Benth. ex C. B. ClarkeFamily: Umbelliferae; Apiaceae.
Habitat: Jammu and Kashmir at altitudes of 2,500 to 3,500 m.
Ayurvedic: Bhuutakeshi. Selinum sp. are also known as Bhuutakeshi.Action: Used for mental disorders as a tranquilizer. Volatile oil— hypotensive.
The volatile oil, distilled from the root, contains alpha-and beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, p-cymene, beta- phellandrene (major constituent), fen- chone, fenchyl alcohol and acetate, fenchyl hydroxy cinnamate, osthol, p- hydroxy cinnamate (0.1%), sesibricin, imperatorin and bergapten.The volatile oil from aerial parts causes a fall in blood pressure, vasoconstriction and stimulation of respiration. The action appears to be tranquillizing. It potentiates the effects of pentobarbital in rats and has no an- ticonvulsant activity. Smooth muscle activity is inhibited by the oil and negative inotropic and chronotropic effects are observed on heart muscle.