Scalp Health Dictionary

Scalp: From 2 Different Sources

The skin of the head, and its underlying tissue layers, that is normally covered with hair. Scalp skin is tougher than other skin and is attached to an underlying sheet of muscle that extends from the eyebrows, over the top of the head, to the nape of the neck. The scalp is richly supplied with blood vessels.

Disorders affecting the scalp include dandruff; alopecia; sebaceous cysts; psoriasis; fungal infections such as tinea; and parasitic infestations such as lice.

Cradle cap is common in infants.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
The soft covering of the SKULL on the top of the head. It consists of ?ve layers, which from the surface inwards are as follows: the skin, from which grows hair; next a subcutaneous layer of fat; thirdly, a tough ?brous membrane known as the epicranium; fourthly, a loose layer of connective tissue attaching the epicranium to the deepest layer, and permitting the free movement of the scalp; and, ?nally, another ?brous layer clinging closely to the skull, and known as the pericranium.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A small, straight, surgical knife.... scalpel

Fetal Scalp Electrode

an electrical wire set into a sharp spiral metal tip and encased in a plastic sheath. It is attached to the fetal scalp for direct measurement of fetal heart rate by electrical activity.... fetal scalp electrode

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