Sialogogue Health Dictionary

Sialogogue: From 2 Different Sources


Plumbago spp.


The genus Plumbago belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae is a popular and medicinally very important group of medicinal plants. Three species, namely P. rosea, P. zeylanica and P. auriculata have been identified. Among these P. rosea and P. zeylanica are important ones.

Plumbago, in general is an esteemed remedy for leucoderma and other skin diseases. The synonyms of fire like agnih, vahnih, etc. are attributed to this drug to indicate the very burning action of the root, causing blisters on the skin (daranah). The drug is used only after adequate curing and purification. Root is the officinal part and it enters into the composition of preparations like Citrakasavam, Dasamularista, Gulgulutiktaka kasaya, Yogarajachurna, etc.

1. P. rosea Linn. syn. P. indica Linn.

Eng: Rosy-flowered Leadwort; San: Citrakah, Dhahanah;

Hin: Lalcitra, Raktacitra;

Ben: Lalchita;

Mal: Kotuveli, Chettikkoduveli, Chuvannakotuveli;

Tam: Chenkotuveli, Cittiramulam;

Kan: Kempacitramula;

Tel: Yerracitramulam

Rosy-flowered leadwort or Fire plant is a native of Coromandel Coast. It is found throughout India, in moist situations as well as cultivated. The roots are useful in dyspepsia, colic, inflammations, cough, bronchitis, helmenthiasis, haemorrhoids, elephantiasis, chronic and intermittent fever, leprosy, leucoderma, ringworm, scabies, hepatosplenomegaly, amenorrhoea, odontalgia, vitiated conditions of vata, kapha and anaemia. It is a pretty subscandent perennial shrub with semi -woody striate stems and flexible branches. Leaves are simple, alternate oblong, short cuneate at the base passing into a very short amplexicaul, exauriculate, and reddish petiole. Flowers are bright red, arranged in long terminal spikes. The calyx ribs are covered with stipitate, bifarious and subsessile gland. Corolla tube is slender and four times as long as the calyx. The stout roots are cylindrical, irregularly bent, light yellowish brown with smooth surface having short transverse shallow fissures at the regions of the bents. A light yellowish juice excudes from the cut surface. A healthy plant may produce 18-20 stout roots (Warrier et al, 1995).

The chemical constituents include plumbagin and sitosterol glucoside. Clinical trials have demonstrated that plumbagin oil from P. indica is useful in common wart (Satyavati et al, 1987). The roots are acrid, astringent, thermogenic, anthelmintic, constipating, expectorant, antiinflammmatory, abortifacient, alterant, anti-periodic, carminative, digestive, sudorific, narcotic, gastric, nervous stimulant and rejuvenating. Root is a powerful sialogogue and vesicant.

2. P. zeylanica Linn.

Eng:White flowered Leadwort; San:Chitraka;

Hin, Ben:Chitarak, Chitra; Mal:Vellakotuveli

Tam: Sittragam, Chittiramoolam;

Kan: Vahini; Mar: Chitraka;

Tel: Chitramulam

White flowered Leadwort or Chitarak is found wild in peninsular India and mostly in West Bengal. Root is used externally in leprosy and other skin diseases or obstinate character, aphthae, abscesses, influenza, piles and anasarca. Juice is used externally in scabies and ulcers. One of the important preparations of Chitrak is “Yograjguggal”, prescribed for arthritis, rheumatism, etc. The other well known preparations are “Chitrak Adivati” and “ Chitraka Haritaki”. In Unani system it is an ingredient of “Aqaruva-i- Kabir”, “Hab Ashkhar”, “Ma’jun Baladur”, “Ma’jun Raig Mahi”, etc. It is a branched undershrub. Roots are long and tuberous. Stem is striate. Leaves are simple, alternate, short petioled, ovate or ovate-oblong, acute with entire or wavy margin, 7x3.8cm and glabrous. Flowers are white, arranged in terminal spikes. Calyx is tubular, glandular-hairy. Corolla tube is slender; limb rotate and 5 lobbed. Stamens are 5 on a disc. Style is slender with 5 stigmatic branches. Fruit is membranous capsule enclosed within the persistent calyx.

The roots of P. zeylanica have been exhaustively studied and naphthaquinones have been isolated, namely, plumbagin, 3-chlroplumbagin, droserone (Sidhu et al, 1971; Padhye et al, 1973), 3,3’-biplumbagin(Chitranone), zeylanone and iso-zeylanone and a coumarin, elliptinone (Sankaram et al, 1976, 1979). It also contains 1,2(3)-tetrahydro-3,3’-biplumbagin and plumbazeylanone. The leaf is antirheumatic. Root is appetiser, sudorific, relieves pain, vasicant, diuretic, caustic, antidiarrhoeal and expellent of phlegmatic tumours. Root is uterine stimulant. Root and fruits have antiimplantation activity. Plumbagin induces antiimplantation, has abortifacient and antiovulatory activity and causes selective testicular lesions in dogs. It is also a mitotic inhibitor. In lower concentration it behaves like a spindle, poison but in higher concentration it exhibits radiomimetic, nucleotoxic and cyclotoxic effects. It also has antibacterial, antifungal and anticoagulant activities and shows antagonism to amphetamine hyperactivity in mice.

