Habitat: Sea coasts all around India and in the Andaman Islands.
English: Fan Flower, Malay Rice Paper Plant.Siddha/Tamil: Vella-muttangam.Folk: Bhadraka, Bhadraaksha.Action: Leaves—digestive, carminative; applied externally on tumours and swollen legs. Fruit—juice, internally for inducing menstruation. Roots—used for dysentery.
A decoction of the leaves and the bark is reported to combat tachycardia, one of the principal symptoms of beriberi. The drug reduces the frequency of heartbeat, slows down pulse rate and at the same time stimulates the heart to normal contraction (does not possess cumulative action of digitalis). The drug acts as a diuretic by increasing the tension in the renal arteries without causing irritation of the kidney parenchyma; and is used for dropsy.The aerial parts gave loganin, sylve- stroside III, its dimethyl acetal, cant- leyoside and its dimethyl acetal.