Schiz Health Dictionary

Schiz: From 1 Different Sources


An overall title for a group of psychiatric disorders typ?ed by disturbances in thinking, behaviour and emotional response. Despite its inaccurate colloquial description as ‘split personality’, schizophrenia should not be confused with MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER. The illness is disabling, running a protracted course that usually results in ill-health and, often, personality change. Schizophrenia is really a collection of symptoms and signs, but there is no speci?c diagnostic test for it. Similarity in the early stages to other mental disorders, such as MANIC DEPRESSION, means that the diagnosis may not be con?rmed until its response to treatment and its outcome can be assessed and other diseases excluded.

Causes There is an inherited element: parents, children or siblings of schizophrenic sufferers have a one in ten chance of developing the disorder; a twin has a 50 per cent chance if the other twin has schizophrenia. Some BRAIN disorders such as temporal lobe EPILEPSY, tumours and ENCEPHALITIS seem to be linked with schizophrenia. Certain drugs – for example, AMPHETAMINES – can precipitate schizophrenia and DOPAMINE-blocking drugs often relieve schizophrenic symptoms. Stress may worsen schizophrenia and recreational drugs may trigger an attack.

Symptoms These usually develop gradually until the individual’s behaviour becomes so distrubing or debilitating that work, relationships and basic activities such as eating and sleeping are interrupted. The patient may have disturbed perception with auditory HALLUCINATIONS, illogical thought-processes and DELUSIONS; low-key emotions (‘?at affect’); a sense of being invaded or controlled by outside forces; a lack of INSIGHT and inability to acknowledge reality; lethargy and/or agitation; a disrespect for personal appearance and hygiene; and a tendency to act strangely. Violence is rare although some sufferers commit violent acts which they believe their ‘inner voices’ have commanded.

Relatives and friends may try to cope with the affected person at home, but as severe episodes may last several months and require regular administration of powerful drugs – patients are not always good at taking their medication

– hospital admission may be necessary.

Treatment So far there is no cure for schizophrenia. Since the 1950s, however, a group of drugs called antipsychotics – also described as NEUROLEPTICS or major tranquillisers – have relieved ?orid symptoms such as thought disorder, hallucinations and delusions as well as preventing relapses, thus allowing many people to leave psychiatric hospitals and live more independently outside. Only some of these drugs have a tranquillising e?ect, but their sedative properties can calm patients with an acute attack. CHLORPROMAZINE is one such drug and is commonly used when treatment starts or to deal with an emergency. Halperidol, tri?uoperazine and pimozide are other drugs in the group; these have less sedative effects so are useful in treating those whose prominent symptoms are apathy and lethargy.

The antipsychotics’ mode of action is by blocking the activity of DOPAMINE, the chemical messenger in the brain that is faulty in schizophrenia. The drugs quicken the onset and prolong the remission of the disorder, and it is very important that patients take them inde?nitely. This is easier to ensure when a patient is in hospital or in a stable domestic environment.

CLOZAPINE – a newer, atypical antipsychotic drug – is used for treating schizophrenic patients unresponsive to, or intolerant of, conventional antipsychotics. It may cause AGRANULOCYTOSIS and use is con?ned to patients registered with the Clorazil (the drug’s registered name) Patient Monitoring Service. Amisulpride, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, sertindole and zotepine are other antipsychotic drugs described as ‘atypical’ by the British National Formulary; they may be better tolerated than other antipsychotics, and their varying properties mean that they can be targeted at patients with a particular grouping of symptoms. They should, however, be used with caution.

The welcome long-term shift of mentally ill patients from large hospitals to community care (often in small units) has, because of a lack of resources, led to some schizophrenic patients not being properly supervised with the result that they fail to take their medication regularly. This leads to a recurrence of symptoms and there have been occasional episodes of such patients in community care becoming a danger to themselves and to the public.

The antipsychotic drugs are powerful agents and have a range of potentially troubling side-effects. These include blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, limb restlessness, shaking, sti?ness, weight gain, and in the long term, TARDIVE DYSKINESIA (abnormal movements and walking) which affects about 20 per cent of those under treatment. Some drugs can be given by long-term depot injection: these include compounds of ?upenthixol, zuclopenthixol and haloperidol.

Prognosis About 25 per cent of sufferers recover fully from their ?rst attack. Another 25 per cent are disabled by chronic schizophrenia, never recover and are unable to live independently. The remainder are between these extremes. There is a high risk of suicide.... schizophrenia


An asexual phase in the life-cycle of a sporozoan (see SPOROZOA) that occurs in red blood cells or liver cells.... schizogony

Have Some Schizonepeta Tea!

Schizonepeta tea is a pretty aromatic herbal tea, which can work as a perfect daily hot beverage. It has plenty of health benefits which should convince you to give it a try. Find out more about this herbal tea. About Schizonepeta Tea Schizonepeta tea is made from the leaves, stems and/or flowers of the schizonepeta plant. Also known as Japanese catnip, it grows especially in China and Japan. Schizonepeta is an annual plant that has a scent similar to that of pine. The plant has small, lavender flowers that grow together in bunches. The plants are usually harvested during autumn and winter. The useful parts (stems, leaves and flowers) are dried in the shade and cut into pieces. How to prepare Schizonepeta Tea To enjoy schizonepeta tea, add stems, leaves or flowers to a cup of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes, then strain to remove the herbs. If you want your tea to have a stronger flavor, let it steep for about 10 minutes. Schizonepeta Tea Benefits Schizonepeta tea has plenty of health benefits, thanks to the active constituents of the plant. These include menthol, menthone, caffeic acid, schizonodiol, cineole, and hesperidin. Schizonepeta tea is useful when you’re dealing with hemorrhages. It can be generally used to help with post-natal bleeding and excessive menstruation. Also, it can be used to treat uterine hemorrhage, vomiting blood, and hemafecia. This tea can help with itchiness, especially in the nose, throat, and palate. It is useful when you’ve got an allergic reaction, as well, and can treat fevers. Schizonepeta tea can also be applied topically. It can be used when you’ve got skin conditions, such as psoriasis, boils and rashes. Also, together with honeysuckle, forsythia, and ledebouriella root, it can treat pus-generating infections. Drinking schizonepeta tea can also help you when you’re dealing with mastitis and carbuncle. It is also used to lessen inflammations and swellings. Schizonepeta Tea Side Effects When it comes to schizonepeta tea side effects, there aren’t too many to mention. It is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women shouldn’t drink this tea, as it might affect the baby in both cases. Also, if you’ve got liver problems, you should stay away from schizonepeta tea, as well. It might cause more damage.   Schizonepeta tea definitely has more health benefits than side effects. This should convince you to give it a try and maybe include it in your daily diet.... have some schizonepeta tea!

