Hin: Gular, Umar
Ben: Jagya dumurMal, Tam,Kan: AthiTel: Udambaramu, PaidiGular fig, Cluster fig or Country fig, which is considered sacred, has golden coloured exudate and black bark. It is distributed all over India. Its roots are useful in treating dysentery. The bark is useful as a wash for wounds, highly efficacious in threatened abortions and recommended in uropathy. Powdered leaves mixed with honey are given in vitiated condition of pitta. A decoction of the leaves is a good wash for wounds and ulcers. Tender fruits (figs) are used in vitiated conditions of pitta, diarrhoea, dyspepsia and haemorrhages. The latex is administered in haemorrhoids and diarrhoea (Warrier et al, 1995). The ripe fruits are sweet, cooling and are used in haemoptysis, thirst and vomiting (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer et al, 1957; Moos, 1976). Nalpamaradi coconut oil, Candanasava, Valiya Arimedastaila, Dinesavalyadi Kuzhambu, Abhrabhasma, Valiya candanaditaila, etc. are some important preparations using the drug (Sivarajan et al, 1994).It is a moderate to large-sized spreading laticiferous, deciduous tree without many prominent aerial roots. Leaves are dark green and ovate or elliptic. Fruit receptacles are 2-5cm in diameter, sub- globose or pyriform arranged in large clusters on short leafless branches arising from main trunk or large branches. Figs are smooth or rarely covered with minute soft hairs. When ripe, they are orange, dull reddish or dark crimson. They have a pleasant smell resembling that of cedar apples. The bark is rusty brown with a fairly smooth and soft surface, the thickness varying from 0.5-2cm according to the age of the trunk or bark. Surface is with minute separating flakes of white tissue. Texture is homogeneously leathery (Warrier et al, 1995).Stem-bark gives gluanol acetate, -sitosterol, leucocyanidin-3-O- -D-glucopyrancoside, leucopelargonidin-3-O- -D-glucopyranoside, leucopelargonidin -3-O- -L-rhamnopyranoside, lupeol, ceryl behenate, lupeol acetate and -amyrin acetate. Stem- bark is hypoglycaemic and anti-protozoal. Gall is CVS active. Bark is tonic and used in rinder pest diseases of cattle. Root is antidysenteric and antidiabetic. Leaf is antibilious. Latex is antidiarrhoeal and used in piles. Bark and syconium is astringent and used in menorrhagia (Husain et al, 1992).2. Ficus microcarpa Linn. f. syn. F. retusa auct. Non. Linn.San: Plaksah; Hin,Ben: Kamarup;Mal: Ithi, Ithiyal;Tam: Kallicci, Icci;
Kan: Itti;
Tel: PlaksaPlaksah is the Ficus species with few branches and many adventitious roots growing downward. It is widely distributed throughout India and in Sri Lanka, S. China, Ryuku Isles and Britain. Plakasah is one of the five ingredients of the group panchvalkala i.e, five barks, the decoction of which is extensively used to clear ulcers and a douche in leucorrhoea in children. This decoction is administered externally and internally with satisfactory results. Plaksah is acclaimed as cooling, astringent, and curative of raktapitta doshas, ulcers, skin diseases, burning sensation, inflammation and oedema. It is found to have good healing property and is used in preparation of oils and ointments for external application in the treatment of ulcers (Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957). The stem-bark is used to prepare Usirasava, Gandhataila, Nalpamaradi taila, Valiya marmagulika, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). The bark and leaves are used in wounds, ulcers, bruises, flatulent colic, hepatopathy, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, hyperdipsia, burning sensation, haemaorrhages, erysipelas, dropsy, ulcerative stomatitis, haemoptysis, psychopathy, leucorrhoea and coporrhagia (Warrier et al,1995) F. microcarpa is a large glabrous evergreen tree with few aerial roots. Leaves are short- petioled, 5-10cm long, 2-6cm wide and apex shortly and bluntly apiculate or slightly emarginate. Main lateral nerves are not very prominent and stipules are lanceolate. Fruit receptacles are sessile and globose occurring in axillary pairs. It is yellowish when ripe without any characteristic smell. Bark is dark grey or brown with a smooth surface except for the lenticels. Outer bark is corky and crustaceous thin and firmly adherent to inner tissue. Inner bark is light and flesh coloured with firbrous texture (Warrier et al, 1995). It is also equated with many other species of the genus. viz. F. Singh and Chunekar, 1972; Kapoor and Mitra, 1979; Sharma, 1983).The bark contains tannin, wax and saponin. Bark is antibilious. Powdered leaves and bark is found very good in rheumatic headache. The bark and leaves are astringent, refrigerant, acrid and stomachic.3. Ficus benghalensis Linn.Eng: Banyan tree; San: Nyagrodhah, Vatah;Hin: Bat, Bargad;Ben: Bar, Bot; Mar: Vada; Mal: Peral, Vatavriksham;Tam: Alamaram, Peral;Kan: Ala;Tel: Peddamarri;Guj: VadBanyan tree is a laticiferous tree with reddish fruits, which is wound round by aerial adventitious roots that look like many legs. It is found in the Sub-Himalayan tract and Peninsular India. It is also grawn throughout India. It is widely used in treatment of skin diseases with pitta and rakta predominance. Stem-bark, root -bark, aerial roots, leaves, vegetative buds and milky exudate are used in medicine. It improves complexion, cures erysepelas, burning sensation and vaginal disorders, while an infusion of the bark cures dysentery, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, nervous disorders and reduces blood sugar in diabetes. A decoction of the vegetative buds in milk is beneficial in haemorrhages. A paste of the leaves is applied externally to abcesses and wounds to promote suppuration, while that of young aerial roots cure pimples. Young twigs when used as a tooth brush strengthen gum and teeth (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957; Mooss,1976). The drug forms an important constituent of formulations like Nalpamaradi Coconut oil, Saribadyasava, Kumkumadi taila, Khadi ra gulika, Valiyacandanadi taila, Candanasava, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). The aerial roots are useful in obstinate vomiting and leucorrhoea and are used in osteomalacia of the limbs. The buds are useful in diarrhoea and dysentery. The latex is useful in neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, bruises, nasitis, ulorrhagia, ulitis, odontopathy, haemorrhoids, gonorrhoea, inflammations, cracks of the sole and skin diseases (Warrier et al, 1995).It is a very large tree up to 30m in height with widely spreading branches bearing many aerial roots functioning as prop roots. Bark is greenish white. Leaves are simple, alternate, arranged often in clusters at the ends of branches. They are stipulate, 10-20cm long and 5-12.5cm broad, broadly elliptic to ovate, entire, coriaceous, strongly 3-7 ribbed from the base. The fruit receptacles are axillary, sessile, seen in pairs globose, brick red when ripe and enclosing male, female and gall flowers. Fruits are small, crustaceous, achenes, enclosed in the common fleshy receptacles. The young bark is somewhat smooth with longitudinal and transverse row of lenticels. In older bark, the lenticels are numerous and closely spaced; outer bark easily flakes off. The fresh cut surface is pink or flesh coloured and exudes plenty of latex. The inner most part of the bark adjoining the wood is nearly white and fibrous (Warrier et al, 1995).The bark yields flavanoid compounds A, B and C; A and C are identified as different forms of a leucoanthocyanidin and compound B a leucoanthocyanin. All the 3 were effective as hypoglycaemic agents. Leaves give friedelin, -sitosterol, flavonoids- quercetin-3-galactoside and rutin. Heart wood give tiglic acid ester of taraxasterol. Bark is hypoglycemic, tonic, astringent, antidiarrhoeal and antidiabetic. Latex is antirheumatic. Seed is tonic. Leaf is diaphoretic. Root fibre is antigonorrhoeic. Aerial root is used in debility and anaemic dysentery (Husain et al, 1992)..4. Ficus religiosa Linn.Eng:Peepal tree, Sacred fig; San:Pippalah, Asvatthah; Hin:Pippal, Pipli, Pipar; Mal:ArayalBen: Asvatha;Tam: Arasu, Asvattam;Kan: Aswatha;Tel: Ravi; Mar: Ashvata, PimpalaPeepal tree or Sacred fig is a large deciduous tree with few or no aerial roots. It is common throughout India, often planted in the vicinity of the temples. An aqueous extract of the bark has an antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. It is used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids and gastrohelcosis. A paste of the powdered bark is a good absorbent for inflammatory swellings. It is also good for burns. Leaves and tender shoots have purgative properties and are also recommended for wounds and skin diseases. Fruits are laxative and digestive. The dried fruit pulverized and taken in water cures asthma. Seeds are refrigerant and laxative. The latex is good for neuralgia, inflammations and haemorrhages (Warrier et al, 1995). Decoction of the bark if taken in honey subdues vatarakta (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957; Mooss, 1976; Kurup et al, 1979). The important preparations using the drug are Nalpamaradi taila, Saribadyasava, Candanasava, Karnasulantaka, Valiyamarma gulika etc (Sivarajan et al, 1994). branches bearing long petioled, ovate, cordate shiny leaves. Leaves are bright green, the apex produced into a linear-lanceolate tail about half as long as the main portion of the blade. The receptacles occurring in pairs and are axillary, depressed globose, smooth and purplish when ripe. The bark is grey or ash coloured with thin or membranous flakes and is often covered with crustose lichen patches. The outer bark is not of uniform thickness, the middle bark in sections appear as brownish or light reddish brown. The inner part consists of layers of light yellowish or orange brown granular tissue (Warrier et al, 1995).Bark gives -sitosterol and its glucoside. Bark is hypoglycaemic. Stem bark is antiprotozoal, anthelmintic and antiviral. Bark is astringent, antigonorrheic, febrifuge, aphrodisiac and antidysenteric. Syconium, leaf and young shoot is purgative (Husain et al, 1992).Agrotechnology: Ficus species can be cultivated in rocky areas, unused lands, or other wastelands of the farmyard. The plant is vegetatively propagated by stem cuttings. A few species are also seed propagated. Stem cuttings of pencil thickness taken from the branches are to be kept for rooting. Rooted cuttings are to be transplanted to prepared pits. No regular manuring is required. Irrigation is not a must as a plant is hardy. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests or diseases. Bark can be collected after 15 years. Ficus species generally has an economic life span of more than hundred years. Hence bark can be regularly collected from the tree. Root, bark, leaves, fruits and latex form the economic parts (Prasad et al,1995).... ficusHabitat: Throughout India and in the outer Himalayas up to 1,350 m.
English: Indian Jujube, Common Jujube.Ayurvedic: Badar, Kola.Unani: Ber.Siddha: Handai.Action: Fruits—wild var.: astringent, anodyne, cooling, stomachic, styptic. Ripe and dry cultivated var.: mild laxative, expectorant. Seeds—antidiarrhoeal. Kernels— antispasmodic, sedative, antiemetic. Leaves—astringent and diaphoretic. Stem bark—astringent, used in diarrhoea. Root bark—juice purgative, externally applied to rheumatic inflammations and gout. Leaves and twigs—paste applied to abscesses, boils and carbuncles and in strangury.
Leaves gave protopine and berberine; exhibited anticholinergic activity. Fruits gave cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, Sisyphus saponins I, II and III; jujubo- side B and p-coumaroylates of alphi- tolic acid. Seeds gave saponins—juju- bosides A and B; the saponin yields the sapogenin—jujubogenin.A variety grown in Haryana (Naazu- ka) contains sugars 10.5% and ascorbic acid 205 mg/100 g.Dosage: Dried fruit pulp, devoid of seed—3-6 g; stem bark—3- 5 g powder, 10-20 g for decoction. (API, Vol. III.)... ziziphus jujubaHabitat: Throughout the hotter parts of India. Found as a weed in the sub-Himalayan tract and other hills up to 1,200 m.
