(Bartram) Small.Synonym: Sabal serrulata (Michaux) Nichols.Family: Palmae.
Habitat: Southeastern North America.
English: Sabal, Saw Palmetto.Action: Ripe fruit—diuretic, urinary antiseptic, antiandrogenic, and antiexudative.
The fruit contains fatty acids, especially capric, caproic, caprylic, lau- ric, myristic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, stearic and palmitic acids; sterols, principally beta-sitosterol and its 3-gluco- side (and fatty acid derivatives), cam- pesterol and stigmasterol; triglycerides; triterpenes; alkanols; polysaccharides; flavonoids; essential oil and anthranilic acid.Key application: In urination problems due to benign prostatic hyperplasia stages I and II (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO.) (The lipophilic extracts of Saw Palmetto berries are used in France and Germany for the treatment of BPH. In a study (1999), shrinkage of the epithelial tissue in the transition zone of the prostate has been recorded. (Expanded Commission E Monographs.) (For Clinical studies, see ESCOP.)In India, Sabal palmetto Lodd. Ex Roem. & Schult (Sabal or Cabbage Palm) is planted in gardens for ornament. The sweet drupes are eaten as such or cooked for preparing a syrup. Other species of Sabal introduced into Indian gardens are: S. mauritiiformis Griseb. & Wendl., S. mexicana Mart., S. umbraculifera Mart., and S. minor Pers. The leaves of S. mexicana contain cyanidin. The leaves of S. minor contain caffeic, p-coumaric and sinapic acids.