe Vera, fresh juice or gel.
Tea Tree oil: if too strong may be diluted many times.
Comfrey cream. Castor oil. Mullein oil. Houseleek.
Black Walnut: tincture or Liquid extract. Cider vinegar. Bran bath.
Night foot-wash. With water to which has been added a few drops of tincture Thuja, Myrrh, or Tea
Tree oil.
Light sprinkle of powdered Myrrh or Goldenseal in sock or shoe. ... athlete’s foot
Pain in upper spine and right shoulder: investigate for gallstones. Thousands suffer chronic back pain because of an enzyme defect in the blood. Such defect is the cause of an inability to clear fibrin, a protein which repairs damaged tissue.
Alternatives:– “Whole in One” Tea. Mix, equal parts: Hops, Valerian, Buchu, 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water: infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup 2-3 times daily. Pinch Cayenne pepper enhances action. Decoction. Mix, equal parts: Valerian, Juniper, Black Cohosh. 2 teaspoons to each cup water simmered gently 20 minutes; half cup 2-3 times daily.
Powders. To alleviate low backache accompanying fluid retention. Dandelion leaf 60. Uva Ursi 15. Couch Grass 15. Buchu 10. Dose: half a teaspoon after meals thrice daily: children over 12 years. Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash bark, Devil’s Claw, Juniper.
Tinctures. Mix, Juniper 2; Black Cohosh 1; Guaiacum quarter. 15-60 drops 2-3 times daily.
Topical. Analgesic cream, Olbas oil, Golden Fire, Stiff Neck Salve, Epsom salts soaks. Aromatherapy: mix essential oils, Rosemary 1 drop, Juniper 1 drop, Thyme 2 drops: add to 2 teaspoons Almond oil. After massage, wrap affected area with damp hot towel.
Diet. High fibre, low salt, low fat, Dandelion coffee.
Supplements. Vitamin B-complex, Niacin, Vitamins C, E. Dolomite. Evening Primrose oil capsules. Two Garlic capsules at night. Chiropractic. Osteopathy. ... backache
Chiropractors stress the importance of X-raying patients before applying manipulation. “Patients treated by chiropractors,” reported the Medical Research Council in the British Medical Journal, “were not only no worse off than those treated in hospital but almost certainly fared considerably better and maintained their improvement for two years.” ... chiropractic
In a study of 612 patients attending the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, more than half of the women who had ears pierced reported skin reactions to metallic jewellery, while a third had sensitivity to nickel. (British Journal of Dermatology, Jan 1992)
Treatment. Remove article or cause of irritation. Garlic is claimed to be successful, either in diet or by capsule when the condition is caused by histamines. Other agents: Betony, Burdock leaves, Chickweed, Dandelion, Figwort, Gotu Kola, Plantain, Red Clover.
Internal. Burdock tea. Clivers tea.
Tablets/capsules. Garlic, Devil’s Claw, Blue Flag.
Topical. Avoid use of Calamine, if possible. Creams or salves: Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Evening Primrose, Witch Hazel, Jojoba. All are alternatives to corticosteroids.
Tamus (Black Bryony) tincture. Distilled extract of Witch Hazel. ... dermatitis, contact
Symptoms. Low backache, bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after ‘the change’. Abdominal swelling after 40 years of age. Sixty per cent of patients have no symptoms. Malodorous vaginal discharge. A positive cervical “pap” smear or cone-shaped biopsy examined by a pathologist confirms. Vaginal bleeding occurs in the later stages.
A letter in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests a strong link between increased risk of cervical cancer and cigarette smoking, nicotine being detected in the cervical fluids of cigarette smokers. This form of cancer is almost unknown in virgins living in closed communities such as those of the Church.
Conventional treatment is usually hysterectomy. Whatever treatment is adopted little ground is lost by supportive cleansing herbal teas. Mullein for pain.
Sponges loaded with powdered Goldenseal held against the cervix with a contraceptive cap can give encouraging results. Replace after three days. Vitamin A supplements are valuable to protect against the disease. The vitamin may also be applied topically in creams.
This form of cancer resists chemical treatment, but has been slowed down and halted by Periwinkle (Vinchristine) without damaging normal cells.
G.B. Ibotson, MD, reported disappearance of cancer of the cervix by infusions of Violet leaves by mouth and by vaginal injection. (Lancet 1917, i, 224)
In a study group of cervical cancer patients it was found that women with carcinoma in situ (CIS) were more likely to have a total Vitamin A intake below the pooled median (3450iu). Vitamin A supplementation is indicated together with zinc. (Bio-availability of Vitamin A is linked with zinc levels.) Vitamin A and zinc may be applied topically in creams and ointments.
Orthodox treatment: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hysterectomy. As oestrogen can stimulate dormant cells the surgeon may wish to remove ovaries also. Whatever the decision, herbal supportive treatment may be beneficial. J.T Kent, MD, recommends Thuja and Shepherd’s Purse. Agents commonly indicated: Echinacea, Wild Indigo, Thuja, Mistletoe, Wild Yam. Herbal teas may be taken with profit. Dr Alfred Vogel advises Mistletoe from the oak (loranthus europaeus).