English: Country Mallow, Flowering Maples, Chinese Bell-flowers.Ayurvedic: Atibalaa, Kankatikaa, Rishyaproktaa.Unani: Kanghi, Musht-ul-Ghaul, Darkht-e-Shaan.Siddha/Tamil: Thutthi.Folk: Kanghi, Kakahi, Kakahiyaa.Action: Dried, whole plant— febrifuge, anthelmintic, demulcent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory (in urinary and uterine discharges, piles, lumbago). Juice of the plant— emollient. Seeds—demulcent (used in cough, chronic cystitis), laxative. Leaves—cooked and eaten for bleeding piles. Flowers— antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. Bark—astringent, diuretic. Root— nervine tonic, given in paralysis; also prescribed in strangury.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of the root in gout, polyuria and haemorrhagic diseases.The plant contains mucilage, tannins, asparagines, gallic acid and ses- quiterpenes. Presence of alkaloids, leucoanthocyanins, flavonoids, sterols, triterpenoids, saponins and cardiac glycosides is also reported.Asparagine is diuretic. Gallic acid is analgesic. Mucilages act by reflex, loosen cough as well as bronchial tension. Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal.The drug exhibits immunological activity. It augments antibody in animals. EtOH (50%) extract of A. indicum ssp. guineense Borssum, synonym A. asiaticum (Linn.) Sweet, exhibits anticancer activity.Related sp. include: Abutilon avicen- nae Gaertn., synonym A. theophrastiiMedic.; A. fruticosum Guill. et al.; A. hirtum (Lam.) Sweet, synonym A. graveolens Wt. and Arn.; A. muticum Sweet, synonym A. glaucum Sweet; and A. polyandrum Wight and Arn., synonym A. persicum (Burm. f.) Merrill (known as Naani-khapaat, Jhinaki- khapaat, Kanghi, Makhamali-khapaat and Khaajavani-khapaat, respectively, in folk medicine).Dosage: Root—3-6 g powder. (API Vol I.)... abutilon indicumHabitat: Tropical jungles throughout India, especially in the Deccan.
Ayurvedic: Saptalaa, Shitalaa, Saatalaa, Shrivalli, Kantvalli.Unani: Shikaakaai, Kharunb Nabti.Siddha/Tamil: Seekai, Sigakai.Folk: Ban-Reethaa.Action: Febrifuge, expectorant, emetic, spasmolytic, diuretic, antidiarrhoeal. Leaves—an infusion is given in malarial fever. Pods and seeds—decoction is used to remove dandruff (known as Shikaakaai), extensively used as a detergent. An ointment is used for skin diseases. Bark—extract is used in leprosy.
The bark yields a saponin which, on hydrolysis, yields lupeol, alpha- spinasterol and acacic acid lactone. Pods also yield saponins (20.8%). Sugars identified are glucose, arabinose and rhamnose.The leaves contain alkaloids, nicotine and colycotomine, a triterpenoid saponin and oxalic, tartaric, citric, suc- cinic and ascorbic acids.The bark saponins are spermicidal, also haemolytic and spasmolytic. A decoction of pods relieves biliousness and acts as a purgative.The ethanolic extract of unripe pods yields a glycosidal fraction (0.28%) which exhibits anti-inflammatory activity. It also shows significant antibacterial activity.The plant acts as an antiseptic agent for curing sores, gums and loose teeth.The flowers are the source of Cassie perfume.The main constituents of the flowers are benzyl, anisic, decylic and cuminic aldehydes, as well as traces of geraniol, farnesol and linalool.... acacia concinnaHabitat: Throughout India in the dry and intermediate zones; ascending to an altitude of about 1,200 m in the Himalayas.
Ayurvedic: Aadaari, Lataa Khadira (related sp., see. A. pennata).Siddha/Tamil: Kariyundu, Ingu.Folk: Araar, Chilar (Punjab), Aila (Maharashtra).Action: Flower—emmenagogue. Bark—anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (in skin diseases). Bark contains 17% tannins, triterpene alcohol, saponins of acacic acid, lupeol and a steroid, acaciol. An alkaloid, tryptamine, is present in the root and stem bark.
Various plant parts are used in cough, bronchitis, measles, tubercular fistula and in the treatment of menstrual disorders. The bark is used for washing the hair.... acacia tortaHabitat: All over India.
Ayurvedic: Shveta Shirisha (bark- white or greenish-white).Action: Bark—a decoction is given in rheumatism and haemorrhage.
The bark contains beta-sitosterol and yields 12-17% tannins.An oleanolic acid saponin, proceric acid saponin mixture from seeds and root saponin exhibit spermicidal activity.... albizia proceraHabitat: Cultivated as a hedge plant.
Folk: Durantaa.Action: Antifungal (topically).
The leaves contain a saponin and fruits an alkaloid analogous to narco- tine. Macerated fruits, which even in dilutions of 1 : 100 parts of water, is lethal to mosquito larvae (the action is less marked on Culicine larvae.... duranta plumieriHabitat: Throughout the tropical and subtropical regions, up to an altitude of 2,100 m, in the southern Andaman Islands.
English: Prickly Chaff Flower.Ayurvedic: Apaamaarga, Chirchitaa, Shikhari, Shaikharika, Adahshalya, Mayura, Mayuraka, Kharamanjari, Kharapushpaa, Pratyakpushpaa, Aaghaat, Vashira, Kanihi.Unani: Chirchitaa.Siddha/Tamil: Naayuruvi.Folk: Chirchitta, Chichidaa, Latjeeraa.Action: Astringent, pectoral (ashes of the plant used in asthma and cough), diuretic, hepatoprotective, emmenagogue. Benzene extract of the plant exhibited abortifacient activity. The flowers, ground and mixed with sugar, are given for menorrhagia. Roots—astringent, haemostatic. Seeds—emetic; used for biliousness. Essential oil— antifungal.
Key application: As astringent, emetic. (Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of the whole plant in lipid disorders and obesity, the root for its blood-purifying property.The plant juice and ash are used for treating bleeding piles. An alkaline powder of the plant is used in preparing Kshaarasutra of Ayurvedic medicine, which is recommended for treating fistula-in-ano.The whole plant contains the alkaloids achyranthine and betaine. Achy- ranthine, a water-soluble alkaloid, is reported to dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and increase the rate and amplitude of respiration. It also shows spasmodic effects on the rectus muscle of frog, diuretic and purgative action in albino rats.The presence of ecdysterone and oleanolic acid is also reported in the root.The ashes of the plant yield large quantities of potash. The seeds yield saponins and oleanolic acid and its ester.The presence of tannins and glyco- sides is also reported in the plant.Dosage: Whole plant—20-30 g for decoction. Root—5-10 g. (API Vols. II, III.) Ash—500 mg to 2 g. (CCRAS.)... achyranthes asperaHabitat: The temperate and subtropical Himalayas from Kishtwar to Sikkim at 1,200-3,200 m, Khasi hills.
Ayurvedic: Shveta Apaamaarga. (Rakta Apaamaarga is equated with Achyranthes rubra-fusca Hook. f. and A. verschaffeltii Lam., synonym Iresine herbstii Hook. f.)Siddha/Tamil: Naayurivi.Action: Astringent, diuretic, spasmolytic. Plant is given in whooping cough, roots in hemicrania.
A water-soluble oligosaccharide, composed of six glucose units and three mannose units, has been isolated from the roots. It enhanced immune response and prolonged survival time of mice bearing Ehrlich carcinoma.The roots contain free oleanolic acid (0.096%) and its saponins (1.93%). An alcoholic extract of the root showed presence of amino acids, steroids, tri- terpenoids, alkaloids and coumarins. The seeds afforded achyranthin.Extract of the plant—antimicrobial.... achyranthes bidentataHabitat: Endemic to the mountains of Balkan Peninsula and western Asia. Introduced into India; occasionally grown as an ornamental tree.
English: Horse Chestnut tree.Unani: Baloot. (Quercus incana and Q. infectoria have also been equated with Baloot in National Formulary in Unani Medicine.)Folk: Pu.Action: Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, astringent (used for rheumatism, venous congestion, haemorrhoids), febrifuge. Leaf— used in whooping cough.
Key application: In chronic venous insufficiency, varicosis, nocturnal systremma (cramps in the calves) and swelling of the legs. (Non- invasive treatment measures should also be followed.) (German Commission E, ESCOP, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)Horse Chestnut contains triterpe- noid saponins (especially aescin, a complex mixture composed of acylat- ed glycosides of protoaesigenin and barringtogenol-C, including hippo- caesculin), coumarins and flavonoids. Aescin has been shown to eliminate oedema and reduce exudation. It antagonizes the effect of bradykinin, although it is not a direct bradykinin antagonist. It causes an increase in plasma levels of ACTH, corticosterone and glucose in rats. Hippocaescu- lin and barringtogenol-C-21-angelate show antitumour activity in vitro.The hydroxycoumarin aesculin leads to increased bleeding time. (Roasting seems to destroy the toxins.) A few fruits can cause severe toxic symptoms. (Francis Brinker.) In some countries, an intravenous mixture containing aescin is used after surgery. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... aesculus hippocastanumHabitat: Kashmir and Western Himalayas.
Folk: Pahaari Gaajar, Dudhali (Punjab), Saleli-misri.Action: Root—nervine, stimulant, haematinic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant. Ash of the plant— antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (used in haemorrhoids).
Leaves and flowers contain d-man- nitol. Underground parts yield saponins.... eryngium caeruleumHabitat: Cooler regions of northern hemisphere. Distributed in Kulu and the Nilgiris.
English: European Beech, Common Beech.Action: Seeds and fatty oil— used externally in skin diseases, rheumatism and gout. Seeds— poisonous. Saponins cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Leaves also contain saponins. Wood tar— antiseptic, analgesic; mixed with talc, used as a dusting powder for gangrene and bed sores.... fagus sylvatica
Habitat: All over India, from the plains up to 900 m in the Himalayas; also in the Andamans.
English: Siris tree, East Indian walnut.Ayurvedic: Shirisha, Bhandi, Bhandila, Shitapushpa, Mridu- pushpa, Kapitana (bark—dusty black).Unani: Siras.Siddha/Tamil: Vaagei.Action: Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiallergic, antidermatosis, antidysenteric. Bark—used in bronchitis; bark and seeds in piles; root in hemicrania; flowers in cough, bronchitis, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, and asthma. Pod— antiprotozoal.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of stembark in rhinitis, sinusitis and migraine.Analysis of the plant revealed the presence of flavonoids, triterpenoids and triterpenoid saponins; oleano- lic acid, albigenic acid, albigenin and acacic acid. The bark contains 7-11% condensed tannin; also d-catechin and d-leucocyanidin.Aqueous extract of the bark decreased histamine-induced broncho- spasm in guinea pigs.Alcoholic extract of stembark contains cardenolide glycosides of digitox- in nature. It showed antidermatophyt- ic activity. Anthraquinone glycosides and its aglycone exhibited antibacterial activity.A saponin from seeds exhibited spermicidal activity in animals. EtOH (50%) extract of pods was found to be spermicidal against rat and human spermatozoa at 2% concentration.The therapeutic properties of Albizia julibrissin Durazz, Pink Siris, found in the outer Himalayas from the Indus eastwards to Sikkim, are the same as those of A. lebbeck.Dosage: Stembark—3-6 g powder.20-50 g for decoction. (APIVol. III.)... albizia lebbeckHabitat: The drier parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
English: Camel Thorn, Persian Manna Plant.Ayurvedic: Yavaasaka, Yavaasa, Yaasa, Duhsparshaa, Duraalab- haa, Kunaashak. Substitute for Dhanvayaasa. Yaasa-sharkaraa (Alhagi-manna).Unani: Jawaansaa. Turanjabeen (Alhagi-manna).Siddha/Tamil: Punaikanjuri, Kan- chori.Action: Laxative, antibilious, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant. Leaves—used for fever, headache, rheumatism. Flowers—blood coagulant, used for piles. Alhagi- manna—expectorant, antiemetic, laxative.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of dried whole plant in gout and haemorrhagic disorders.The aerial parts contain flavonoids, tannins, sterols, triterpenes, saponins and anthroquinones.The proanthocyanidins derived from the plant possess hypolipidemic and antiatherosclerotic properties. The compounds prevented an increase in rat serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and they decreased the manifestation of atherosclerosis.A polymeric proanthocyanidin, extracted from the plant, improved energy metabolism and increased the work capacity in rats.Ethanolic extract of the aerial parts produced positive inotropic effect on rabbit heart.Dosage: Whole plant—20-50 g for decoction. (API Vol. II.) Decoction—50-100 ml. (CCRAS.)... alhagi pseudalhagiHabitat: Northwestern Himalayas from Kashmir eastwards to Nepal, hills of West Bengal; Central and southern India.
English: Bird's Eye, Bird's Tongue, Blue Pimpernel, Scarlet Pimpernel.Unani: Anaaghaalis.Folk: Jonkmaari (Maharashtra), Dhabbar (Punjab), Jighanaa, Jenghani.Action: Plant—anti-inflammatory, astringent, deobstructant, an- tifungal, nematocidal; toxic to leeches.
