Septimber, Septymber, Septemberia, Septemberea
Septimber, Septymber, Septemberia, Septemberea
In the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks on buildings in New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, modi?ed anthrax spores were sent by mail from an unidenti?ed source to some prominent Americans. Several people were infected and a few died. This was the ?rst known use of anthrax as a terror weapon.
Prevention is most important by disinfecting all hides, wool and hair coming from areas of the world. An e?cient vaccine is now available. Treatment consists of the administration of large doses of the broad-spectrum antibiotic, CIPROFLOXACIN. If bioterrorism is thought to be the likely source of anthrax infection, appropriate decontamination procedures must be organised promptly.
EXTERNAL FORM This is the ‘malignant pustule’. After inoculation of some small wound, a few hours or days elapse, and then a red, in?amed swelling appears, which grows larger till it covers half the face or the breadth of the arm, as the case may be. Upon its summit appears a bleb of pus, which bursts and leaves a black scab, perhaps 12 mm (half an inch) wide. The patient is feverish and seriously ill. The in?ammation may last ten days or so, when it slowly subsides and the patient recovers, if surviving the fever and prostration.
INTERNAL FORM This takes the form of pneumonia with haemorrhages, when the spores have been drawn into the lungs, or of ulcers of the stomach and intestines, with gangrene of the SPLEEN, when they have been swallowed.
It is usually fatal in two or three days. Victims may also develop GASTROENTERITIS or MENINGITIS.... anthrax
Habitat: Hedges, woods and shady banks,
Features ? This slender, sparsely branched plant reaches a height of one to two feet. The stem leaves have two leaflets, with one margin-toothed terminal lobe. The root leaves are on long stalks with two small leaflets at the base. The yellow, erect flowers, with naked styles, appear between May and September. The root is short, hard and rough, with light brown rootlets.Part used ? Herb and root.Action: Astringent, tonic, antiseptic and stomachic.
The properties of Avens make for success in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The tonic effect upon the glands of the stomach and alimentary tract point to its helpfulness in dyspepsia. In general debility continued use has had good results. The astringent qualities may also be utilized in cases of relaxed throat Although wineglass-ful doses three or four times daily of the 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion are usually prescribed, Avens may be taken freely, and is, indeed, used by country people in certain districts as a beverage in place of tea or coffee.... avensHabitat: Found growing in damp meadows in many parts of Britain, and is also distributed throughout Northern Europe, as well as Northern and Western Asia.
Features ? The oval leaves, similar in appearance to those of the Dock, are blue-green above, grey and purplish underneath, and spring from the roots. The leaf stalks and blades are six to eight inches long, the slender flower stems carrying fewer and smaller leaves, reaching to a height of from one to two feet. A dense, cylindrical spike of pale-hued flowers blossoms from the top of the stem between June and September.Part used ? The root is the part in most demand, and is reddish-brown in colour.Action: There is no odour, and the taste is astringent, which is the chief therapeutic action of the root—indeed it is, perhaps, the most powerful astringent in the botanic practice.
The decoction of 1 ounce of the crushed root to 1 pint (reduced) of water is used chiefly in hemorrhages and as a gargle and mouth-wash in cases ofsore throat or gums. Combined with Flag-root it has been known to give relief from intermittent fever and ague. The old-time herbalists enthused over the virtues of Bistort root in "burstings, bruises, falls, blows and jaundice."... bistortHabitat: Around ledges and roadsides.
Features ? Several erect, hairy stems, two to three feet high. Leaf and flower stalks also hairy. Roundish leaf has five to seven lobes, middle one longest. Numerous flowers (June-September), large reddish-purple, clustered four or five together on axillary stalk.Part used ? Flowers, herb.Action: Demulcent, mucilaginous, pectoral.
