Action: A substitute for S. chirayita and Gentiana lutea L.
The leaves and flowers contain xan- thone—swartinin, triterpenes, oleano- lic acid and beta-sitosterol. Decussatin is also present in the flowers and root.... ophelia multiflora
Action: Astringent, resolvent, diuretic. Used externally for pain in renal and lumbar regions. Also used as an ingredient in cosmetic preparations.
The lichen contains lecanoric acid and atranorin.Several lichen species contain abundant quantities of usnic acid which exhibits antimicrobial and antifungal activity and is immunologically active in contact dermatitis.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the thallus in dysuria.Dosage: Whole thallus—1-3 g powder. (API, Vol. III.)... parmelia perlata