The plant yields anagalligenone B. The presence of quaternary alkaloids, gluco-fructoside and tannin have been reported. The root yields glycosidic saponins, including cyclamin. An acetyl saponin, isolated from the plant, was found to possess marked taenici- dal activity but had no effect on round- worms.A methanolic extract of the aerial parts showed activity against herpes simplex I, adenovirus type II and polio type II. Triterepene saponins have oestrogenic activity.... anagallis arvensisHabitat: Throughout greater part of India.
Siddha/Tamil: Sithamutti, Mammat- ti, Peraamutti.Action: Plant—purgative, an- thelmintic, febrifuge.
The stem gave a saponin, pavo- phylline, and a keto-ester, methyl 19- ketotetracosanoate.... pavonia zeylanicaAction: Expectorant, laxative, stomachic, cholagogue, alterative, antistress. Used in cough, bronchitis, catarrh, loss of appetite, dyspepsia; and in skin diseases.
The rhizome gave saponin glyco- sides, based on polypodosapogenin, including osladin; ecdysteroids; phlo- roglucin derivatives; tannin.... polypodium vulgareHabitat: The sub-Himalayas tracts, Sikkim, Assam, Bengal, western Ghats and the Andamans.
Ayurvedic: Rohitaka, Daadima- chhada, Daadima-pushpaka, Plihaghna. Tecoma undulata G. Don., Bignoniaceae, is also equated with Rohitaka.Siddha/Tamil: Malampuluvan.Action: Bark—strongly astringent, used in the diseases of the liver and spleen, and for tumours, enlarged glands. Seed oil—used in muscular pains and rheumatism. All parts of the plant exhibit pesticidal activity. Seed extract—antibacterial, antifungal.
An aqueous extract of the bark, when injected i.p. in normal guinea pigs, showed reduction in absolute lymphocyte count and an increase in spleen weight. The bark appears to be an effective immunosuppressive drug similar to prednisolone.The stembark contains a limonoid, ammorinin and a saponin, poriferas- terol-3-rhamnoside.... aphanamixis polystachyaHabitat: Native to Europe and West Asia.
English: Asparagus, Sparrow grass.Ayurvedic: Shataavari, Vari, Shatviryaa, Shatmuuli, Shatpadi, Bhiru, Naaraayani, Bahusutaa, Atirasaa.Unani: Haliyun.Family: Asparagaceae.Habitat: Found wild in tropical and subtropical parts of India, including the Andamans and ascending in the Himalayas to 1,500 m.
English: Indian asparagus.Ayurvedic: Shataavari, Shatmuuli, Atirasaa, Bahusutaa, Shatpadi, Shatviryaa, Bhiru, Indivari, Vari. (Substitute for Medaa, Mahaamedaa.)Unani: Sataavar.Siddha/Tamil: Thanneervittan kizhangu, Sataavari Kizhangu.Action: Used as a galactagogue and for disorders of female genitourinary tract; as a styptic and ulcer-healing agent; as an intestinal disinfectant and astringent in diarrhoea; as a nervine tonic, and in sexual debility for spermatogenesis.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of the tuberous root in gout, puerperal diseases, lactic disorders, haematuria, bleeding disorders and also recommends it for hyperacidity.The plant contains saponins—sha- tavarins I-IV. Shatavarin IV is a glycoside of sarsasapogenin. The saponin in doses of 20-500 mcg/ml produces a special blockade of syntocinon (oxy- tocin)-induced contraction of rat, guinea-pig and rabbit uteri in vitro and in situ. It also blocks the uterine spontaneous motility.The dried root yields sitosterol; 4,6- dihydroxy-2-O-(2' hydroxyisobutyl) benzaldehyde and undecanyl cetano- ate, and contains a large amount of saccharine matter, mucilage and miner- als—Ca (0.172), Cu (0.033), Na (14.60), K (8.32), Mg (0.169), Mn (0.0074), Ni (0.105) and Zn (0.072) mg/g(dry weight).The root was found to reduce gastric emptying time comparable to that of metoclopramide. (J Postgrad Med, 1990, 36(2), 91-94).The root extracts exhibited antiallergic activity in animal studies.The root, when fed orally, acted as immunomodulator against induced sepsis and peritonitis in rats and mice.... asparagus racemosusHabitat: Found in the plains of Punjab.
English: Tonkin bean, Melilot, King's crown, King's clover.Unani: Naakhunaa, Ikil-ul-Malik. (It is also equated with Melilotus alba Desv. and Trigonela uncata Boiss. in National Formulary of Unani Medicine.)Action: Nervine tonic (used in nervous and catarrhal affections), antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, emollient, diuretic, galactogenic.
The callus of the plant contains amino acids; roots contain saponins and sterols. The leaves yield 3-nitro- propionic acid.... astragalus hamosusHin: Munguskajur
It is seen wild in Assam and Khasi hills in India. Its root is diuretic and narcotic.8. S. stramoniifolium Jacq., syn. S. ferox auct. non Linn.San: Garbhada;Hin: Rambaigan;Mal: Anachunda;Tam: Anaichundai;Tel: MulakaIt is observed in India in the states of Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Its berries contain glycoalkaloids such as solasonine and solasodine. Its roots and berries are bechic, antiasthmatic, antirheumatic, antiviral, anticancerous and spermicidal.9. S. surattense Burm. F. syn. S. xanthocarpum schrad. & Wendl., S. jacquinii Willd.Eng: Yellow-berried nightshade; San: Kantakari, Nidigdhika;Hin: Remgani,Kateli;Mal: Kantakarichunda;Tam: Kantankattiri;Kan: Nelagulli;Tel: CallamulagaIt is found throughout India and Pakistan in dry situations as weed on roadsides and wastelands. It is prickly, diffuse, bright green, suffrutescent, perennial undershrub, with zigzag branches. Leaves are ovate-oblong, hairy on both sides and armed on the midrib and the nerves. Flowers are bluish purple, in extra-axillary cymes. Fruits are glabrous, globular drooping berry, yellow or white with green veins, surrounded by the calyx. Seeds are many, small, reniform, smooth and yellowish brown.The whole plant is useful in vitiated conditions of vata and kapha, helminthiasis, dental caries, inflammations, flatulence, constipation, dyspepsia, anorexia, leprosy, skin diseases, hypertension, fever, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, lumbago, haemorrhoids and epilepsy. The plant is bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, anodyne, digestive, carminative, appetiser, stomachic, depurative, sudorific, febrifuge, expectorant, laxative, stimulant, diuretic, rejuvenating, emmenagogue and aphrodisac. Fruits contain solasonine, solamargine and solasodine.10. S. torvum Sw.Eng: West Indian Turkey Berry;Hin,Ben: Titbaigan;Mal: Kattuchunda;Kan: Kadu Sunde;Tam: Sundaikai, Amarakai;Tel: Kundavustic, Kotuvestu; Ass: HathibhekuriIt is seen throughout tropical India, particularly in Orissa, Bihar and Manipur. The plant is CVS active and used in splenomegaly. Fruits and leaves contain solasonine, solasodine, jurubine, jurubidine, torvonin, torvogenin, chlorogenin, paniculogenin, sisalogenone, neosolaspigenin and solaspigenin.11. S. trilobatum Linn.Eng: Climbing Brinjal; San: Alarka;Mal: Tutavalam;Tam: Tuduvalai;Kan: Mullumusta;Tel: TelavusteIt is mostly seen in South and Western India. The plant contains alkamine and solamarine. The berry and flowers are bechic and used in bronchitis. The alkaloid solamarine is antibiotic and possesses antitumour activity.12. S. viarum Dunal, syn. S. Khasianum C. B. ClarkeHin: Kantakari
It is widely distributed in Khasi, Jaintia and Naga hills of Assam and Manipur upto 2000m and in Sikkim, West Bengal, Orissa and in the Niligiris. The plant and berries contain solasonine (which on hydrolysis yields solasodine), solamargine, khasianine, nantigenin, solasodine, diosgenin and saponin-solakhasianin. The plant is spasmolytic and CNS active. The berry is a source of solasodine used in the synthesis of corticosteroidal hormones.Agrotechnology: The agrotechnology for the solanaceous group of plants are almost similar. They come up very well in tropical and subtropical climate upto 2000m altitude. They can be raised on a variety of soils good in organic matter. Propagation is by seeds. The seedlings are first raised in the nursery and transplanted to the main field 30-45 days after sowing when the plants attain 8-10cm height. During rainy season, planting is done on ridges while during summer in furrows, at a spacing ranging from 30-90cm depending upon the stature and spreading habit of the plant. The transplanted seedlings should be given temporary shade for 2-4 days during summer. FYM or compost at 20-25t/ha is applied at the time of land preparation. A moderate fertiliser dose of 75:40:40 N, P2O5, K2O/ha may be given. P is given as basal dose, N and K are applied in 2-3 split doses. One or two intercultural operations are needed to control weeds. The plants need earthing up after weeding and topdressing. Irrigation is needed at 3-4 days interval during summer and on alternate days during fruiting period. Plants need staking to avoid lodging due to heavy bearing. Shoot borers, mealy bugs, leaf webbers and miners are noted on the crop, which can be controlled by spraying mild insecticides. Root knot nematode, wilting and mosaic diseases are also noted on the crop. Field sanitation, crop rotation and burning of crop residues are recommended.... solanumsAction. Carminative, aromatic, stimulant, expectorant.
Uses: Flatulence, Stomach upsets.
Preparation. Tea. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; 1 cup 2-3 times daily. ... burnet saxifrage
Action: cathartic, diaphoretic, stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, febrifuge, anthelmintic, amoebicidal.
Uses: whooping cough, to liquefy bronchial phlegm. Berries macerated in vinegar to make an acid tincture used in the London plague. Hydrocephalus (single drop doses of fresh plant juice) traditional. Preparations. Locally, Ivy leaf poultice for swollen glands and chronic leg ulcer.
Ivy Leaf Corn Cure. ... ivy
Habitat: Throughout the plains of India in damp marshy areas.
English: Thyme-leaved Gratiola.Ayurvedic: Braahmi, Aindri, Nir- braahmi, Kapotavankaa, Bhaarati, Darduradalaa, Matsyaakshaka, Shaaluraparni, Mandukaparni (also equated with Centella asiatica Linn., synonym Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn. Umbelliferae, Apiaceae).Unani: Brahmi.Siddha/Tamil: Piramivazhukkai, Neerbrami.Folk: Jalaneem, Safed-Chammi.Action: Adaptogenic, astringent, diuretic, sedative, potent nervine tonic, anti-anxiety agent (improves mental functions, used in insanity, epilepsy), antispasmodic (used in bronchitis, asthma and diarrhoea).
Key application: In psychic disorders and as a brain tonic. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India; Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)B. monnieri has been shown to cause prolonged elevated level of cerebral glutamic acid and a transient increase in GABA level. It is assumed that endogenous increase in brain glutamine maybe helpful in the process oflearn- ing.The herb contains the alkaloids brahmine, herpestine, and a mixture of three bases. Brahmine is highly toxic; in therapeutic doses it resembles strychnine. The herb also contains the saponins, monnierin, hersaponin, bacosides A and B. Bacosides A and B possess haemolytic activity. Her- saponin is reported to possess car- diotonic and sedative properties. It was found, as in case of reserpene, to deplete nor-adrenaline and 5-HT content of the rat brain.An alcoholic extract of the plant in a dose of 50 mg/kg produced tranquil- izing effect on albino rats and dogs, but the action was weaker than that produced by chlorpromazine.Dosage: Whole plant—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. II.)... bacopa monnieriHabitat: Drier parts of India, particularly in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Deccan.
English: Desert Date.Ayurvedic: Ingudi, Angaar Vrksha, Taapasadrum, Taapasa vrksha, Dirghkantaka.Unani: Hingan, Hanguul.Siddha/Tamil: Nanjunda.Folk: Hingol, Hingota, Hingothaa.Action: Seed—expectorant, bechic. Oil—antibacterial, antifungal. Fruit—used in whooping cough; also in leucoderma and other skin diseases. Bark—spasmolytic.