1 ounce to 1 pint infusion makes a popular cough and cold remedy.... blue mallowHin: Akasgaddah;
Mal: Kadamba, KollankovaTam: Akashagarudan, Gollankovai;Tel: Murudonda, NagadondaCorallocarpus is a prostrate or climbing herb distributed in Punjab, Sind, Gujarat, Deccan, Karnataka and Sri Lanka. It is monoecious with large root which is turnip-shaped and slender stem which is grooved, zigzag and glabrous. Tendrils are simple, slender and glabrous. Leaves are sub-orbicular in outline, light green above and pale beneath, deeply cordate at the base, angled or more or less deeply 3-5 lobed. Petiole is long and glabrous. Male flowers are small and arranged at the tip of a straight stiff glabrous peduncle. Calyx is slightly hairy, long and rounded at the base. Corolla is long and greenish yellow. Female flowers are usually solitary with short, stout and glabrous peduncles. Fruit is stalked, long, ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds are pyriform, turgid, brown and with a whitish corded margin. It is prescribed in later stages of dysentery and old veneral complaints. For external use in chronic rheumatism, it is made into a liniment with cumin seed, onion and castor oil. It is used in case of snakebite where it is administered internally and applied to the bitten part. The root is given in syphilitic rheumatism and later stages of dysentery. The plant is bitter, sweet, alexipharmic and emetic. The root is said to possess alterative and laxative properties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). Root contains a bitter principle like Breyonin (Chopra et al, 1980).Agrotechnology: Cucurbits can be successfully grown during January-March and September- December. For the rainfed crop, sowing can also be started after the receipt of the first few showers.Pits of 60cm diameter and 30-45cm depth are to be taken at the desired spacing. Well rotten FYM or vegetable mixture is to be mixed with topsoil in the pit and seeds are to be sown at 4-5/pit. Unhealthy plants are to be removed after 2 weeks and retained 2-3 plants/pit. FYM is to be applied at 20-25t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35kg/ha) and full dose of P (25kg) and K (25kg). The remaining dose of N (35kg) can be applied in 2 equal split doses at fortnightly intervals. During the initial stages of growth, irrigation is to be given at an interval of 3-4 days and at alternate days during flowering and fruiting periods. For trailing cucumber, pumpkin and melon, dried twigs are to be spread on the ground. Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, snake gourd and ash gourd are to be trailed on Pandals. Weeding and raking of the soil are to be conducted at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up may be done during rainy season. The most dreaded pest of cucurbits is fruit flies which can be controlled by using fruit traps, covering the fruits with polythene, cloth or paper bags, removal and destruction of affected fruits and lastly spraying with Carbaryl or Malathion 0. 2% suspension containing sugar or jaggery at 10g/l at fortnightly intervals after fruit set initiation. During rainy season, downy mildew and mosaic diseases are severe in cucurbits. The former can be checked by spraying Mancozeb 0.2%. The spread of mosaic can be checked by controlling the vectors using Dimethoate or Phosphamidon 0.05% and destruction of affected plants and collateral hosts. Harvesting to be done at least 10 days after insecticide or fungicide application (KAU,1996).... cucurbitsHabitat: Hedges and thickets.
Features ? Stem rough, hairy, freely branched, climbs several feet by numerous curling tendrils. Leaves vine-like, five- or seven-lobed, coarse and rough. Flowers (May to September), white, green-veined, in axillar panicles. Berries scarlet when ripe. Branched root one to two feet long, white internally and externally. Not to be confused with American Mandrake (q.v.).Part used ? Root.Action: Cathartic, hydragogue.
Cough, influenza, bronchitis. Cardiac disorders resulting from rheumatism and gout. Is also used in malarial and zymotic diseases. Dose of the fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm. Large doses to be avoided.... bryonyHabitat: Ditches, by waterways, and in wet places generally; also cultivated in gardens.
Features ? Erect, smooth, angular, brown-spotted stem, two to three feet high. Leaves opposite, stalked, smooth, serrate, usually in three or five segments. Flowers (July to September) in terminal heads, small, tawny. Numerous seeds, four-cornered, reflexed prickles. Root tapering, many-fibred.Part used ? Whole plant.Action: Astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic.
Dropsy, gout and bleeding of the urinary and respiratory organs, as well as uterine hemorrhage. 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion, in wineglass doses, three or four times daily. Ginger is usually added to this herb. Hool recommends 2 ounces Burr Marigold to 1 of crushed Ginger in 3 pints of water simmered down to 1 quart, given in the above quantity five times daily, or oftener if necessary.... burr marigoldHabitat: Meadows, pastures, waysides.
