Constituents: allantoin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (fresh young leaves and roots), mucilage, phenolic acids, steroidal saponins (root).
Action: astringent-demulcent, haemostatic, vulnerary. Rapid healer of flesh and bones by its property to accelerate mitosis (cell-division). Useful wherever a mucilaginous tissue restorative is required (repairing broken bones and lacerated flesh), especially in combination with Slippery Elm powder which prevents excess fluidity.
Uses: Ulceration anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract; colitis, hiatus hernia.
Bleeding from stomach, throat, bowel, bladder and lungs (haemoptysis) in which it reduces blood clotting time. Once used extensively for tuberculosis (pulmonary and elsewhere). Irritating cough, ‘dry’ lung complaints; pleurisy. Increases expectoration. Should not be given for oedematous conditions of the lungs.
Bones – fractures: to promote formation of a callus; rickets, wasting disease. Skin – varicose ulcers and indolent irritating sores that refuse to heal. Promotes suppuration of boils and gangrene as in diabetes. Bruises. STD skin lesions, internally and externally. Blood sugar control: assists function of the pancreas. Urine: scalding. Rheumatoid arthritis: improvement reported. Malignancy: cases of complete regression of sarcoma and carcinoma recorded. Rodent ulcer, (as a paste).
Preparations: thrice daily.
Tea: dried herb, one heaped teaspoon to each cup; or, 1oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes, half- 1 cup for no more than 8 weeks.
Tincture (leaf). 1 part to 5 parts alcohol: dose 2.5-5ml. Maximum weekly dosage – 100ml for no more than 8 weeks.
Tincture (root). 1 part to 5 parts alcohol. Maximum weekly dosage – 80ml, for 8 weeks.
(National Institute of Medical Herbalists)
Poultice. A mucilage is prepared from fresh root in a liquidiser or by use of a rolling pin. For sprains, bruises, severe cuts, cleaning-out old ulcers and wounds.
Compress. 3 tablespoons crushed root or powder in 1 pint (500ml) water. Bring to boil; simmer gently 10 minutes. Saturate linen or suitable material and apply. Renew 2-3 times daily as moisture dries off. Ointment. 1 part powder, or liquid extract, to 10 parts base (cooking fat, Vaseline, etc).
Oil (external use). Ingredients: powdered Comfrey root in peanut oil and natural chlorophyll. (Henry Doubleday Research Association)
Notes. Contains trace element germanium, often given for cancer and arthritis. (Dr Uta Sandra Goodman) Helps eliminate toxic minerals. Neutralises free radicals that are created by toxic substances entering the body. Restores the body’s pH balance disturbed by highly acid foods such as meat, dairy products, refined foods and alcohol.
Dr H.E. Kirschner, well-known American physician, reported being called to the bedside of a patient with a huge advanced cancer of the breast. The odour was over-powering and the condition hopeless, but he advised poultices of fresh crushed Comfrey leaves several times daily to the discharging mass. Much to the surprise of all, the vile odour disappeared. The huge sore scaled over and the swelling subsided. Within three weeks the once-malignant sore was covered with a healthy scale and the pain disappeared. Unfortunately, treatment came too late; metastases had appeared in the liver which could not be reached by the poultices.
Claims that Comfrey is a toxic plant are unsubstantiated by a mass of clinical evidence to the contrary. Attempts to equate the effects of its isolated compounds apart from the whole plant yield conflicting results. For thousands of years the plant has been used by ancient and modern civilisations for healing purposes. Risks must be balanced with benefits.
There is a growing body of opinion to support the belief that a herb which has, without ill-effects been used for centuries and capable of producing convincing results is to be recognised as safe and effective.
Experiments reveal that in sufficient doses Comfrey can cause liver disease in laboratory animals. Its risk to humans has been a matter of serious debate since the 1960s, and is still unresolved. Although the overall risk is very low, a restriction has been placed on the plant as a precautionary measure. Fresh Comfrey leaves should not be used as a vegetable which is believed to be a health risk. It is believed that no toxicity has been found in common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L). No restriction has been placed on use of dried Comfrey leaves as a tea. The debate continues.
It would appear that use of the root of Symphytum officinale may be justified in the treatment of severe bone diseases for which it has achieved a measure of success in the past, such as rickets, Paget’s disease, fractured bones, tuberculosis, etc, its benefits outweighing risks. Few other medicinal plants replenish wasted bone cells with the speed of Comfrey. (external use only) ... comfrey
The metal is claimed to have a beneficial effect on asthma, high blood pressure, Raynaud’s disease, heart and circulatory disorders. Believed to be a challenge to cancer cells and metastasis.
Source plants: Aloe Vera, Comfrey (Symphytum pereginum), Chlorella, Bandai udo (Aralia cordata) and Bandai Moss; Pearl Barley.
Ginseng becomes defenceless against viruses and bacteria where there exists a deficiency of Germanium in the soil. (Dr Kazuhike Asai, Tokyo, Japan)
Garlic is rich in this trace element. (Dr Uta Sandra Goodman) ... germanium