The plant is reported to be a potential source of diosgenin (used in oral contraceptives). The fruit pulp contains steroidal saponins. The dios- genin content of the fruit varies from 0.3 to 3.8%. Aqueous extract of fruits showed spermicidal activity without local vaginal irritation in human up to 4%; sperms became sluggish on contact with the plant extract and then became immobile within 30 s; the effect was concentration-related.Protracted administration of the fruit pulp extract produced hypergly- caemia-induced testicular dysfunction in dogs. An aqueous extract of meso- carp exhibited antidiabetic activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice.The seed contains balanitins, which exhibit cytostatic activity.Dosage: Leaf, seed, bark, fruit— 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... balanites aegyptiacaHabitat: Sub-Himalayan tracts from the Ganges eastwards to Assam and Madhya Pradesh.
English: Indian Oak. (Oak is equated with Quercus robur L.)Ayurvedic: Nichula, Hijjala, Ijjala, Vidula, Ambuj. (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha has wrongly equated Hijjala, Nichula and Vidula with Argyreia nervosa, Elephant Creeper.)Unani: Samandarphal. (Saman- darphal is also equated with Rhus parviflora Roxb. in National Formulary of Unani Medicine.)Siddha/Tamil: Kadappai, Samudra- phullarni.Action: Leaf juice—given in diarrhoea. Fruit—bitter, acrid, anthelmintic, haemolytic, vulnerary; prescribed in gingivitis as an expectorant. Powdered seeds— emetic and expectorant. Bark— astringent, used in diarrhoea and blennorrhoea. Febrifuge. Wood— haemostatic (in metrorrhagia).
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the fruit in goitre; also in psychological disorders.The bark contains tannins (16%), also ellagic acid.The fruits contain triterpenoid sa- pogenins. Saponins possess haemolyt- ic properties.A related sp. B. racemosa (L.) Roxb., found in Assam, eastern and western coasts of India and the Andaman Islands, is also equated with Samu- draphala and Hijjala.European Oak (Quercus robur) contains 15-20% tannins, consisting of phlobatannin, ellagitannins and gallic acid. The bark is used as astringent, antiseptic and haemostatic.Dosage: Fruit—1-3 g (API Vol. III.)... barringtonia acutangulaHabitat: South India; common in the monsoon forests of Western Ghats.
English: Mowra Butter tree, South Indian Mahua.Siddha/Tamil: Illupei, Elupa, Naatu, Iluppei, Iruppei.Action: Flowers—laxative, bechic (used in coughs, colds and bronchitis), stimulant and nervine tonic. Seed oil—galactogenic, anticephalalgic, laxative in cases of habitual constipation and piles; used externally in rheumatism and skin affections. Bark, seed oil and gum—antirheumatic.
The herb contains 17% tannins and is used for bleeding and spongy gums, tonsillitis, ulcers, rheumatism and diabetes mellitus. Roots are applied to ulcers.Seed kernel gave protobassic acid (a sapogenol) and two major saponins— Mi-saponins A and B. Mi-saponins (bisdesmosides of protobassic acid) exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in rheumatism.The carollas are a rich source of sugars and contain an appreciable amount of vitamins and calcium (total sugars 72.9%, calcium 140 mg/100 g). Sugars are identified as sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose, arabinose and rham- nose. Flowers are largely used in the preparation of distilled liquors. They constitute the most important raw material for fermentative production of alcohol.... bassia longifoliaHabitat: Southern India, Assam and Bihar.
English: Yellow Bauhinia, St. Thomas tree, Bell Bauhinia.Ayurvedic: Pita Kovidaara (yellow- flowered var.), Pita Kanchana.Siddha/Tamil: Kokkumandarai, Tiruvaatti, Kanjani.Folk: Kachnaar.Action: Antidysenteric. Fruit— diuretic. Bark—astringent. Root bark—vermifuge. A decoction of the root bark is prescribed for liver diseases. Seed—used for wound healing.
Seeds yield a fatty oil called ebony oil, a water soluble mucilage and saponins. Flowers gave isoquercitrin (6%), rutin (4.6%) and quercetin (small amounts).... bauhinia tomentosaHabitat: Punjab and western Rajasthan.
English: Acanthus.Ayurvedic: Utangana, Kaamavridhi, Chatushpatri, Ucchataa (equated with Scirpus or Cyperus sp. during the classical period; with Shveta Gunjaa, Abrus sp. during the medieval period.)Unani: Utangan.Folk: Karadu (Maharashtra).Action: Roots—diuretic. Used for urinary discharges and dys- menorrhoea. Seeds—deobstruent, resolvent, diuretic (used in strangury and sexual debility). Powdered plant is applied locally on infections of the genitals and on burns.
Key application: Seed in dysuria and impotency. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.)A benzoxazine glucoside, blephar- in, has been isolated from seeds, and a saponin, which on hydrolysis gave lupeol.Dosage: Dried seed—3-6 g powder. (API Vol. IV.)... blepharis edulisHabitat: Drier parts of India.
English: Almondette tree, Cheron- jee, Buchanan's Mango.Ayurvedic: Priyaala, Piyaala, Kharskandha, Bahulvalkala, Taa- paseshtha, Sannakadru Dhanush- pat, Chaar.Unani/Tamil ? Saaraapparuppu.Siddha: Mudaima, Morala (Tamil).Action: Kernel—laxative, febrifuge. An ointment made out of the kernels is used to cure itch of the skin and to remove blemishes from the face. Oil from kernels— substitute for almond oil. Applied to glandular swellings of the neck. The oil is a promising source of palmitic and oleic acids.
Kernel lipids (65.6%), comprised mainly of neutral lipids (90.4%), consist mostly of triacylglycerol (82.2%), free fatty acids (7.8%) and small amount of diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols and sterols.The kernels are used in Indian medicine as a brain tonic. The leaves are valued as a cardiotonic.The leaves contain 2.64% tannins (0.35% gallo-tannins). The presence of triterpenoids, saponins, flavonoids and reducing sugars are also reported. Powdered or crushed leaves are applied to wounds.The bark contains 13.40% tannins. The presence of alkaloids, saponins and reducing sugars is also reported.Gum (stem exudate) is antidiar- rhoeal. Used internally in rheumatism.Dosage: Stem bark—5-10 g (API Vol. IV.)... buchanania lanzanHabitat: The Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan and the Khasi Hills, at 1,000-4,000 m.
English: Hare's Ear.Folk: Shingu (Himachal Pradesh), Sipil (Punjab), Thaanyo (Garhwal).Action: Roots—anti-inflammatory, haemolytic, antipyretic. Used in inflammations, muscle stiffness, neurosis, pain and pyrexia. Roots resolve inflammations of costal margin and diaphragm.
Key application: Extracts have been used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, nephrotic syndrome and auto-immune diseases (WHO.).Therapeutic properties are attributed to saikoside or saikosaponins (yield from roots 2.06-3.02%), a complex mixture of triterpenic saponins. Saponin content varies with age. Saikos- aponins are analgesic, antipyretic as well as antitussive; anti-inflammatory on oral administration. In Japan and China, roots have been used traditionally in auto-immune diseases. Saikos- aponins form an ingredient of anti- tumour pharmaceuticals. A water- soluble crude polysaccharide fraction, prepared from the root, was reported to prevent HCl/ethanol-induced ulcero- genesis in mice significantly. Saiko- saponin-d, at a concentration of more than 5 ^m, inactivated measles virus and herpes simplex virus at room temperature.Several sterols, possessing metabolic activities and plasma cholesterol- lowering activity, have also been isolated from the root.... bupleurum flacutumHabitat: Native to Baluchistan. Available in Indian market as Gaozabaan.
Unani: Gaozabaan. (According to National Formulary of Unani Medicine, Borago officinalis Linn. and other species of Boraginaceae are used as Gaozabaan.)Action: Leaf—diuretic, antiinflammatory, demulcent; used for strangury, asthma and cough.
The stems and leaves gave sapoge- nins—caccigenin, caccigenin lactone and 23-deoxycaccigenin; rutin and a saponin derived from caccigenin. The leaves also gave a glucoside, cac- cinin. Caccinin and its aglucone cac- cinetin (which is the dimethylallyl ester of caffeic acid) is diuretic; saponins exhibit anti-inflammatory activity.Flowers contain pyrrolizidine alkaloid, the diester of retronecine. Ben- zoic acid has also been isolated from the flowers.... caccinia crassifoliaHabitat: Throughout the hotter parts of India. Common in West Bengal and South India. Often grown as hedge plant.
English: Fever Nut, Bonduc Nut, Nikkar Nut.Ayurvedic: Puutikaranja, Lataa- karanja, Kantaki Karanja, Karanjin, Kuberaakshi (seed).Unani: Karanjwaa.Siddha/Tamil: Kazharchikkaai.Action: Seed—antiperiodic, antirheumatic. Roasted and used as an antidiabetic preparation. Leaf, bark and seed—febrifuge. Leaf and bark—emmenagogue, anthelmintic. Root—diuretic, anticalculous.
The seeds contain an alkaloid cae- salpinine; bitter principles such as bon- ducin; saponins; fixed oil.The seed powder, dissolved in water, showed hypoglycaemic activity in alloxanized hyperglycaemic rabbits. Aqueous extract of the seeds produced similar effects in rats. The powder forms a household remedy for treatment of diabetes in Nicobar Islands. In Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, roots are used in intermittent fevers and diabetes.In homoeopathy, the plant is considered an excellent remedy for chronic fever.(Three plant species—Pongamia pinnata Pierre, Holoptelea integrifo- lia (Roxb.) Planch. and Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. are being used as varieties of Karanja (because flowers impart colour to water). P. pinnata is a tree and is equated with Karanja, Naktamaala and Udakirya; H. integri- folia, also a tree, with Chirabilva, Puti- ka (bad smell) and Prakiryaa; and C. bonduc, a shrub, with Kantaki Karanja or Lataa Karanja.)Dosage: Seed kernel—1-3 g powder. (CCRAS.)... caesalpinia bonducHabitat: Central and South India.
English: Rotang, Rattan, Chair Bottom Cane.Ayurvedic: Vetra, Abhrapushpa.Siddha/Tamil: Pirambu.Action: Astringent, antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory (used in chronic fevers, piles, abdominal tumours, strangury), antibilious, spasmolytic. Wood—vermifuge.
The plant is used in convulsions and cramps. The presence of a saponin in the stem, an alkaloid in the leaves and a flavonoid in the root is reported.... calamus rotangHabitat: Throughout India; wild in Punjab.
English: Pot-Marigold, Marigold; Calendula.Unani: Zergul.Siddha/Tamil: Thulvkka Saamanthi.Action: Flowers—antiinflammatory, antiseptic, stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, antihaemorrhagic, styptic. Used in gastric and duodenal ulcers and dysmenorrhoea; externally for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds. Plant—antiprotozoal. Flower— antimicrobial. Essential oil— antibacterial.
Key application: In inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, internally and externally. Externally, on poorly healing wounds, ul- cuscruris. (German Commission E, WHO, ESCOP.) Anti-inflammatory, vulnerary. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The flowers contain triterpenes, sterols, flavonoids, carotenes, bitter glycosides, resins, volatile oil, mucilage (do not contain tannins). Polysaccharides from flowers exhibited immuno- stimulating and antitumour activity in several in vitro test systems.An alcoholic extract has been shown to have antitrichomonal activity.Wound healing and antiinflammatory properties are attributed to Mn and carotene. An aqueous alcoholic extract of florets showed CNS inhibitory effect with marked sedative activity in experimental animals.The extract of flower-heads exhibited estrogenic activity (reduces period pains and regulates menstrual bleeding).Calephlone, the extract containing the total polyphenols of the inflorescence, has a marked cholagogic effect in rats and has been found helpful in the treatment of CCl4-induced hepatitis. A hypocholesterolaemic saponin has been extracted from the plant.Dosage: Dried inflorescences powder—1-3 g (API Vol. II); fruit powder—1-2 g. (API Vol. IV.)... calendula officinalisHabitat: Western temperate Himalayas from 2,500 to 4,000 m.
English: American cowslip, Marsh Marigold, Water Buttercup.Folk: Mamiri (Punjab).Family: Theaceae.Habitat: Cultivated in Assam, Darjeeling, Travancore, the Nilgiris, Malabar, Bengal, Dehra Dun and Kumaon.
English: Tea.Unani: Chaai, Shaahi, Shaayi.Siddha/Tamil: Thaeyilai.Action: Stimulant, diuretic, astringent. In China, used for diarrhoea and dysentery (causes gastrointestinal upsets and nervous irritability when consumed in excess). Green tea: anticancer effects have been observed in Chinese green tea, Camellia thea, extract; the extract of Japanese green tea showed antihepatotoxic effects.
