Roxb.Synonym: S. grossus Linn. f.Family: Cyperaceae.
Habitat: Distributed throughout India, especially in swamps, up to an altitude of 700 m.
Ayurvedic: Kasheru, Kasheruka.Siddha/Tamil: Karundan, Gundati- gagaddi (rhizome).Folk: Kaseru.Action: Tuber—nutritious, astringent, antidiarrhoeal, antiemetic, galactagogue, hypoglycaemic, diuretic, urinary antiseptic. Used in prescriptions for dysuria, diabetes, genitourinary affections, dyscrasia and as a spermopoietic and liver tonic.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofln- dia recommends the powder of the rhizome for promoting spermatogen- sis and development of breast.The tuber gave progesterone, sugars, tannins, starch and saponins. The fruit contains amylase.The tuber of Scirpus lacustris L. (Kashmir, Ladakh, Kumaon), known as Great Bulrush or Clubrush, is also used as astringent, diuretic and antimicrobial. The aromatic compounds isolated from the rhizomes include derivatives of benzaldehyde, hydrox- ybenzoic and cinnamic acids.Dosage: Rhizome—5-10 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)