Siadh Health Dictionary

Siadh: From 2 Different Sources

The abbreviation for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (secretion), associated with certain lung or brain disorders and some types of cancer.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Secretion Of Antidiuretic Hormone

(SIADH) a condition of inappropriately high plasma levels of ADH (see vasopressin) with associated water retention, dilutional *hyponatraemia, and the production of highly concentrated urine. Renal, adrenal, thyroid, and hepatic function are normal, as is the volume of circulating blood (euvolaemia). It is caused by a variety of pathological conditions, usually intrathoracic and intracerebral, and also by a number of drugs, including antidepressants, chemotherapy agents, and some of the older antidiabetic agents. The treatment involves fluid restriction, treatment (or removal) of the underlying cause (or drug), and, in severe cases, administration of *demeclocycline to reduce the effects of ADH on the kidney. Very rarely, hypertonic saline is given.... syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone

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