Important constituents of leaf buds and very young leaves are: caffeine, with a much smaller amount of other xanthines (theophylline and theo- bromine); tannins (the main tannin in green tea is (-)-epigallocatechin); flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol. The stimulant and diuretic are due to caffeine content, the astringency due to the tannins.Drinking tea lowers thiamine and thiamine diphosphate losses in urine and blood serum respectively but increases niacin losses. Hot water extract of black tea facilitates Ca absorption in the body experimentally. Tea may decrease zinc bioavailability.The tea, if added to the meal, significantly lower the availability of iron. Milk is as effective as ascorbic acid in countering the depressing effect of tea on iron availability (in vitro).The green tea catechin inhibited car- cinogenesis in small intestines when given during or after carcinogen treatment to experimental rats. (-)-epi- gallocatechin gallate and theaflavin di- gallate from green tea inhibited the in- fectivity of both influenza A and B virus (in vitro).Green tea, when added to a lard- cholesterol diet, decreased the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in fowls. Tea polyphenols exhibit hypocholes- terolaemic activity.Tea polyphenols—(-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechine galate, theaflavin monogallate A or B, and or theaflavin digallate—are used for treating hyperglycaemia.Saponins from tea are used as an- tiulcer agents.Concurrent use of tea and beta- adrenergic agonists may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. Caffeine, a component of tea, may increase insulin resistance. (Sharon M. Herr.)... camellia sinensisHabitat: Common in plains as a hedge plant.
English: Ceylon Caper.Ayurvedic: Ahimsra (Himsraa and Ahimsra are synonyms). Vyaaghranakhi.Siddha/Tamil: Aathondai.Folk: Kareruaa.Action: Root bark—sedative, stomachic, anticholerin, diuretic febrifuge. Leaves—applied as poultice to piles, swellings, boils.
The plant contains a saponin and p- hydroxybenzoic, syringic, vanillic, fer- ulic and p-coumaric acids. The leaves contain beta-carotene. The leaves and seeds contain glucocapparin, alpha- amyrin, n-triacontane and a fixed oil.Aerial parts exhibited spasmolytic activity.... capparis zeylanicaHabitat: Native to the West Indies and tropical America; now cultivated throughout tropical regions of India.
English: Chilli, Red Pepper.Ayurvedic: Raktamaricha, Lankaa, Katuviraa.Unani: Mirch, Filfil-e-Ahmar, Filfl-e-Surkh, Surkh Mirch.Siddha/Tamil: Milagay.Action: Stimulant, accelerates oxygenation of cells, encourages adrenal glands to produce corticos- teroids, increases gastrointestinal secretion. Carminative, antispas- modic, antiseptic. Used externally for rheumatism, backache, lumbago, neuralgia, painful muscle spasm.
Red chilli contains capsaicin (0.11.5%), carotenoids, flavonoids, volatile oil; steroidal saponins (capsicidins, only in seeds).Capsaicin stimulates the circulation and alters temperature regulation; topically desensitizes nerve endings and acts as a local analgesic.Capsaicin produces a protective effect in rat lung and liver by strengthening the pulmonary antioxidant enzyme defence system. Acute capsaicin treatment causes release of substance desensitization of the respiratory tract mucosa to a variety of lung irritants.Red pepper or an equivalent amount of capsaicin, when fed along with cholesterol-containing diets to female albino rats, prevented significantly the rise of liver cholesterol levels.Vitamin P has been isolated from the chillies. Vitamin C gradually increases during maturation and reaches maximum at the semi-ripe or pink coloured stage and decreases thereafter.Capsaicin exhibited a hypoglycae- mic effect in dogs; insulin release was increased. (Phytother Res, 2001, Aug 15(5), 391-4.)Dosage: Fruit—30-60 mg powder. (CCRAS.)... capsicum annuumHabitat: Throughout the plains of India, as a wild climber.
English: Ballon Vine, Winter Cherry, Heartseed.Ayurvedic: Kaakatiktaa, Kaakaadani, Karnsphotaa, Shatakratulataa.Unani: Habb-e-Qilqil.Siddha/Tamil: Mudukottan, Kottavan.Folk: Kanphotaa, Kanphuti, Lataaphatakari. Used as Jyotishmati in Bengal.Action: Used in rheumatism, lumbago, skeletal fractures, nervous diseases, amenorrhoea, haemorrhoids, erysipelas. The herb is used in hairoils for treating dandruff, alopecia and for darkening hair.
The plant extract showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity and sedative effect on CNS. The drug also showed (transient) vasode- pressant activity.The leaves contain beta-sitosterol and its D-glucoside, an alkaloid, oxalic acid and amino acids. The presence of a saponin and quebrachitol is reported in the plant.The leaves and stem are used in preparations used against common cold. Alcoholic extract of the plant exhibits antisickling and antiarthritic activity. Seeds have positive anabolic activity and increase body weight by inducing a positive nitrogen balance.The alkaloid fraction from the seeds showed hypotensive activities and cardiac inhibition in anaesthetized dogs; blocked spasmogenic effects of acetyl- choline, histamine and 5-HT on guinea pig ileum, biphasic effort on frog rec- tus abdominis muscle. The seeds also showed antibacterial activity.Dosage: Whole plant—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... cardiospermum halicacabumHabitat: In marshy places throughout India up to 200 m.
English: Asiatic Pennywort, Indian Pennywort.Ayurvedic: Manduukaparni, Manduukaparnikaa, Maanduuki, Saraswati, Brahma-manduuki.Siddha/Tamil: Vallaarai.Action: Adaptogen, central nervous system relaxant, peripheral vasodilator, sedative, antibiotic, detoxifier, blood-purifier, laxative, diuretic, emmenagogue. Used as a brain tonic for improving memory and for overcoming mental confusion, stress, fatigue, also used for obstinate skin diseases and leprosy.
Key application: Extracts orally to treat stress-induced stomach and duodenal ulcers; topically to accelerate healing, particularly in cases of chronic postsurgical and post trauma wounds; also to treat second and third degree burns. Patients suffering from venous insufficiency were treated with a titrated extract of the drug. (WHO.)Used in Indian medicine as a brain tonic and sedative. (Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)Major constituents of the plant are: triterpenoid saponins—brahmoside, asiaticoside, thankuniside; alkaloids (hydrocotyline); bitter principles (vel- larin).Brahmoside, present in the plant, is reported to exhibit tranquilizing and anabolic activity. Raw leaves are eaten or plant decoction is drunk to treat hypertension.Asiaticoside, extracted from leaves, gave encouraging results in leprosy. It dissolves the waxy covering of Bacillus leprae. Centelloside has also been found useful in leprosy. Asiaticoside reduced the number tubercular lesions in the liver, lungs, nerve ganglia and spleen in experimental animals. Another derivative of asiaticoside, oxyasi- aticoside, inhibits growth of Tubercle bacillus at a concentration of 0.15 ml/ml Asiaticosides are also hyperglycaemic.The asiatic acid acts against resistant bacteria, particularly Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae as well as Gram-positive cocci.Asiaticosides elevate blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol levels. They seem to decrease blood urea nitrogen and acid phosphatase levels. (Pharmacological findings. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)Boiled leaves are eaten for urinary tract infections, and unfiltered juice for scrofula and syphilis.Extract of the fresh plant significantly inhibits gastric ulceration by cold restraint stress in rats.In research, using rats, the herb exhibited protective effect against alcohol-induced and aspirin-induced ulcers. (JExp Biol, 2001, Feb, 39(2), 13742.)Dosage: Whole plant—3-6 g (API Vol. IV.)... centella asiaticaHabitat: Native to tropical America. Now cultivated in Darjeeling, Assam, in the Nilgiris, and in Sikkim.
English: Ipecac, Ipecacuanha.Action: Root—Antiprotozal, expectorant (in low doses), diaphoretic, emetic (in high doses); used in amoebic dysentery, stubborn cough, whopping cough (for liquefying bronchial phlegm).
Key application: As expectorant, emetic. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The root contains isoquinoline alkaloids (consisting mainly of emetine and cephaeline); tannins (ipecacuanha and ipecacuanhic acid; glycosides including a monoterpene isoquinoline derivative); saponins; a mixture of glycoproteins; starch; choline; resins.The alkaloids are clinically useful in the treatment of amoebiasis.Emetine and cephaeline are emetic due to their irritating effect on stomach; cephaeline is more toxic. Emetine is a standard antiamoebic principle. In smaller doses, both are expectorant.The fluid extract is 14 times stronger than the syrup of the crude drug. The powder is toxic at 1-2 g.Emetine accumulates in liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen; traces are detectable after 40-60 days. (Francis Brinker.)... cephaelis ipecacuanhaHabitat: A common herb. Its leaves and tender twigs are used as vegetable and fodder.
English: Fat Hen, Lamb's Quarter, White Goosefoot, Wild Spinach, Pigweed.Ayurvedic: Vaastuuka.Unani: Bathuaa, Baathu.Siddha/Tamil: Paruppukeerai.Folk: Bathuaa, Chilli, Chilli-shaakAction: Laxative, anthelmintic against round-and hookworms, blood-purifier, antiscorbutic. An infusion is used for hepatic disorders, spleen enlargement, biliousness, intestinal ulcers. Used for treating burns.
The leaves yield ascaridole, used for treating round-and hookworms. The oil also contain traces of ascaridole. Plant contains 8% saponins. Cryp- tomeridiol, isolated from the seeds, showed significant growth promoting activity.... chenopodium albumHabitat: Andhra Pradesh, Karnata- ka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar; cultivated at Agartala in Tripura.
English: Golden Silk tree, White Silk Cotton tree.Unani: Samagh, Kateeraa (substitute for gum tragacanth).Siddha/Tamil: Kongilam (flower juice), Tanaku.Action: Gum—cooling, sedative, bechic, useful in coughs, hoarse throat, diarrhoea, dysentery, scalding urine. Dried leaves and flowers—stimulant.
The leaves contain terpenoids, saponins and tannins. Flowers contain naringenin and beta-sitosteryl-gluco- side (0.3%). The gum, after hydrolysis, furnished a mixture of acidic oligosac- charides.... cochlospermum gossypiumHabitat: Assam, North Bengal, Khasi and Jaintia Hills, sub Himalayan tracts of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh and Western Ghats.
English: Canereed, Wild Ginger.Ayurvedic: Kebuka, Kembuka.Siddha/Tamil: Krrauvam, Malai Vasambu, Ven Kottam.Folk: Kebu.Action: Astringent, purgative, depurative, anti-inflammatory (used in gout, rheumatism; bronchitis, asthma, catarrhal fevers, dysuria), anthelmintic, antivermin, maggoticide, antifungal.
The rhizomes contain saponins— dioscin, gracillin and beta-sitosterol- beta-D-glucoside. The alkaloids show papaverine-like smooth-muscle-relaxant activity, cardiotonic activity like that of digitalis and antispasmodic,CNS-depressant, diuretic and hydro- choleretic activities. Saponins show significant anti-inflammatory and an- tiarthritic activity.The seeds also contain saponins and exhibit potent and sustained hypoten- sive and bradycardiac activities in dogs with low toxicity and without any haemolytic activity; also weak spasmolytic activity on isolated guinea-pig ileum.All parts of the plant yield steroidal sapogenin, diogenin (quantity varies from 0.32 to 4%).(Not to be confused with Kushtha of Indian medicine, Saussurea lappa.)... costus speciosusHabitat: Sub-tropical Himalayas from Kumaon eastwards; Western Ghats from Konkan Southwards.
Ayurvedic: Taalmuuli, Taalpatri, Krishna Mushali, Bhuumitaala.Unani: Musli Siyaah.Siddha/Tamil: Nilappanan kizhangu.Action: Nervine, adaptogenic, sedative, anticonvulsive, androgenic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Used in Jaundice, urinary disorders, skin diseases and asthma. Mucilaginous.