Other alternatives:– Teas. Red Clover, Violet, Mistletoe, Plantain, Clivers. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.
Decoctions. White Pond Lily. Thuja. Echinacea. Wild Yam. Any one.
Tablets/capsules. Echinacea. Goldenseal. Wild Yam. Thuja.
Formula No. 1. Red Clover 2; Echinacea 1; Shepherd’s Purse 1; Thuja quarter. Mix. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1-3 teaspoons. Formula No. 2. Equal parts: Poke root, Goldenseal, Mistletoe. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons.
Diet. Women who eat large quantities of meat and fatty foods are up to four times the risk of those eating mainly fruit and vegetables.
Vaginal injection. 1. Strong infusion Red Clover to which 10-15 drops Tincture Goldenseal is added. Follow with tampon smeared with Goldenseal Salve.
2. Strong decoction Yellow Dock to which 10-15 drops Tincture Goldenseal is added. Follow with tampon smeared with Goldenseal salve.
If bleeding is severe douche with neat distilled extract of Witch Hazel.
Chinese Herbalism. See – CANCER: CHINESE PRESCRIPTION. Also: Decoction of ssu-hsieh-lu (Galium gracile) 2-4 liang.
Advice. One-yearly smear test for all women over 40.
Diet. See: DIET – CANCER.
Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. ... cancer – womb
Alternatives. Teas. Betony, Burdock leaves, Bogbean, Chickweed, Clivers, Dandelion, Gotu Kola, Ground Ivy, Figwort, Red Clover, Violet, Yarrow.
Cold tea. Barberry bark: one heaped teaspoon to each teacup cold water; stand overnight, drink 1 cup morning and evening next day (most effective).
Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag root, Burdock, Devil’s Claw, Echinacea, Garlic, Poke root, Queen’s Delight, Red Clover, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla.
Formula. Equal parts: Dandelion, Echinacea, Yellow Dock root. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Thrice daily before meals.
Topical. Alternatives to corticosteroids. Tamus tincture or salve – see Black Bryony. Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, Comfrey, Evening Primrose, Jojoba, Thuja. Bran bath.
Diet. See: DIET – SKIN DISEASES. ... dermatitis, exfoliative
Action: Regarded by the professional herbalist as the purest and safest stimulant known. Opens up every tissue in the body to an increased flow of blood.
Produces natural warmth, equalising the circulation in the aged. Stimulant and iron-bearer, it accelerates oxygenation of cells. Antiseptic. Antispasmodic for relief of pain. Carminative.
Prostaglandin antagonist and analgesic. (F. Fletcher Hyde, The Herbal Practitioner (Dec. 1977))
Well suited to persons of feeble constitution with poor circulation, lacking in energy and fear of the slightest draft. Hypothermia. Encourages the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids.
Uses: Poor digestion in the aged, wind, nervous depression, impotency. To increase gatrointestinal secretion and thus improve the appetite. A mere pinch (one-eighth teaspoon) of the powder may suffice. Practitioner: Official tincture Capsicum Fort BPC (1934). 1 part to 3 parts 60 per cent alcohol. Dose 0.06-0.2ml. (1-3 drops).
Preparations: An active ingredient of Life Drops: see entry. A few grains of red pepper on food at table aids digestion and improves circulation.
Home-tincture: 1oz bruised chillies or coarse powder to half a litre 60 per cent alcohol (Vodka, etc); macerate 7 days; shake daily, decant. 2 or more teaspoons in wineglass water. 1-2 drops of the tincture enhances action of most herbal agents and may also be taken in tea or other beverages for cold hands and feet, pale lips and small feeble pulse.
Tincture Capsicum Fort. 1934: dose, 0.06-0.2ml.
External use as a rubefacient, antiseptic or counter-irritant. As a warming lotion, cream or ointment for rheumatism, neuralgia, backache, lumbago.
Cayenne salve: vegetable oil (16), Beeswax (2), Tincture Cayenne (1). Melt oil and beeswax in a stone jar in oven on low heat; add Cayenne. Stir gently few minutes to produce smooth consistency. Pour into jars.