Features ? Stem long and creeping, rooting at joints, as the strawberry. Leaf stalks one to two inches long with five obovate leaflets, serrate, scattered hairs, veins prominent below. Flowers (June-September) bright yellow, five petals, solitary, on long stalks from stem as the leaves.Part used ? Herb.Action: Astringent.
Infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of water in wineglass doses for diarrhoea. Also as a gargle for relaxed throat. Externally, as an astringent skin lotion.... cinquefoilHabitat: The plant is seen only on the sand dunes of the sea shore.
Features ? A pale greenish-blue bloom is characteristic of the erect, smooth stem, which grows to nearly one foot. Stiff, wavy, roundish leaves are roughly divided into three short, broad lobes, with beautiful veins and sharp teeth at the margins. Root leaves have stalks, but those from the stem are sessile. Blooming from July to September, the bright, pale blue flowers form a dense, round head at the end ofbranches. The blackish-brown roots, long, thin arid cylindrical, are topped with the bristly remnants of the leaf stalks, and have a sweetish, mucilaginous taste.Part used ? The root is the only part of the plant recognised in herbalism.Action: Eryngo root is a diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant.
It is mostly prescribed for bladder disorders, such as difficult and painful micturation, and also forms part of the treatment for uterine irritation.Richard Lawrence Hool, of the British and American Physio-Medical Association, advises it in "sluggishness of the liver with uric acid accumulations," prepared as follows:"Sea Holly 1 ounceWild Carrot 1 ounce."Boil in 1 1/2 pints of water down to 1 pint; strain, and take a wineglassful four times a day. In cases of jaundice take:"Sea Holly 1 ounceBarberry bark 1/2 ounce"Boil in 1 quart of new milk for 10 minutes. Strain, and take two wineglassfuls every three hours." He adds ? "Most obstinate cases have been known to yield to this remedy in from 7-to 14 days."... eryngoHabitat: Gravel Root is a native of the United States, and must not be confused with the English Queen of the Meadow or Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria).
Features ? Our present subject is a member of the Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) family, and sometimes reaches six feet in height at full growth. It is peculiar for a purple band about an inch broad round the leaf joint. Pale purple to white flowers bloom in August and September. The rhizome, as the medicinal "root" should more properly be termed, is hard and tough, up to an inch thick, with a nearly white wood and thin grey-brown bark. Short, lateral branches give off thin, tough root several inches long.Part used ? Root.Action: Diuretic and stimulant.
Gravel root is much prescribed for cases of stone in the bladder and certain other troubles of the kidneys and urinary apparatus. A decoction of 1 ounce of the root to 1 pint (reduced from 1 1/2 pints) of water is made, and taken in wineglass doses. Gravel root is also met with in nervine formulae, in which its tonic properties are recognised.The American physio-medical or "Thomsonite" M.D., F. H. England, has said that Gravel Root "induces very little stimulation. It expends nearly all its influence on the kidneys, bladder and uterus. It probably influences the whole sympathetic nervous system. Its use promotes the flow of urine as scarcely anything else will."... gravel rootNutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Moderate Protein: Low Fat: Low Saturated fat: Low Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Low Sodium: Low Major vitamin contribution: Vitamin A, vitamin C Major mineral contribution: Phosphorus
About the Nutrients in This Food Grapes are high in natural sugars, but even with the skin on they have less than one gram dietary fiber per serving. The most important nutrient in grapes is vitamin C. A serving of 10 green or red Thompson seedless grapes has 5.3 mg vitamin C (7 percent of the R DA for a woman, 6 percent of the R DA for a man). The tart, almost sour flavor of unripened grapes comes from natu- rally occurring malic acid. As grapes ripen, their malic acid content declines while their sugar content rises. R ipe eating grapes are always sweet, but they have no stored starches to convert to sugars so they won’t get sweeter after they are picked.
The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food Fresh and ripe.