The rhizome contains saponins (cur- culigosaponin C and F promoted proliferation of spleen lymphocytes very significantly; F and G increased the weight of the thymus in vitro in mice); sapogenins; phenolic glycosides, a tri- terpene alcohol; a pentacyclic triter- pene, an aliphatic compound, hen- triacontanol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol and sucrose. A pep- tide, Curculin C, containing 114 amino acids, has been isolated from the fruit.In traditional Chinese medicine, dried rhizome, containing curculigo- side is used as a tonic for its immuno- logical and protective property.In Indian medicine, powdered rhizomes with milk are taken as a restorative tonic, also for sexual debility.EtOH (50%) of the plant exhibited hypoglycaemic property.Dosage: Dried rhizome—3-6 g powder. (API Vol. IV.)... curculigo orchioidesHabitat: Cultivated throughout India, particularly in Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa.
English: Cluster bean, Guar.Ayurvedic: Kshudra Shimbi, Gorakshaphalini, Guaar, Gwaalin.Unani: Guaar phali.Action: Laxative, antibilious. Gum—hypoglycaemic, hypolipi- daemic, appetite depressor (weight loss not observed), reduces glyco- suria during gum supplementation.
The administration of Guar gum (15 g/day) with normal diet for 6 weeks produced significant reduction in plasma, total cholesterol and LDL-choles- terol. The gum (10 g daily) is reported to decrease blood-glucose level in normal and diabetic volunteers. The supplementation of the gum in the diet of insulin-dependent diabetics failed to improve the long-term diabetic control, but significantly reduced serum cholesterol levels.Taking Guar gum orally with meals was found to lower post-prandial glucose levels in patients with type 1 diabetes. (Am J clin Nutr, 56, 1992, 10561060.)Oral administration of an ethanol extract of powdered pods has shown significant antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective effects on various experimentally-induced gastric lesions in rats.Guarmeal contains galactomannan, 3-epikatonic acid and a saponin.... cyamopsis tetragonolobaHabitat: The Himalaya from Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh and in Assam at 450-3,100 m.
Ayurvedic: Vaaraahikanda (var.), Grishti.Folk: Gun, Kris (Punjab).Action: Tuber—antipthiriac. Leaf— febrifuge. The rhizomes are a rich source of diogenin and its glycoside. Steroidal saponins have also been isolated. Diogenin is used in the preparation of various steroidal drugs.
Synonym: D. hispada Dennst. D. hirsuta Dennst.
Family: Dioscoreaceae.Habitat: Sikkim, the Himalayas, Khasi Hills.... dioscorea deltoidea
Habitat: Native to China; now grown in Himachal Pradesh, Kumaon, the Nilgiris and West Bengal for edible fruits.
English: Japanese Persimmon.Ayurvedic: Tinduka (var.).Action: Hypotensive, hepatopro- tective, antidote to poisons and bacterial toxins. Calyx and peduncle of fruit—used in the treatment of cough and dyspnoea. Roasted seeds—used as a substitute for coffee.
The fruit, in addition to sugars, glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, citric acid, contains (% of fresh weight) 0.20-1.41 tannins, 0.21-10.07 total pectins, 0.67 pentosans and 0.16-0.25 polyphenols. The fruit also contains 2.4 mg/100 g carotenoids; carotene expressed as vitamin A 2200-2600 IU. The carote- noids identified in the pulp include cryptoxanthine, zeaxanthin, antherax- anthin, lycopene and beta-carotene. (Many carotenoids originally present in the fruit decompose during ripening.The fruit pulp is an antidote to bacterial toxins and is used in the preparation of a vaccine for pertussis.Condensed tannins from the fruits effectively inhibited 2-nitrofluorene mutagen.The immature leaves contain a ster- oidal saponin, lignin and phenolic compounds. Eugenol and dihydroac- tinidiolide are reported from fresh leaves.The leaves are reported to exhibit hepatoprotective activity. Leaves also contain hypotensive principles. Astra- galin and isoquercitrin have been isolated from leaves.... diospyros kakiHabitat: Konkan and Maharashtra, also in Bengal and Assam.
Ayurvedic: Suparnikaa, Madhu- maalati. Muurvaa (substitute). Nak-chhikkini.Siddha/Tamil: Kodippalai.Action: Root and tender stalks— emetic and expectorant, cause sneezing, used in colds, sinusitis, and biliousness. Leaves—used as an application to boils and abscesses.
The stems and leaves contain a pigment taraxerol, a triterpenoid, kaem- pferol, a glucoside of kaempferol and saponins. Seeds contain a number of pregnane glycosides which do not exhibit digitalis-like action. Root contains a glucoside which lowered carotid blood pressure in mice and dogs when administered intravenously.... dregea volubilisSynonym: Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.
Family: Euphorbiaceae.Habitat: Wild and cultivated throughout tropical India.
Ayurvedic: Putrajivaka, Sutajva, Putrakamanjari.Siddha/Tamil: Karupali, Irukolli.Action: Leaves, fruits and stones of fruits are given in colds and fevers, also in rheumatic affections. Rosaries, made ofhard stones of the fruit, are placed around the necks of children to protect them from diseases.
The seed kernel yield 0.5% of a sharp- smelling essential oil of the mustard oil type. The oil contains isopropyl and 2-butyl isothiocyanates as the main constituents and 2-methyl-butyl isoth- iocyanate as minor component. Anad- ditional glucoside, glucocleomin, has been found in the seed kernels. A glu- cosidic pattern similar to that in the seeds is reported in the shoots and roots. The fruit pulp contains a large proportion of mannitol and small quantities of a saponin glucoside and alkaloid.The alkaloid is also present in a small quantity in the stones of the fruit.Dosage: Seed, leaf, bark—3-6 g powder. (CCRAS.)... drypetes roxburghiiHabitat: Throughout India, also grown along roadsides.
Ayurvedic: Charmi-vrksha.Siddha/Tamil: Addula.Folk: Chamror (Punjab). Kuptaa, Datarangi (Maharashtra.)Action: Root—used in venereal diseases. A decoction of bark is used internally and as gargle in throat infections.
The plant contains tannins, saponins and allantoin, and monomethyl ethers of cyclitols. Leaves yielded a pyrrolizidine alkaloid, creatinine. arsenic effectively. It can be used in purification of silver-containing waste water, also for the treatment of low- level liquid radioactive wastes and mercurial waste water. The plant has a strong capacity for removing phenol. Biomass of non-living dried water Hyacinth roots showed high absorption of copper from aqueous solutions.The plant exhibits antifungal activity against Candida albicans.... ehretia laevisHabitat: Eastern Himalayas, hills of Bihar, Orissa and South India.
English: Garbee Bean, Mackay Bean, Elephant Creeper.Ayurvedic: Gil.Siddha/Tamil: Chillu, Vattavalli.Folk: Gil-gaachh.Action: Seed—carminative, anodyne, spasmolytic bechic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antiperiodic. Used in liver complaints, glandular swellings, debility, skin diseases. The seed, stems and bark are poisonous. A paste of the seeds is applied locally for inflammatory glandular swellings. The juice of wood and bark is used as an external application for ulcers. The leaves are reported to be free from the toxic saponins. After soaking in water and roasting toxic principles can be removed from the white kernels of the seeds.
The seeds gave saponins of entagenic acid; a triterpenoid glucoside entanin; beta-sitosterol, alpha-amyrin, querce- tin, gallic acid, cyamidin chloride, lu- peol and a saponin mixture which gave prosapogenin A. Entanin exhibits anti- tumour activity. It inhibits Walker 256 tumours in rats without deaths.Entadamide A (the sulphur-containing amide from the seed) is a 5-lipo-xygenase inhibitor and is found to be effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma. The bark is used for hair wash.Entagenic acid, a sapogenin of entada saponin IV, imparts antifungal activity to the bark.... entada scandensHabitat: The Himalayas at high altitudes.
English: Field Horsetail.Ayurvedic: Ashwa-puchha (non- classical).Action: Haemostatic, haemopoietic, astringent, diuretic. Used for genitourinary affections (urethritis, enuresis, cystitis, prostatitis), internally as an antihaemorrhagic and externally as a styptic.
The ashes of the plant are beneficial in acidity of the stomach and dyspepsia.Key application: Internally in irrigation therapy for post-traumatic and static inflammation, and for bacterial infections and inflammation of the lower urinary tract and renal gravel.The British Herbal Compendium reported weak diuretic, haemostyptic, vulnerary and mild leukocytosis causing actions.The haemostatic substance has been shown to act orally, it has no effect on blood pressure and is not a vasoconstrictor.The herb contains 10-20% minerals, of which over 66% are silicic acids and silicates; alkaloids, including nicotine, palustrine and palustrinine; flavonoids, such as iso-quercitrin and equicertin; sterols, including cholesterol, isofucosterol, campesterol; a sa- ponin equisitonin, dimethyl-sulphone, thiaminase and aconitic acid. Diuretic action of the herb is attributed to its flavonoid and saponin constituents, Silicic acid strengthens connective tissue and helps in healing bones.... equisetum arvenseHabitat: Assam up to 1,700 m, found as a garden plant in Dehra Dun.
Folk: Brahma-Dhaniyaa, Jangali Gaajar (var.).Action: Root—stomachic. Plant— galactagogue, diuretic. Fresh leaves are used as a vegetable and flavouring agent.
Hot aqueous extract of the plant possesses anticonvulsant property. The ethanolic extract (50%) of aerial parts showed cardiovascular, diuretic and antistrychnine activity. The plant is CVS an CNS active and hypothermic.Sea Holly, found in sandy soils near the sea in Britain and Europe, is equated with Eryngium maritimum Linn.The root possesses diuretic and anti- inflammatory properties and is used for urinary tract infections (urethritis, cystitis, polyurea, renal colic, prostatic affections).The root gave coumarins, saponins, flavonoids, plant acids and polyphe- nolic acids. Saponins are haemolytic, rosmarinic acid is known for its anti- inflammatory activity.... eryngium foetidumHabitat: Western India, upper Gangetic plains and Peninsular India.
Ayurvedic: Dhanvayaasa, Dhan- vayavaasa, Dhanvayaasaka, Duraal- abhaa, Samudraantaa. Gaandhaari, Kachhuraa, Anantaa, Duhsparshaa. (Alhagi pseudalhagi is used as a substitute for F. cretica.)Unani: Dhamaasaa.Action: Astringent, antiseptic, blood-purifier and febrifuge. Applied to abscesses, scrofulous glands and wounds; also given as a prophylactic against smallpox. Bark—used for dermatosis Extract of aerial parts—antiviral, antiamphetaminic, spasmogenic. Plant ash—given to children suffering from anaemia.
The aerial parts contain several tri- terpenoid saponins which gave sa- pogenin, nahagenin, oleanolic acid. Aerial parts also gave diterpenes, fa- gonone and its derivatives, besides flavonoids.The flavonoids, quercetin and kaem- pferol, isolated from the leaves and flowers, showed antimicrobial activity.The fruits are rich in ascorbic acid.Dosage: Whole plant—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... fagonia creticaHabitat: Throughout the greater part of India, up to 1,360 m
Ayurvedic: Mahaapindi, Karahaata, Kharahaara. (Bark is sold as Bhaargi.) Thanella.Siddha/Tamil: Nanjundam, Malan- garai.Action: Root—used as a remedy for indigestion in children. Fruits— used in affections of the mammary glands. Pounded pulp is applied to forehead in fever.
The bark and wood gave beta-sitos- terol, hederagenin, Me-esters of olea- nolic and gypsogenic acids. Root gave gardnins.Saponins from bark decreased formation of histamine and may find use in asthma. (Market drug is expectorant and weak spasmolytic, but was not found effective in asthma.)... gardenia turgidaHabitat: Native to South East Asia; now cultivated as pulse crop mainly in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Naga Hills, Mainpur and Kashmir.
English: Soybean, Soya.Folk: Soyabean, Raam Kurthi, Bhat.Action: Used as a protein supplement. (Products include fortified wheat flour, soymilk, snack foods, cooking oil.)
Key application: Soy lecithin (phos- pholipids extracted from the seeds of G. max)—used for moderate disturbances of fat metabolism, especially hypercholesterolaemic (if dietary measures are not sufficient). (German Commission E.)Soybean is rich in protein, oil and minerals, but low in carbohydrates. It also contains water-and fat-soluble vitamins. The major portion of soy protein is composed of glycinin and beta- conglycinin.Wheat flour can be fortified with full-fat or defatted soyflour for balancing it in essential amino acids, lysine and methionine.Soy saponins are divided into three groups according to their respective type of aglycon, soyasapogenol A, B and E. Saponin A and AB group fraction protects the liver against antioxi- dation and improved lipid metabolism in the injured liver.Administration of a small peptide derived from soybean showed antifatigue, antiobesity and hypoglycaemic activity in mice.Feeding soy protein to hamsters, consistently, resulted in significantly reduced incidence of gallstones.In studies of experimental carcino- genesis in animals, soybean isoflavones exhibited protective effect in 65% animals.... glycine maxHabitat: Native to the Mediterranean regions. Now grown in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and South India.