Schizachyrium Exile


Synonym: Andropogon exilis Hochst.

Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.

Habitat: Bihar, Assam, Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

Ayurvedic: Sprkaa, Sprk.

Action: Used as a substitute for Delphinium Zalil.... schizachyrium exile


A pre?x signifying splitting.... schizo


Stage in the life cycle of opicomplexan protozoa in which there is multiple asexual divisions (e.g. in malarial parasites).... schizonts


n. any agent used for killing *schizonts.... schizonticide

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

a personality disorder characterized by cold aloof feelings, eccentricities of behaviour, odd ways of thinking and talking, and occasional short periods of intense illusions, hallucinations, or delusion-like ideas.... schizotypal personality disorder

Schizandra Tea

Schizandra tea is a pleasant herbal tea, slightly bitter but not too much. Just like many herbal teas, this one has plenty of health benefits. Find out more about schizandra tea. About Schizandra Tea Schizandra tea is made from the berry of the Schisandra chinensis plant. This is a deciduous woody vine which grows in the forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East, where they have shade and moist and a well-drained soil. It belongs to a dioecious species; therefore, the flowers on a female plant will only produce fruit when they are fertilized with pollen from a male plant. The berry has a sweet, salty, bitter, hot and sour taste; this gives the berry its name, “five flavor berry”. How to prepare Schizandra Tea To enjoy a cup of schizandra tea, add 2-4 tablespoons of dried schizandra berries to a pot of boiling water; the pot should have enough water for two cups, initially. Reduce the heat and leave the berries in the hot water for about 12 minutes, or until the water that’s left is enough for only one cup. Strain and your cup of schizandra tea is ready! You can sweeten schizandra tea with honey or fruit juices (especially lemon). Schizandra Tea Constituents Schizandra tea gets many active constituents from its main ingredient, the “five flavor berry”. These lead to the many health benefits of schizandra tea. This tea has a high concentration of lignans, and also includes beta-sitosterol, gomisin, and schisandrin. Besides these, it is also rich in phytoestrogens, minerals, vitamins and essential oils. Schizandra Tea Benefits Schizandra tea can be used to treat liver problems; hepatitis is an example, as it reduces blood levels of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, an enzyme which can damage the liver. It is also included in the treatment of coronary heart diseases, skin disorders, and various infections. Drinking schizandra tea has a relaxing effect, as it sedates the nervous system and this way, fights against insomnia and irritation. It also improves your memory, brain efficiency, and reflexes. Schizandra tea can prevent both premature aging and motion sickness. It can help treat eyesight problems, and might even improve night vision. It is also useful to drink it if you’ve got problems with high blood pressure. Also, combined with other herbs (ginger, wormwood, bupleurum), it is often used in the fight against Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Schizandra Tea Side Effects Schizandra tea shouldn’t be consumed by pregnant women. It might cause the uterus to contract, which can lead to unwanted miscarriages. Also, it is recommended not to drink it if you’re breastfeeding, as it might affect the baby. Persons who have epilepsy shouldn’t drink schizandra tea, either. It is said that it might stimulate the central nervous system. Also, you shouldn’t drink schizandra tea if you know you’ve got problems with gastroesophageal reflex disease, peptic ulcers, or intracranial pressure. With the first two, it can worsen your condition by increasing stomach acid. With intracranial pressure, it can worsen it just like in the caseof epilepsy: by possibly stimulating the central nervous system.   Schizandra tea can work as an ideal everyday hot beverage. If you make sure the side effects don’t affect you, then you can enjoy this tea for its health benefits.... schizandra tea

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Inability to relate socially to other people. People with this trait, which is apparent from childhood, are often described as “loners” and have few, if any, friends. They are eccentric, seem to lack concern for others, and are apparently detached from normal day-to-day activities.... schizoid personality disorder

Disorganized Schizophrenia

see hebephrenia.... disorganized schizophrenia

Late-onset Schizophrenia

a mental disorder characterized by systematic *delusions and commonly auditory *hallucinations, but without any other marked symptoms of *mental illness; it was formerly known as paraphrenia. The only loss of contact with reality is in areas affected by the delusions and hallucinations. It is typically seen in the elderly and can also occur in people with severe hearing impediments. Some people develop other symptoms of *schizophrenia over time but in many the personality remains intact over years. *Antipsychotic medication is often useful in treating the illness.... late-onset schizophrenia

Schizoid Personality

a personality characterized by solitariness, emotional coldness to others, inability to experience pleasure, lack of response to praise and criticism, withdrawal into a fantasy world, excessive introspection, and eccentricity of behaviour. See personality disorder.... schizoid personality


n. one of the stages that occurs during the asexual phase of the life cycle of a sporozoan. See schizogony.... schizont

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