Buying This Food Look for: Plump, well-colored grapes that are firmly attached to green stems that bend easily and snap back when you let them go. Green grapes should have a slightly yellow tint or a pink blush; red grapes should be deep, dark red or purple. Avoid: Mushy grapes, grapes with wrinkled skin, and grapes that feel sticky. They are all past their prime. So are grapes whose stems are dry and brittle. Characteristics of Different Varieties of Grapes Red grapes Cardinal Large, dark red, available March–August Emperor Large red with seeds. September–March Flame Seedless, medium to large, red. June–August R ibier Large, blue-black, with seeds. July–February Tokay Large, bright red, seeds. August–November Queen Large, bright to dark red, seeds. June–August White grapes Almeria Large, golden. August–October Calmeria Longish, light green. October–February Perlette Green, seedless, compact clusters. May–July Thompson Seedless, green to light gold. June–November Source: The Fresh Approach to Grapes (United Fruit & Vegetable Associat ion, n.d.).
Storing This Food Wrap grapes in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator. Do not wash grapes until you are ready to use them.
Preparing This Food To serve fresh grapes, rinse them under running water to remove debris, then drain the grapes and pick off stems and leaves. To peel grapes (for salads), choose Catawba, Concord, Delaware, Niagara, or Scup- pernong, the American varieties known as “slipskin” because the skin comes off easily. The European varieties (emperor, flame, Tokay, Muscat, Thompson) are more of a challenge. To peel them, put the grapes into a colander and submerge it in boiling water for a few seconds, then rinse or plunge them into cold water. The hot water makes cells in the grape’s flesh swell, stretching the skin; the cold bath makes the cells shrink back from the skin which should now come off easily.
What Happens When You Cook This Food See above.
How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food Juice. Red grapes are colored with anthocyanin pigments that turn deeper red in acids and blue, purple, or yellowish in basic (alkaline) solutions. As a result, red grape juice will turn brighter red if you mix it with lemon or orange juice. Since metals (which are basic) would also change the color of the juice, the inside of grape juice cans is coated with plastic or enamel to keep the juice from touching the metal. Since 2000, following several deaths attributed to unpasteurized apple juice contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, the FDA has required that all juices sold in the United States be pasteurized to inactivate harmful organ- isms such as bacteria and mold. Wine-making. Grapes are an ideal fruit for wine-making. They have enough sugar to pro- duce a product that is 10 percent alcohol and are acidic enough to keep unwanted micro- organisms from growing during fermentation. Some wines retain some of the nutrients originally present in the grapes from which they are made. (See wine.) Drying. See r aisins.
Medical Uses and/or Benefits Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Grape skin, pulp, and seed contain resveratrol, one of a group of plant chemicals credited with lowering cholesterol and thus reducing the risk of heart attack by preventing molecular fragments called free radicals from linking together to form compounds that damage body cells, leading to blocked arteries (heart disease), glucose-damaged blood vessels (diabetes), and unregulated cell growth (cancer). The juice from purple grapes has more resveratrol than the juice from red grapes, which has more resveratrol than the juice from white grapes. More specifically, in 1998, a team of food scientists from the USDA Agricultural Research Service identified a native American grape, the muscadine, commonly used to make grape juice in the United States, as an unusually potent source of resveratrol.... grapes
Habitat: Marshes near the sea.
Features ? This erect plant grows to a height of three feet, and is distinguishable from the Common Mallow by the velvety down covering the stem and leaves. Stems are round, the soft leaves being five-lobed below and three-lobed above. The pinkish- blue flowers appear in luxuriant axillar panicles between July and September. Roots are thick and fleshy, resembling those of the parsnip, and greyish-white outside, white and fibrous internally. The taste is mucilaginous and unpleasant, with only a very slight odour. The roots should be stored in a very dry place, or a yellowish matter of disagreeable smell will form.Part used ? Root and leaves.Action: The root is preferred, as the demulcent, emollient, diuretic and expectorant properties are present here in greater strength.
