Sarah Health Dictionary

Sarah: From 1 Different Sources

(Hebrew) Princess; lady; in the Bible, wife of Abraham

Sara, Sari, Sariah, Sarika, Saaraa, Sarita, Sarina, Sarra, Saara, Saarah, Saaraah, Saarrah, Sharita, Sharie, Sharri, Sharrie, Sharry, Shary, Shari, Soraya

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


(Arabic / Hawaiian) A moment in time / form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady” Kalah, Kalla, Kallah... kala

Ophiorrhiza Mungos


Family: Rubiaceae.

Habitat: Khasi Hills up to 600700 m, in Western Ghats and the Andaman Islands.

English: Mongoose Plant.

Ayurvedic: Sarpaakshi. (Gandha- naakuli is a wrong synonym. It is equated with Aristolochia indica.)

Siddha/Tamil: Keerippundu.

Folk: Sarahati. Mungus-vel (Maharashtra).

Action: Root—bitter tonic. Leaves— used for dressing ulcers.

The roots contain starch, a resin and small amounts of a bitter amorphous alkaloid. Beta-sitosterol, 5- alpha-ergost-7-en-3-beta-ol and 5- alpha-ergost-8 (14)-en-3 beta-ol (as an ester) have been identified in the root. Leaves and stems contain traces of hydrocyanic acid.... ophiorrhiza mungos


(English) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Sadi, Sady, Sadey, Sadee, Saddi, Saddee, Sadiey, Sadye, Saedee, Saedi, Saedie, Saedy, Saide, Saidea, Saidee, Saidey, Saidi, Saidia, Saidie, Saidy, Seidy, Saddie, Sadia, Sadea, Saedea... sadie


(English) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Salley, Salli, Sallie, Sallee, Salleigh, Salia, Saliah, Salie, Saliee, Sallia, Salliah, Sailee, Saileigh, Sailey, Saili, Sailia, Sailie, Saily, Sal, Salaid, Salea, Saleah, Salee, Salei, Saleigh, Saley, Sallea, Salleah, Sallei, Sallya, Sallyah, Sallye, Saly, Salya, Salyah, Salye, Sali... sally


(Indian / Hungarian) Resembling a parrot / form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Sarikah, Sareeka, Saryka, Saricka, Saricca, Saryca, Sarica, Sareaka... sarika


(Gaelic) One who is bright; intelligent; form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Sorchah, Sorchia, Sorchiah, Sorchea, Sorcheah, Sorchiya, Sorchiyah, Sorchya, Sorchyah... sorcha


(Hebrew) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Xarah, Xarra, Xarya, Xarie, Xarri, Xarrie, Xarry, Xari, Xary, Xaria, Xarria... xara


(Hebrew / Arabic) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady” / day’s awakening; dawn

Zarah, Zarra, Zareh, Zari, Zarie, Zaree, Zarri, Zarrie, Zarry, Zary, Zaria, Zareya, Zarea, Zariya, Zarya, Zarria, Zayra, Zareah, Zarreah, Zarree... zara


(Spanish) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Zaritah, Zareeta, Zaritta, Zaryta, Zareata, Zarite, Zareete, Zaryte, Zareate, Zarieta, Zarietah, Zareita, Zareitah... zarita


Rupture. Swelling caused by an organ pushed out of its usual position into neighbouring tissues. Abdominal hernias may be inguinal, femoral or umbilical. An external hernia is when a part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Vomiting, with pain over the affected area, indicates strangulation which calls for emergency hospital treatment. Hernias may be worse on coughing or straining at stool. For internal hernia, see: HIATUS HERNIA.

Treatment. Most abdominal hernias can be pushed back manually. Where this is not possible it is known as irreducible. Umbilical hernias in children usually disappear by the fourth year.

Alternatives. Teas. Fenugreek, Aloe Vera, Rupturewort. 1 teaspoon fresh or dried herb to each cup boiling water. Strain when cold. 1 cup thrice daily.

Lobelia. (Priest) Liquid Extract. 2-10 drops in water thrice daily. Thuja (infants). Liquid Extract. 1-2 drops in water thrice daily. Yarrow. (Wm Boericke MD)

Marshmallow root decoction. Traditional European.

Topical. Massage affected area with hot Castor oil (rotary motion), first to left, then to right. 2-3 tablespoons being absorbed by the body. Improvement may lead to athletic support in place of truss. (Wm A. McGarey MD)

Compress Comfrey root: pulp of fresh root. (Fletcher Hyde).

Witch Hazel packs, left in position day and night. Strangulated hernia. Put patient to bed, lying on his back, with head low, feet raised above level of body. Rub affected part with No 6 Thomson’s Compound, followed by Chickweed ointment. Give Thomson’s 3rd Preparation (Antispasmodic tincture); teaspoon doses in a cup of hot water every 20 minutes. After massage with the ointment for half an hour tissues relax and with gentle manual pressure the protrusion may be restored. (Sarah A. Webb MD) ... hernia

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