English: Licorice, Liquorice.Ayurvedic: Yashtimadhu, Mad- huyashtyaahvaa, Madhuli, Mad- huyashtikaa, Atirasaa, Madhurasaa, Madhuka, Yastikaahva, Yashtyaah- va, Yashti, Yashtika, Yashtimadhuka. Klitaka (also equated with Indigofera tinctoria). (Klitaka and Klitanakam were considered as aquatic varieties of Yashtimadhu.)Unani: Asl-us-soos, Mulethi. Rubb-us-soos (extract).Siddha/Tamil: Athimathuram.Action: Demulcent, expectorant, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, mild laxative, antistress, antidepressive, antiulcer, liver protective, estrogenic, em- menagogue, antidiabetic. Used in bronchitis, dry cough, respiratory infections, catarrh, tuberculosis; genitourinary diseases, urinary tract infections; abdominal pain, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflamed stomach, mouth ulcer. Also used for adrenocorticoid insufficiency.
Key application: In catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and gastric, duodenal ulcers. (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO.)The British Herbal Compendium indicates the use of liquorice for bronchitis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, rheumatism and arthritis, adrenocor- ticoid insufficiency, and to prevent liver toxicity. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes its use as an anti- inflammatory and antiulcer agent.The main chemical constituent of liquorice is glycyrrhizin (about 29%), a triterpene saponin with low haemolytic index. Glycyrrhetinic (gly- cyrrhetic) acid (0.5-0.9%), the agly- cone of glycyrrhizin is also present in the root. Other active constituents of liquorice include isoflavonoids, chal- cones, coumarins, triterpenoids and sterols, lignans, amino acids, amines, gums and volatile oils.Hypokalemia is the greatest threat when liquorice preparations high in glycyrrhizin are prescribed for prolonged periods. Liquorice causes fluid retention. Patients should be placed on a high potassium and low sodium diet. Special precautions should be taken with elderly patients and patients with hypertension or cardiac, renal or hepatic disease.A special liquorice extract known as DGL (deglycyrrhizinated liquorice) is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Oral liquorice preparations, containing glycyrrheti- nic acid, are used for the treatment of viral infections—viral hepatitis, common cold. Topical preparations, containing glycyrrhetinic acid, are used for herpes, eczema, psoriasis.In Japan, a preparation of glycyrrhi- zin, cysteine and glycine is used by injection for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis.Dosage: Root—2-4 g powder. (API Vol. I.)... glycyrrhiza glabraHabitat: Sub-Himalayan region from Kangra eastwards and in parts of Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.
Folk: Batvaasi (Nepal), Batvaasi (Bengal), Bitkil-chaand (Bihar).Action: Leaves—used in poultices for sores. Bark—used for washing hair for destroying vermin.
The bark and root contain saponin. The leaves of a related species, Goua- nia microcarpa DC., found in Peninsular India from Konkan southwards, gave a triterpenic acid, along with tetratriacontanoic acid.... gouania leptostachyaHabitat: Introduced from the West Indies; grown as an ornamental.
English: Lignum Vitae, Tree-of-life, Pockwood tree.Ayurvedic: Jivadaaru, Loha- Kaashtha.Unani: Chob-hayaat.Folk: Loha-lakkar.Action: Antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, mild laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, fungistatic (During the sixteenth century it was used as a cure for syphilis.)
Key application: As a supportive therapy for rheumatic complaints. (German Commission E.) The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported anti-inflammatory activity in the resin.Several triterpene saponins, sapo- genins and prosapogenins have been isolated from different parts of the plant.A triterpenoidal saponin, isolated from the flowers, showed activity against Gram-negative bacteria. (The herb is used as a additive to mouth washes.)... guaiacum officinaleHabitat: Hills of Tamil Nadu. Grown in gardens as an ornamental.
English: Common Ivy, Bentwood.Siddha/Tamil: Maravalai.Action: Leaf—expectorant, anti- spasmodic, antineuralgic, vasocon- strictive.
Fruit—used in jaundice, haempt- ysis. Flower—antidysenteric. Leaf and resin—emmenagogue. Tender twigs—boiled in butter, used for sunburn. Extracts are used in some cosmetic preparations.Key application: In catarrh of the upper respiratory passages, symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions. (German Commission E.)The stem and bark gave triterpene glycosides, named kizuta saponins. Oleanolic acid glycoside was also obtained from the plant but the presence of emetine could not be confirmed in subsequent work. The fruits gave hederagenin glycosides.Emetin has been isolated from European and British plant. The fruit and hederagenin glycosides exhibit mollus- cacidal activity. Emetine-containing plant is amoebicidal.... hedera helixHabitat: Native to sub-alpine woods in Southern and Eastern Europe. Grown in Indian gardens.
English: Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose.Ayurvedic: Khuraasaani Kutaki.Unani: Kharbaq Siyah, Kutaki.Action: Digitalis-like action in cardiac disorders, drastic purgative, abortifacient, diuretic, local anaesthetic, narcotic.
The rhizome contains cardiac glycosides; helleborin, helleborein, hellebrin and others based on helleborigenin.Helleborin has a burning, acrid taste and is narcotic. Helleborein has a sweetish taste and is a highly active cardiac poison. Helleborin and veratrin (steroidal saponins), helle- brin or helleborein (steroid glycoside) are main constituents of the root and leaves. The plant irritates mucous membranes.A related species, Helleborus virdis Linn. (Bear's Foot, Green Hellebore) is known as Kaali Kutaki and Krishna- bhedi. The plant contains magno- florine and corytuberine. The roots and rhizomes gave hellebrin, desgluco- hellebrin, hellebrigenin, bufatetraeno- lide, beta-ecdysterone and 5beta-hy- droxyecdysterone.... helleborus nigerHabitat: Throughout India; common in Bengal, Maharashtra and extending to Travancore.
English: Indian Sarsaparilla (white var.). Sarsaparilla root is equated with Smilax sp. in Western herbal.Ayurvedic: Shveta Saarivaa, Anant- muula, Gopi, Gopaa, Gopakanyaa, Gopavalli, Gopasutaa, Krishodari, Sphotaa, Utpalsaarivaa, Kapuuri, Dugdhgarbhaa.Unani: Ushbaa Hindi.Siddha/Tamil: Nannaari, Sugan- thipala.Action: Blood purifier, antisyphilitic, antileucorrhoeic, galactogenic, antidiarrhoeal, antirheumatic, febrifuge, alterative. Roots used against gonorrhoea, leucoderma, bleeding piles, jaundice and dysentery.
Key application: Smilax sp.—in skin diseases and urinary infections. (German Commission E included Smilax sp. among unapproved herbs.)Hemidesmus indicus does not contain the same saponins or other principal constituents which are found in sarsaparilla. (Tyler's Honest Herbal.)The root contains coumarino-lig- noids, hemidesmine, hemidesmin-1, 2. The stem contains pregnane glyco- sides, hemidine, hemidescine, emidine and indicine, a triterpene lactone, a lu- panone, besides lupeol acetate, sitos- terol and hexadecanoic acid and several hydroxy- methoxybenzaldehydes.Aqueous extract of the root is bacteriostatic against Mycobacterium leprae.Dosage: Root—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.) palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic. Pyrocatechol, tannins, fla- vonoids and amino acids were also present.... hemidesmus indicusHabitat: Throughout Europe. Introduced into Indian gardens.
English: Rupture-Wort.Action: Plant—astringent, diuretic, antimicrobial, anticatarrhal. An infusion is used principally for bladder complaints for ruptures.
The plant gave a flavonic glycoside, rutoside; coumarins, herniarin and umbelliferone, and saponins.A related species, H. hirsuta L. (Himalaya, from Kashmir to Kumaon up to 3,000 m) gave umbelliferone, scopo- letin and herniarin.... herniaria glabraHabitat: Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.
Ayurvedic: Waarasa.Siddha/Tamil: Barokalagoru.Folk: Pullunga, Paatang (Maharashtra).Action: Tar extracted from wood— used in skin diseases. Leaf juice— applied externally on toe sores and in chilblain.
The flowers gave hentriacontane and allantoin; the leaves contain ursolic acid and sitosterol. The seeds contain a saponin (rhamnoside), lupeol, beta- sitosterol, stigmasterol and cubulin. The essential oil from flowers exhibits antimicrobial activity.... heterophragma roxburghiiHabitat: Native to China. Now cultivated in Kumaon, Sikkim and West Bengal.
English: Japanese Raisin tree, Coral tree.Folk: Sikkaa.Action: Fruit—diuretic; relieves intoxication due to wine.
The leaves and root bark gave tri- terpene saponins. Root bark also gave peptide alkaloids.The fruit extract contains potassium nitrate and potassium malate and is strongly diuretic. The seeds contain beta-carboline alkaloid, perlolyrine. A toothpaste, containing extracts of the fruits and seeds as one of the ingredients, has been patented for controlling dental caries (in Japan).... hovenia dulcisHabitat: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and the Sunderbans.
English: Black Creeper.Ayurvedic: Gopavalli, Krishna Saarivaa (var.), Krishna-muuli, Shyaamalataa.Siddha/Tamil: Karunannari, Makalikilanzhu.Folk: Kaalisar, Karantaa.Action: Root—demulcent, diuretic, alterative, diaphoretic; used in fevers, dyspepsia and cutaneous affections. The roots of the plant are used as a substitute for Indian sarsaparilla and are often mixed with the roots of Hemidesmus indicus (their therapeutic properties for use as sarsaparilla have bot been established).
The root gave 2-hydroxy-4-meth- oxybenzaldehyde.Alkaloids and flavonoids were present in the roots but not in the leaves and fruits. Saponins were absent in these parts. The whole plant gave n-butyl sorboside, kaempferol and its gluco- side.... ichnocarpus frutescensHabitat: Cultivated in many parts of India.
English: Indigo.Ayurvedic: Nilikaa, Nilaa, Nila, Nili, Nilini, Nilapushpa, Ranjani, Shaaradi, Tutthaa.Unani: Habb-ul-Neel.Siddha/Tamil: Nili, Averi, Asidai, Attipurashadam.Action: Plant—antiseptic, hepato- protective, hypoglycaemic, nervine tonic. Used in enlargement of liver and spleen, skin diseases, leucoder- ma, burns, ulcers, piles, nervous disorders, epilepsy, asthma, lumbago, gout. Leaf—anti-inflammatory. Used in blennorrhagia. Root— diuretic. Used in hepatitis. Root and stem—laxative, expectorant, febrifuge, anticephalalgic, anti- tumour, anthelmintic, promote growth of hair.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of dried whole plant in phobia, delusion and disturbed mental state.Indicine (5-15 mg/g, dry basis) and the flavonoids, apigenin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercetin are present in various plant parts, maximum in the leaves and minimum in the roots (however quercetin was minimum in leaves). The presence of coumarins, cardiac glycosides, saponins and tannins is also reported.Alcoholic extract of the aerial parts showed hepatoprotective activity in experimental animals against CCl4- induced hepatic injury. The extract increased bile flow and liver weight in rats. The alcoholic extract also exhibited hypoglycaemic activity in rats.The plant is used in the treatment of endogenous depression. It contains appreciable amounts of conjugated in- doxyl (indican). The use of indigo and its constituents, indirubin and indigotin, prevents allergic contact dermatitis. The 8 weeks old tissues in culture contain maximum histamine content (5.0 mg/g dry weight).Dosage: Dried leaf—50-100 g for decoction; root—48 g for decoction (API Vol. II); whole plant—10-20 g for decoction. (API Vol. III.)... indigofera tinctoriaHabitat: Throughout India; also occurs as a weed.
English: Pharbitis seeds.Ayurvedic: Antah-kotarpushpi, Kaalaanjani (provisional synonym), Krishnabija, Kaalaadaanaa, Shyaamabija, Shankhani, Jhaara- maaricha.Unani: Kaalaadaanaa.Siddha/Tamil: Kaakkattan.Action: Purgative and blood- purifier. A substitute for Jalap. Seeds—antifungal.