Marshmallow, usually in combination with other remedies, is takeninternally for coughs, colds and bronchitis. Its diuretic and emollient qualities adapt it to urinary complaints and, as there is no astringent action (indeed, there appears to be some relaxing effect) it is particularly suitable in the treatment of nephritis, cystitis and gravel.The powdered or crushed fresh roots make a first-rate poultice, and the leaves also are used as a fomentation in inflammation. The addition of Slippery Elm powder improves the poultice, and the two remedies are frequently made up into an ointment for skin diseases, boils and ulcers.The leaves are taken as an infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water frequently, in wineglass doses.Culpeper relates a personal story about this herb:"You may remember that not long since there was a raging disease called the bloody flux ; the College of Physicians not knowing what to make of it, called it The Plague in the Guts, for their wits were at ne plus ultra about it. My son was taken with the same disease ; myself being in the country, was sent for ; the only thing I gave him was Mallow bruised and boiled both in milk and drink ; in two days it cured him, and I have here to shew my thankfulness to God in communicating it to his creatures, leaving it to posterity."... marshmallowBacterial meningitis is life-threatening: in the United Kingdom, 5–10 per cent of children who contract the disease may die. Most cases of acute bacterial meningitis in the UK are caused by two bacteria: Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); other bacteria include Haemophilus in?uenzae (a common cause until virtually wiped out by immunisation), Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (see TUBERCULOSIS), Treponema pallidum (see SYPHILIS) and Staphylococci spp. Of the bacterial infections, meningococcal group B is the type that causes a large number of cases in the UK, while group A is less common.
Bacterial meningitis may occur by spread from nearby infected foci such as the nasopharynx, middle ear, mastoid and sinuses (see EAR, DISEASES OF). Direct infection may be the result of penetrating injuries of the skull from accidents or gunshot wounds. Meningitis may also be a complication of neurosurgery despite careful aseptic precautions. Immuno-compromised patients – those with AIDS or on CYTOTOXIC drugs – are vulnerable to infections.
Spread to contacts may occur in schools and similar communities. Many people harbour the meningococcus without developing meningitis. In recent years small clusters of cases, mainly in schoolchildren and young people at college, have occurred in Britain.
Symptoms include malaise accompanied by fever, severe headache, PHOTOPHOBIA, vomiting, irritability, rigors, drowsiness and neurological disturbances. Neck sti?ness and a positive KERNIG’S SIGN appearing within a few hours of infection are key diagnostic signs. Meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis may co-exist with SEPTICAEMIA, a much more serious condition in terms of death rate or organ damage and which constitutes a grave emergency demanding rapid treatment.
Diagnosis and treatment are urgent and, if bacterial meningitis is suspected, antibiotic treatment should be started even before laboratory con?rmation of the infection. Analysis of the CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) by means of a LUMBAR PUNCTURE is an essential step in diagnosis, except in patients for whom the test would be dangerous as they have signs of raised intracranial pressure. The CSF is clear or turbid in viral meningitis, turbid or viscous in tuberculous infection and turbulent or purulent when meningococci or staphylococci are the infective agents. Cell counts and biochemical make-up of the CSF are other diagnostic pointers. Serological tests are done to identify possible syphilitic infection, which is now rare in Britain.
Patients with suspected meningitis should be admitted to hospital quickly. General pracitioners are encouraged to give a dose of intramuscular penicillin before sending the child to hospital. Treatment in hospital is usually with a cephalosporin, such as ceftazidime or ceftriaxone. Once the sensitivity of the organism is known as a result of laboratory studies on CSF and blood, this may be changed to penicillin or, in the case of H. in?uenzae, to amoxicillin. Local infections such as SINUSITIS or middle-ear infection require treatment, and appropriate surgery for skull fractures or meningeal tears should be carried out as necessary. Tuberculous meningitis is treated for at least nine months with anti-tuberculous drugs (see TUBERCULOSIS). If bacterial meningitis causes CONVULSIONS, these can be controlled with diazepam (see TRANQUILLISERS; BENZODIAZEPINES) and ANALGESICS will be required for the severe headache.
Coexisting septicaemia may require full intensive care with close attention to intravenous ?uid and electrolyte balance, control of blood clotting and blood pressure.
Treatment of close contacts such as family, school friends, medical and nursing sta? is recommended if the patient has H. in?uenzae or N. meningitidis: RIFAMPICIN provides e?ective prophylaxis. Contacts of patients with pneumococcal infection do not need preventive treatment. Vaccines for meningococcal meningitis may be given to family members in small epidemics and to any contacts who are especially at risk such as infants, the elderly and immuno-compromised individuals.
The outlook for a patient with bacterial meningitis depends upon age – the young and old are vulnerable; speed of onset – sudden onset worsens the prognosis; and how quickly treatment is started – hence the urgency of diagnosis and admission to hospital. Recent research has shown that children who suffer meningitis in their ?rst year of life are ten times more likely to develop moderate or severe disability by the age of ?ve than contemporaries who have not been infected. (See British Medical Journal, 8 September 2001, page 523.)