Case Records. “I was called in haste to a lady who was dying. I found her gasping for breath with no wrist pulse and very cold. Seven specialists had treated her and were positive nothing could be done. I gave her tincture Capsicum in one drop doses, often and persistently. The specials made all kinds of fun at me. The patient became well and strong at 80 years. I suggest that if Cayenne pepper had been given in all cases where whisky had been taken for relief, many of those who are now dead would be alive today.” (C.S. Dyer, MD)
External: “Capsicum has a peculiar action on bones of the external ear and mastoid process – abscesses round about and below the ear, and caries. It is frequently indicated in mastoid abscess. A girl seen in hospital with a constant temperature of about 100 degrees since a mastoid operation some years ago resulted in a normal temperature ever since.” (Dr M.L. Tyler)
Ingredient of: Peerless Composition Essence; Antispasmodic drops; Life Drops; Elderflower; Peppermint and Composition Essence. (Potter’s) ... cayenne
Important inhalants: Eucalyptus, Thyme, Hyssop, Rosemary, Lavender, Chamomile, Mint, Tea Tree. Aromatherapy offers oils of the above herbs: 6-12 drops floated on the surface of 2 pints boiling water after being allowed to stand 3 minutes. See: FRIAR’S BALSAM. TEA TREE.
Alternative method. In place of a basin use an aluminium hot water bottle into which boiling water is poured. Add few drops Friar’s Balsam, Olbas, or essential oil. Insert a large funnel into which the mouth and nose are placed to breathe the vapour. Stop up any free space in the neck of the bottle with a tissue. Camphorated oil. 4 teaspoons to litre boiling water. Inhale steam with aid of a towel over head.
Inhalant Salve for nasal congestion and frontal sinusitis. Oil Pine 1ml; Oil Eucalyptus 2ml; Oil Peppermint 2ml; Vaseline to 30 grams. Melt the Vaseline. Add oils. Stir until cold. For direct use or inhaled from boiling water. (F. Fletcher Hyde, FNIMH)
Note: Inhalation: also through a tissue, steam or air-diffuser. Odours act upon the sense of smell and influence mucous secretion of the respiratory organs. ... inhalations
Causes: referred pain from a disordered abdominal organ, displacement of pelvis, lumbosacral spine, slipped disc and lumbar spondylosis. See: LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PROLAPSE.
Paget’s disease or lumbago not associated with sciatica (radiating pain down the back of the leg via the sciatic nerve).
Symptoms. Local tenderness, reduced range of movement, muscle spasm. Usually better by rest; worse by movement.
Differential diagnosis: exclude other pelvic disorders such as structural bony displacements, infection from other organs, carcinoma of the womb or prostate gland. Pain in the small of the back may indicate kidney disease or stone. See: KIDNEY DISEASE, GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS.
Frequent causes: varicosities of the womb and pelvis. These are identical to varicose veins elsewhere, venous circulation being congested. Pressure on a vein from the ovaries may manifest as lumbago – treatment is the same as for varicose veins.
Root cause of the pain should be traced where possible. As most cases of backache defy accurate diagnosis the following general treatments are recommended. For more specific treatments, reference should be made to the various subdivisions of rheumatic disorders. See: RHEUMATIC AND ARTHRITIC DISORDERS, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, etc.
Alternatives. Barberry (commended by Dr Finlay Ellingwood), Black Cohosh, Bogbean, Buchu, Burdock, Celery, Devil’s Claw, Horsetail, St John’s Wort (tenderness of spine to the touch), White Willow, Wild Yam (muscle spasm).
Celery tea. Barberry tea. See entries.
Decoction. Formula. White Willow 3; Wild Yam 2; Juniper half; Valerian half. Prepare: 3 heaped 5ml teaspoons to 1 pint (500ml) water; simmer gently 15-20 minutes. Dose: 1 wineglassful (100ml or 3fl oz) thrice daily.
Tablets/capsules. Black Cohosh, Celery, Devil’s Claw, Wild Yam, Ligvites.
Formula. Devil’s Claw 2; Black Cohosh 1; Valerian 1; Juniper half. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Action is enhanced where dose is taken in cup Dandelion coffee, otherwise a little water.
Practitioner. Tincture Black Cohosh 4; Tincture Arnica 1. Mix. Dose: 10-20 drops, thrice daily. Black Cohosh and Arnica are two of the most positive synergists known to scientific herbalism. Both are specific for striped muscle tissue. Common disorders of the voluntary muscles quickly respond. (James A. Cannon MD, Pickens, SC, USA)
Practitioner: alternative. Tincture Gelsemium. 10 drops to 100ml water; dose, 1 teaspoon every 2 hours. Topical. Castor oil pack at night. Warm fomentations of Lobelia and Hops. Warm potato poultice. Cayenne salve. Camphorated, Jojoba or Evening Primrose oil. Lotion: equal parts tinctures: Lobelia, Ragwort and St John’s Wort; mix: 10-20 drops on cotton wool or suitable material and applied to affected area. Arnica lotion. Wintergreen.
Chiropractic technique. Ice and low back pain. Patient lies on his stomach with two pillows under abdomen, the low back in an arched position. Apply ice-bag or packet of peas from the freezer on top of lumbar area; pillow on top to hold ice firm. Patient not to lie or sit on ice-pack.
Diet. Oily fish.
Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C (500mg); Vitamin D 500iu; Vitamin E (400iu). Dolomite. Niacin.
Supportives. Bedrest in acute stage. Diathermy. Spinal support. Relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension. ... lumbago