The seeds from Pakistan contain al- kaloids—lysergol, chanoclavine, pen- niclavine, isopenniclavine and elymo- clavine. Also contain 14.2% resin and glucosides.Commercial samples of the drug contain 14-15% of crude resinous matter. Research has shown that glycosi- dal part of the resin is inert; the non- glycosidal resin (2% of the drug) causes copious purgation in doses of 250 mg. Besides the resinous matter, the seeds contain a fixed oil (12.4%) and small amounts of saponin, mucilage and tannin.The flowers of the plant contains an- thocyanin pigments.The plant extract exhibited hypogly- caemic activity in rats.Dosage: Seed—3-6 g powder. (CCRAS.)Synonym: I. hederacea auct., non- Jacq.... ipomoea nilHabitat: West Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.
English: White Dead Nettle, Archangel.Action: Haemostatic (particularly on the uterus), astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant. Used for menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, cystitis, prostatitis, bleeding piles, diarrhoea, irritable bowel and respiratory catarrh.
Key application: Internally, for catarrh of the upper respiratory passages; externally, for mild, superficial inflammation of the skin. (German Commission E.) Flowers have been recommended for teas and other galenical preparations for internal applications, rinses, baths and moist compresses. As astringent. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The herb contains iridoid monoterpenes; triterpene saponins; caffeic acid derivatives; flavonoids based on kaem- pferol; tannins (mainly catechins). The plant also gave a carbocyclic iridoid, caryoptoside; besides lambalbide, al- bosides A and B (iridoid monoter- penes).... lamium albumHabitat: Throughout India.
English: Ribbed or Ridged Gourd (bitter var.).Ayurvedic: Katukoshataki, Tik- takoshtaki.Action: Plant—purgative, diuretic. Used for oedema, splenic enlargement, cough and asthma. Seeds— emetic, expectorant.
The plant contains the oleanane type triterpene saponins. It is reported to exhibit antitumour activity.The fruit juice is used as a homoeopathic drug in hepatic congestion, irritation and inflammation of gastric mucosa.Dosage: Leaf, fruit, root—10-20 ml juice. (CCRAS.)... luffa acutangulaHabitat: Cultivated throughout greater parts of India.
English: Smooth Luffa, Sponge- gourd, sponge Cucumber.Ayurvedic: Dhaamaargava, Ma- haakoshtaki, Mahaajaalini, Raa- jakoshataki.Siddha/Tamil: Mozhukupeerankai, Pikku.Action: Plant—used against pharyngitis, rhinitis, mastitis, oedema, swellings and burns. Leaves— used for chronic bronchitis. Leaf juice is given for amenorrhoea. Flowers—used for treating migraine. Seeds—alcoholic extract exhibited 9.80% fungitoxic activity.
German Commission E included Luffa aegyptiaca among unapproved herbs. Preparations of Luffa sponge, used as a preventive for infections or cold, as a remedy for colds, nasal catarrh as well as sinusitis and suppuration of the sinus, have been negatively evaluated.The saponins isolated from aerial parts are effective in controlling obesity, also the side-effects of steroids.The oleanane saponins, lucyoside AH (at least one component) is effective in preventing loss of hair.Spongegourd extracts or saponins (ginsenosides and lucyosides) find application in topical medication for skin disorders and haemorrhoids. Lucyo- sides are also used as antitussive.The roots of the mature plants contain an acidic pentacyclic triterpene, bryonolic acid. Bryonolic acid showed antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activity in experimental animals. An aqueous extract of seeds showed strong fibrinolytic activity. It also showed anticancer activity in transplanted tumours.Dosage: Leaf, flower, fruit—10- 20 ml juice. (CCRAS.)... luffa cylindricaHabitat: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and Gujarat.
English: Bristly Luffa.Ayurvedic: Devadaali, Devataadaka, Jimuuta, Garaagari, Kothaphala.Siddha/Tamil: Panibira.Folk: Bandaal (Varanasi).Action: Fruit—purgative (intensely bitter and fibrous). An infusion is given in biliary and intestinal colic; also in nephritis and chronic bronchitis.
The fruit contains chrysoeriol and its glycosides as principal flavonoids. Seeds contain cucurbitacin B, triter- pene alcohols, and a saponin with olea- nolic acid as sapogenin.The alcoholic and ether extracts of the plant showed protection against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats. The aqueous extract of fruits is beneficial in jaundice as it significantly lowered serum bilirubin level in chlorpromazine-induced jaundice in rats and human patients. The ethano- lic extract (50%) of the plant exhibited hypoglycaemic activity.The yellow-flowered var. of De- vadaali (Eastern Himalayas, Sikkim, Bihar, Bengal) is equated with Luffa graveolens Roxb.Dosage: Fruit—1-3 g powder. (CCRAS.)... luffa echinataHabitat: Gujarat.
Folk: Ragat-Rohido (Gujarat), Rakta-Rohido.Action: Used for diseases of liver and spleen. In folk medicine, as a substitute for Rakta-Rohitaka. (Rohitaka is equated with Tecomel- lia undulata Seem., synonym Tecoma undulata G. Don, Bignoni- aceae.)
In Gujarat, Polygonum glabrum Willd. (Polygonaceae) and Myristica attenuta Wall., synonym Knema atten- uata (Wall.) Warb. (Myristicaceae) are also known as Rakta Rohido, and are used for diseases of liver and spleen.In Mumbai, Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn. (Rhamnaceae) is known as Rakta-Rohidaa. The bark is used as astringent and deobstruent.Folk: Phulwaaraa, Maakhaniaa Mahuaa.Action: Fat used as ointment in rheumatism, for chapped hands and feet during winter.
The flowers contain beta-amyrin acetate, friedelin, erythrodiol monopal- mitate, beta—sitosterol and apha-spi- nasterol. The seeds contain triterpe- noid saponins, butyroside C and buty- roside D. A triterpenoidal sapogenin, butyraceol, has been isolated from the seed. The leaves contain butyracic acid. Defatted seed flour contains 10.4% saponins.Administration of acute dose of saponins to albino rats caused severe diarrhoea and histopathological changes in liver and kidney and altered, particularly in female rats, levels of serum alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol and proteins.... maba nigrescensHabitat: Found in sub-Himalayan tract from Kumaon to Bhutan.
Ayurvedic: Madhuuka (related species).Synonym: M. longifolia (Koen.) Macb. var. latifolia (Roxb.) Cheval. Bassia latifolia Roxb.Family: Sapotaceae.Habitat: A large tree, cultivated mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar.
English: Mahua tree, Moha.Ayurvedic: Madhuuka, Madhu- pushpa, Madhusrav, Gudapushpa.Unani: Mahuaa.Siddha/Tamil: Ieluppai.Action: Flowers—stimulant, demulcent, laxative, anthelmintic, bechic. Seed oil—galactogenic, anticephalgic, emetic. Used in pneumonia, skin diseases, piles. Bark—astringent, emollient. Used for tonsilitis, gum troubles, diabetes, ulcers. Bark, seed oil and gum— antirheumatic.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the flower without stalk or calyx in asthma and pthisis.The fruit pulp yielded a number of triterpenoids (including alpha- and beta-amyrin acetate); also n-hexaco- sanol, beta-D-glucoside of beta-sitos- terol and free sitosterol.Nut shell gave beta-sitosterol gluco- side, quercetin and dihydroquercetin.The carollas are rich source of sugars, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and iron; magnesium and copper are also present. The sugars identified are sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose, ara- binose and rhamnose.The seeds yielded saponins—2,3- di-O-glucopyranoside of bassic acid (saponin A and saponin B). Mixture of saponins from seeds exhibits spermi- cidal activity.Trunkbarkcontainedlupeol acetate, beta-amyrin acetate, alpha-spinasterol, erythrodiol monocaprylate, betulinic acid and oleanolic acid caprylates.Dosage: Flower—10-15 g (API, Vol. II.); flower-juice—10-20 ml; bark— 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... madhuca indicaHabitat: Cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhara Pradesh, Karnataka, Bengal and Maharas- tra.
English: South Indian Mahua.Siddha/Tamil: Illupei, Elupa, Naatu Iluppai, Iruppai.Folk: Madhuulaka, Jala-Madhuuka, Jala-Mahuaa.Action: Same as that of Madhuca indica.
Seed kernel gave protobassic acid (a sapogenol) and two major sapo- nins named Mi-saponins A and B and a minor one Mi-saponin C—all bis- desmosides of protobassic acid. Mi- saponins exhibit anti-inflammatory and antiulcerogenic activities.Mahua oil causes total but reversible sterility in male rats as it shows testicu- lar atrophy with degeneration of seminiferous tubules.A related species, Madhuca neri- ifolia (Moon) H. J. Lam., synonym Bassia neriifolia Moon, Bassia mal- abarica Bedd. (known as Atta Illuppei in Tamil), is found in Western Ghats and coastal region of South India.The flowers are used in renal diseases; fruits in rheumatism, cough, asthma and consumption; seed oil is used in rheumatism.... madhuca longifoliaHabitat: Native to Brazil. Major crop in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
English: Manioc, Tapioca, Cassava.Siddha/Tamil: Maravalli kizhangu, Ezhalai kizhangu.Folk: Tapioca.Action: Staple food for poorer section of the population in many tropical countries. The starch is used for the manufacture of dextose, liquid glucose. The bitter variety is used for treating scabies and weeping skin.
The tuber is a good source of provitamin A carotenoids. It contains 0.1-3.0 mg/kg (fresh weight) of beta- carotene and 0.05-00.6 mg/kg (fresh weight) of lutein. The bitterness of the tuber is related to the cyanoglu- coside content which ranges from 320 to 1,100 mcg cyanide/g in very bitter tubers and from 27.5 to 77.5 mcg is non-bitter tubers. Boiling, crushing and sun-drying reduce bitterness and also cyanoglucoside content. The tannin equivalent content in the clones varies from 0.31 to 0.34% and saponin equivalent varies from 0.18 to 0.29%.Feeding tapioca significantly reduced the plasma cholesterol profile experimentally in cats and rats.... manihot esculentaHabitat: A native of Malaya; occasionally grown in gardens, especially in North India, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.
English: Kauki.Ayurvedic: Khirni.Siddha: Palai.Action: Root and bark—astringent. Given in infantile diarrhoea. Seed— febrifuge, anthelmintic, antileprotic. Leaf—used as poultice for tumours.
Seeds contain about 16% of fatty oil and 1% saponin.Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Du- bard, synonym Mimusops hexandra Roxb., found in central India and Dec- can Peninsula, and cultivated throughout the greater part of India, is also equated with Khirni.All parts gave taraxerol, a triterpene ketone, alpha-and beta-amyrin, cin- namates, alpha-sipnasterol, beta-sitos- terol, its beta-D-glucoside, quercitol, quercetin and its dihydroderivatives, ursolic acid.The bark contains 10% tannin.... manilkara kaukiHabitat: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, as a farm crop.
English: Alfalfa, Lucerne.Ayurvedic: Alfalfa, Vilaayati- gawuth, Lasunghaas, Lusan.Unani: Barsem.Action: Anticholesterolemic, rich in essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins; a preventive of high blood pressure, diabetes, peptic ulcer.
Alfalfa tea is used to strengthen the digestive system. Sprouts (of seeds) are used by diabetics.The herb contains carotinoids (including lutein), triterpene saponins, isoflavonoids coumarins, triterpenes (including sitgmasterol, spinasterol); also cyanogenic glycosides (corresponding to less than 80 mg HCN/ 100 g); pro-vitamins A, B6, B12, D, K, E and P; calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, choline, sodium, silicon and essential enzymes.The seeds contain 33.2% protein and 4.4% mineral matter; saponins with the aglycones, soyasapogenol B and E and polymines, diaminopropane and norspermine. Two storage globulins, alfin and medicagin are found in the seeds.The flowers contain flavonoids, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin and laricytrin. The fruits contain beta- amyrin, alpha- and beta-spinasterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, myrselli- nol, scopoletin and esculetin.The saponin, medicagenic acid, is found in leaves and roots (leaves 1.49%, roots 2.43% of dry matter).Alfalfa seed extracts prevented hy- percholesterolemia, triglyceridaemia and atherogenesis in cholesterol-fed rabbits and cynomologus monkeys. The saponins in the extract reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol in rabbits.Human trials have indicated the use of the herb in menopause. (Sharon M. Herr.)... medicago sativa