Prevention One type of bacterial meningitis, that caused by Haemophilus, has been largely controlled by IMMUNISATION; meningococcal C vaccine has largely prevented this type of the disease in the UK. So far, no vaccine against group B has been developed, but research continues. Information on meningitis can be obtained from the Meningitis Trust and the Meningitis Research Foundation.... meningitis
Habitat: Parasitic on the Oak, Hawthorn, Apple and many other trees.
Features ? This familiar evergreen is a true parasite, receiving no nourishment from the soil, nor even from the decaying bark. The leaves are obtuse lance-shaped, broader towards the end, sessile, and grow from a smooth-jointed stem about a foot high. The flower-heads are yellowish and the berries white. The plant is tasteless and without odour.Part used ? Leaves.Action: Highly valued as a nervine and antispasmodic.
Mistletoe leaves are given in hysteria, epilepsy, chorea and other diseases of the nervous system. As an anti-spasmodic and tonic it is used in cardiac dropsy.Culpeper is at his most "Culpeperish" in discussing this plant, as witness:"The birdlime doth mollify hard knots, tumours and imposthumes, ripeneth and discuteth them; and draweth thick as well as thin humours from remote parts of the body, digesting and separating them. And being mixed with equal parts of resin and wax, doth mollify the hardness of the spleen, and healeth old ulcers and sores. Being mixed with Sandarack and Orpiment, it helpeth to draw off foul nails; and if quicklime and wine lees be added thereunto it worketh the stronger. Both the leaves and berries of Mistletoe do heat and dry, and are of subtle parts."While some truth may be hidden behind all this quaint terminology, it is feared that the modern herbal consultant would encounter serious difficulties if he attempted to follow the Culpeperian procedure too literally—although certain people still believe, or affect to believe, that he does so!The birdlime mentioned in the quotation and also in the synonyms is the resin viscin, from the Latin viscum, birdlime.MOUNTAIN FLAX.Linum cartharticum. N.O. LinaceaeSynonym: Purging Flax.Habitat: Heaths, moorlands; occasionally meadows and pastures.
Features ? Stem simple, up to eight inches high. Leaves opposite, small, lower obovate, higher lanceolate, entire. Flowers small, white (June to September), five-parted with serrate sepals, pointed petals. Taste, bitter and acrid.Part used ? Herb.Action: Laxative, cathartic.
In constipation, action similar to Senna, and sometimes preferred to the latter; rarely gripes. Occasionally prescribed with diuretics, etc., for gravel and dropsy. Combined with tonics and stomachics such as Gentian and Calumba root, makes a first-rate family medicine. Dose, wineglass of the ounce to pint infusion.... mistletoeHabitat: By waterways; luxuriantly on river islands and banks.
Features ? Stem four- (sometimes six-) sided, up to four feet high. Leaves in pairs, threes or fours, nearly sessile, lanceolate, margins entire, two to five inches long. Flowers (July to September) large, reddish-purple, six to eight in rings round the stalk. Root woody.Part used ? Herb.Action: Febrifuge, astringent, alterative.
Chiefly in feverish conditions with other herbs. Sometimes as an astringent in diarrhea. Used alone, simmer 1 ounce in 1 1/2 pints water for ten minutes. Dose, wineglassful as required.... purple loose-strifeThe facial lesion finally disappeared. ... cancer – facial
FAMILY: Asteraceae
SYNONYMS: Gumweed, hardy grindelia, gum plant, scaly grindelia, rosin weed, curlytop gumweed, curlycup gumweed, tarweed, resin-weed, sticky-heads.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A biennial or short-lived perennial up to one metre high with yellow, daisy-like flower heads, each with overlapping rows of backward-curling, bracts: squarrosa is Latin for ‘scaly or rough’, referring to these curling bracts. The leaves are dotted with resinous glands: thus many common names for Grindelia squarrosa, such as gumweed, refer to the gooey resin that they exude, which has a sweet incense-like scent. This white viscous gum may cover the entire bud top and flowers, which bloom in late summer from July to September. However, the dried flowering heads may persist for several years due to the preservative action of the gummy resin!
