Habitat: Throughout India.
Ayurvedic: Chakshushyaa, Aranya- kulathhikaa, Kataka.Unani: Chaaksu.Siddha/Tamil: Muulaipalyirai, Kaattukollu.Folk: BanKulathi.Action: Seed—bitter, blood-purifier, astringent, stimulant, diuretic. Used topically for leucoderma, ringworm, venereal ulcers and other skin diseases. Roots—purgative.
Seeds gave sitosterol-beta-D-gluco- side and alkaloids—chaksine and iso- chaksine. Chaksine is found to be antibacterial against Micrococcus pyo- genes var. aureus and Streptococcus haemolyticus. It stimulates contraction of different tissues of plain muscles, like uterus, intestine, bladder, and muscles in blood vessels. It depresses the parasympathetic nerve- endings of certain organs like intestineFamily: Caesalpiniaceae.Habitat: Native to the West Indies. Found wild almost throughout India.
English: Ringworm Cassia.Ayurvedic: Dadrughna, Dadrumar- dana.Siddha: Malanthakerai, Seemai agathi (Tamil).Folk: Daadmaari.Action: Leaf—used in skin diseases like herpes, blotch, eczema, mycosis (washerman's itch). Dried leaves— in leprosy. A strong decoction is used for ringworm, eczema and herpes. Leaves are also used as a purgative.
Young pods contain rhein, emodin and aloe-emodin. The antibacterial activity of the leaves is reported to be due to rhein. The roots contain an- thraquinone. Emodin, aloe-emodin and anthraquinone contribute to the purgative activity of the leaves and roots. Crushed leaves or roots are rubbed on to the skin to cure ringworm and to control Tinea imbricata, a skin fungus.... cassia alataHabitat: Native to the West Indies; now cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Punjab, Assam and Tamil Nadu.
English: Roselle, Jamaican Sorrel, Natal Sorrel, Red Sorrel.Ayurvedic: Ambashtthaki.Siddha/Tamil: Sivappu Kashmakki, Pulichai-keerai, Gogu, Seemai Kaseru.Folk: Laal-ambaadi, Patavaa, Patsan.Action: Digestive, choleretic, antibilious, laxative, diuretic, hypotensive, antiscorbutic. Used as a cardiac and nervine tonic for disorders of circulation, also for calcified arteries.
Key application: Flowers—used for loss of appetite, for colds, catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract and stomach, for disorders of circulation. (Included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.)The seeds contain sterols, including 3.2% ergosterol; leaves contain sitosterol-beta-D-galactoside. Flowers contain myricetin, kaempferol and quercetin, but did not contain free mutagenic flavonol aglycons.The aqueous extract of flower buds has been reported to decrease blood pressure, cause relaxation of rat uterus. Succulent sepals and leaves—hypoten- sive, antimicrobial and anthelmintic.Oil and unsapanofiable matter—antibacterial, antifungal.Dosage: Root—5-10 g. (API Vol. III.)... hibiscus sabdariffaHabitat: Native to West Indies; cultivated in Indian gardens.
English: White Champa.Ayurvedic: Kshira Champaka (white-flowered var.).Siddha/Tamil: Perumal Arali, Seemai Arali.Action: Root bark—used in blenn- orrhagia. Bark and latex—used externally in herpes, syphilitic ulcers and scabies. Seed—haemostatic.
The root gave iridoids—iso-plu- mericin, plumericin, plumieride, plu- mieride coumarate and its glucoside. The bark gave alpha-and beta-amyrin and their acetates, beta-sitosterol, sco- poletin and plumieride. The flowers also contain plumieride coumarate and its glucoside, in addition to quercetin derivatives.... plumeria albaHabitat: Native to Central America; cultivated chiefly in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh.
English: GuavaAyurvedic: Peruka (non-classical), Amaruuda.Siddha/Tamil: Koyya.Action: Unripe fruit—antidiar- rhoeal. Leaves—used for dysentery, diabetes, cough and cold. Flowers— anthelmintic.
Guava juice may be helpful in regulating blood sugar in type 2 diabetes and syndrome X. (Sharon M. Herr.)A residue obtained from methanolic fraction of unripe fruits was found to possess significant antidiarrhoeal activity. The fraction decreased gastric motility in an experimental animal model. The fraction was also found to inhibit significantly the growth of different strains of Shigella sp. and Vibrio cholerae.In China and Taiwan, the leaf extract is administered for treating diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes and inflammations. The leaf extract (containing quercetin) inhibits acetylcholine release in the gastro-intestinal tract which might account for us antidiarrhoeal activity. An extract of leaves with a little salt is given in relieve whooping cough.In New Papua Guinea, decoction of new leaf tips is drunk to treat hepatitis.Guava seed oil contains very higher proporation of linoleic acid (75.52%) than sunflower, groundnut, olive, soybean and coconut oil. The seeds from Pakistan yield 9.25% of a fatty oil.Vitamin C content of the ripe fruit ranges from 100 to 1000 mg/100 g. It is highest in the skin and in the flesh next to it.Psidium cattleyanum Sabine is equated with Straberry Guava and is known as Seemai Koyya in Tamil Nadu and Pahari Payaar in Bengal. The fruit contains vitamin C 15-44 mg/100 g.Smaller var. of Guava is equated with Psidium guineense Sw. It is found in Tripura.... psidium guajava