An asexual phase in the life-cycle of a sporozoan (see SPOROZOA) that occurs in red blood cells or liver cells.
n. a phase of asexual reproduction in the life cycle of a sporozoan (protozoan parasite) that occurs in the liver or red blood cells. The parasite grows and divides many times to form a schizont, which contains many *merozoites. The eventual release of merozoites of *Plasmodium, the malaria parasite, from the blood cells produces fever in the patient.
n. a stage in the life cycle of the malaria parasite (*Plasmodium). Many merozoites are formed during the asexual division of the schizont (see schizogony). The released merozoites may invade new red blood cells or new liver cells, and continue the asexual phase with the production of yet more merozoites, effectively spreading the infection. Alternatively, merozoites invade red blood cells and begin the sexual cycle with the formation of male and female sex cells (see microgametocyte; macrogametocyte).... merozoite
n. a genus of protozoans (see Sporozoa) that live as parasites within human red blood cells and liver cells. The parasite undergoes its asexual development (see schizogony) in humans and completes the sexual phase of its development (see sporogony) in the stomach and digestive glands of a bloodsucking *Anopheles mosquito. Four species cause *malaria: P. vivax, P. ovale, P. falciparum, and P. malariae.... plasmodium
n. the formation of *sporozoites during the life cycle of a sporozoan. The contents of the zygote, formed by the fusion of sex cells, divide repeatedly and eventually release a number of sporozoites. Compare schizogony.... sporogony