DISTRIBUTION: This plant is native to western North America and Mexico. It is naturalized in eastern North America and the Pacific Coast states: several species are also cultivated as ornamentals in Europe.
OTHER SPECIES: Grindelia comprises about 60 species: the name of the genus honours the Russian botanist, David Grindel. All are native to North and Central America and chiefly distributed in warm-temperate regions. Several species are used to produce essential oils, including G. oregana and G. robusta as well as G. squarrosa. All these oils were found to contain alpha-pinene, ?-pinene, limonene, borneol, bornyl acetate trans-pinocarveol and germacrene D as the main constituents and only showed small differences in chemical composition. However, menthol, menthone and pulegone were detected only in the essential oil of G. oregano.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Grindelia has been used as a traditional herbal remedy by indigenous cultures all over the Americas for centuries. The plant was harvested when in full bloom and used fresh as a poultice or herbal extract or dried for infusions etc. The herb was used by Great Plains Tribes mainly to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma, colic, coughs and bronchitis, especially among the aged; the leaves were smoked to relieve spasmodic asthma. Externally, the crushed flowers were used to make poultices, which was applied to burns, rashes, poison ivy, blisters, dermatitis, eczema, saddle sores and raw skin. The leaves and flowering tops was used to make an herbal tea used to relieve coughs and dizziness. The sticky sap was chewed as gum and herbal extracts were also used to treat rheumatic conditions. Spanish New Mexicans would also drink a tea made from boiling the flower buds in water, for treating kidney problems. The Eclectic School of Medicine used Grindelia externally to promote skin regrowth and to heal reluctant, persistent ulcers.
The medicinal value of this plant was not recognized by the orthodox practitioners of medicine in the US till the middle of the nineteenth century, after which it came into prominence as a major medicinal plant. Official recognition of Grindelia came with the introduction of the herb in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States in 1882. It is still listed in the U.S. Dispensatory, and is currently used by modern Americans in the treatment of colds, hay fever, nasal congestion, whooping cough, bronchial catarrh, asthma etc. It is current in the German Commission E for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and the British Pharmacopoeia also lists the antispasmodic, expectorant and cardiac depressant properties of this herb. The positive effects of this herb on the relief of symptoms of common cold have been recognized empirically. Indeed recent studies have shown it to have good expectorant and antispasmodic as well as moderate anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects. It also appears to aid allergenic attacks, not only by relieving the symptoms but in creating anti-bodies to reduce episodes and their severity. Secondary uses include the treatment of cystitis and fever, usually in combinations with other herbs. It is also indicated externally in lotion form for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and rashes due to poison ivy, hives etc.
ACTIONS: Anti-asthmatic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cooling, decongestant, emetic, expectorant, immune support, mucolytic, regenerative, sedative.
EXTRACTION: The essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering plant.
CHARACTERISTICS: A mobile liquid with a strong, earthy-herbaceous, medicinal and slightly camphoraceous odour. It blends well with eucalyptus, ravintsara, myrtle, pine, cypress and peru balsam.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Alpha-pinene (aprox. 25 per cent) is the major constituent, with ?-pinene, limonene, borneol, bornyl acetate and germacrene D. Data is lacking regarding the interaction of the chemistry of the aromatic resin and the volatile oils.
SAFETY DATA: No adverse effects have been reported in the literature regarding the safety of Grindelia in the case of therapeutic application. However, data is lacking regarding the essential oil specifically.
Skin Care: Acne, blisters, cuts, eczema, dermatitis, rashes (hives etc), stretch marks, scars, ulcers, wounds and skin care generally.
Respiratory System: Aids breathing, asthma, catarrh, chronic colds, bronchitis, congestion, hay fever, fever, ’flu, sinusitis, sore throat, whooping cough.
Immune System: Supports the immune system.
Nervous System: Nervous tension, stress.
OTHER USES: A homeopathic remedy is prepared from the leaves and flowering stems. It is used by pharmaceutical companies in whooping cough and asthma drugs; also available as a tincture.... grindelia
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
SYNONYMS: New Zealand tea tree, kahikatoa, red manuka, manex.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Manuka plant is an elegant, bushy evergreen shrub with deep green small spiky leaves that bears small flowers of white to pink in colour. The blossom is produced from September to February and most profusely in the later months. Its size ranges from a creeping plant to a small tree – trees can reach heights of up to 8 metres, especially when found within dense woodland. The leaves and flowers are strongly aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Manuka is the only Leptospermum species native to New Zealand, where it is widely distributed in various climatic and altitudinal zones. The physical characteristics, such as flower and leaf colour, leaf size and shape, branching habit, and foliage density vary considerably among populations. The plant can now be found in Australia where it seems to acclimatize well to varied terrain from marshland to dry mountain slopes. The essential oil is generally harvested from wild plants, as little farming of Manuka is currently undertaken.
OTHER SPECIES: The family Myrtaceae yields many valuable essential oils including eucalyptus, myrtle and tea tree. Another native tree of New Zealand called kanuka (Kunzea ericoides), sometimes called white or tree manuka, although superficially similar to L. scoparium in that both are collectively known as ‘tea trees’, is actually genetically a very distinct species. Kanuka in its typical form can grow into a tree up to 30 metres tall. It is also used to produce an essential oil.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: For centuries, New Zealand Maori have used manuka to treat a wide range of complaints. Early New Zealand records indicate that the plant’s bark, leaves, sap and seed capsules were used in beverages and medicinal preparations. A decoction of the leaves was drunk for urinary complaints and as a febrifuge. The steam from leaves boiled in water was inhaled for head colds. A decoction was prepared from the leaves and bark and the warm liquid was rubbed on stiff muscles and aching joints. The emollient white gum, called ‘pai manuka’, was given to nursing babies and also used to treat scalds and burns. Chewing the bark is said to have a relaxing effect and enhance sleep. It is said that Captain James Cook used the leaves of the plant as a tea to combat scurvy during long explorations of the southern hemisphere; later, early European settlers of New Zealand adopted Captain Cook’s use of the plant as a tea.
Recently, scientists have confirmed that manuka oil is up to 33 times stronger than tea tree essential oil for protecting against specific strains of bacteria; it is also effective against the MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staph. Aureus) bacteria, which is resistant to normal antibiotics.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, digestive, expectorant, immune stimulant, insecticide, sedative, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Steam distilled from the leaves, twigs and branches.
CHARACTERISTICS: A mobile liquid with a distinctive fresh, spicy, herbaceous aroma with a honey-like sweetness. It blends well with bay leaf, bergamot, black pepper, cajuput, cedarwood atlas, cinnamon, clove bud, elemi, ginger, juniper, lavender, nutmeg, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, vetiver and ylang ylang.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: The main active constituents of manuka oil are isoleptospermone, ?-pinene, ?-pinene, myrcene, ?-cymene, 1,8-cineole, linalol, methylcinnamate, ?-farnesine, isoleptospermone, leptospermone, sesquiterpenes such as cadina-3, 5-diene and ?-amorphene, and triketones. However, within the species of manuka there are at least nine different chemotypes: oil which contains high levels of triketones, found in the East Cape area of North Island in New Zealand appears to possess the greatest antimicrobial potential. Other chemotypes however are thought to reveal greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic tendencies. It is important to be aware of these various chemotypes when selecting an oil for therapeutic purposes.
SAFETY DATA: Generally it is thought to be non-sensitizing, non-toxic, and non-irritant. It can in some individuals, produce mild irritation but has a low irritancy compared to Australian tea tree oil. Avoid use during pregnancy because of spasmolytic activity.
Skin care: Acne, abscesses, athlete’s foot skin, bed sores, blisters, boils, burns, carbuncles, cold sores, cracked skin, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, insect bites and stings, lice, nail infections, oily skin, pimples, ringworm, sores, sunburn, tinea and ulcers.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Aches and pains, muscular tension, sprains and stiffness in joints, rheumatism.
Respiratory system: Coughs, cold, ’flu congestion, as well as asthma and hayfever.
Immune system: Tonic
Nervous system: Nervous debility.
OTHER USES: The essential oil is much used in phyto-cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations mainly for its potent antimicrobial properties. Commercial development of the essential oil has led to a range of products for the topical treatment of various conditions including joint pain, eczema and psoriasis. The oil is also used in perfumes and soaps. The scented flowers of the shrub attract bees, which are used for making the popular manuka honey.... manuka