3. P. auriculata Lam. syn. P. capensis

Eng: Blue flowered Leadwort;

Mal: Neelakotuveli

The blue flowered Leadwort is often grown in gardens throughout India (Moos, 1976; Chunekar, 1982; Sharma, 1983). It is a native of Cape Province in South Africa. It is a constituent of many Ayurvedic drugs (KAU, 1991). The plant is a subshrub growing to a height of 1-1.5m. Leaves are elliptic to obovate, 3-4 x 1.5-2cm. Inflorescence is a raceme of length 3-4cm. Corolla is blue to violet. Stamens are 5 in number. Flowers and fruits may be upto 12 in number (Matthew, 1995).

Agrotechnology: The plant is grown in tropical to subtropical ecosystems. Warm humid tropical climate is most suited. They come up well in almost all types of deep and well drained soils. It is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings. Three stem cuttings of size 15cm long are planted in polybags of size 14x10cm. IAA and IBA treatments will improve rooting of cuttings. The land is to be ploughed well. About 4 tonnes of FYM are to be applied, mixed thoroughly and seed bed of size 50cm breadth, 1.5cm height and convenient length are to be prepared. On these beds pits are taken at a distance of 25cm and the rooted plants are transplanted from the polybags. Regular irrigation and weeding are to be carried out. In the second year with the onset of monsoon, seedbeds are again refreshed after adding about 4 tonnes of FYM. At the end of second year tubers are collected. Care should be taken to wear gloves, else the chemical plumbagin present in the roots will cause burning sensation. The collected tubers are washed, tied into bundles and marketed. Plumbago yields about 7-10t tubers/ha with good management (Prasad et al, 1997).... leadwort


Bitters are stimulants to the autonomic nervous system. They stimulate ‘bitter’ taste buds in the mouth that reflexly initiate secretion of a special hormone into the blood stream increasing production of stomach and pancreatic juices and impelling the liver to release bile into the duodenum. Bitters increase acid production and are given about half an hour before meals. To sweeten them is to nullify their effect.

Bitters increase the appetite, assist assimilation, and are indicated for perverted or loss of the sense of taste (zinc). They reduce fermentation in the intestines and are of value in hypoglycaemia and diabetes mellitus. Bitters are not carminatives. Some, such as Gentian, Calumba and Chamomile are also sialogogues (increasing the flow of saliva). Another effect, little understood, is an increase in white corpuscles in the peripheral circulation.

Aletris, Angostura, Avens, Balmony, Barberry, Betony, Bogbean, Boneset, Calumba, Centuary, Chicory, Condurango, Feverfew, Gentian, Goldenseal, Holy Thistle, Hops, Quassia Chips, Rue, Southernwood, White Horehound, Wormwood.

Not used in presence of gastric ulcer. ... bitters


An acute infectious disease caused by Gram positive Corynebacterium diphtheria by droplet infection. Incubation: 2-4 days. Isolation.

Symptoms: low grade fever, malaise, sore throat, massive swelling of cervical lymph glands, thick white exudate from tonsils, false membrane forms from soft palate to larynx with brassy cough and difficult breathing leading to cyanosis and coma. Toxaemia, prostration, thin rapid pulse. Throat swabs taken for laboratory examination. See: NOTIFIABLE DISEASES.

Treatment. Bedrest. Encourage sweating.

Recommendations are for those parts of the world where medical help is not readily available and may save lives. Alternatives:–

1. Combine: Tincture Echinacea 3; Tincture Goldenseal 2; Tincture Myrrh 1. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two-hourly.

2. Combine equal parts: Tincture Lobelia; Tincture Echinacea. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two-hourly.

3. Combine Tincture Poke root 2; Tincture Echinacea 3. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two hourly.

4. G.L.B. Rounseville, MD, Ill., USA. I have treated diphtheria since 1883. I have treated diphtheria until I am sure the number of cases treated run into four digits. I have never given a hypodermic of antitoxin on my own initiative, nor have I ever lost a case early enough to inhibit conditions. I have depended upon Echinacea not only prophylactic but also as an antiseptic . . . In the line of medication the remedies are: Aconite, Belladonna, Poke root and Cactus grand, according to indications. But remember, if you are to have success, Echinacea must be given internally, externally and eternally! Do not fear any case of diphtheria with properly selected remedies as the symptoms occur. Echinacea will also be your stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic, sialogogue, cathartic and antipyretic. (Ellingwood’s Physiomedicalist, Vol 13, No 6, June, 1919, 202)

5. Alexander M. Stern MD, Palatka, Florida, USA. Combine: tinctures Echinacea 1oz, Belladonna 10 drops, Aconite 10 drops. Water to 4oz. 1 teaspoon 2-hourly.

6. F.H. Williams, MD, Bristol, Conn., USA. I took a case which had been given up to die with tracheal diphtheritic croup. I gave him old-fashioned Lobelia (2) seed and Capsicum (1) internally and externally and secured expulsion of a perfect cast of the trachea without a tracheotomy.

7. Gargle, and frequent drink. To loosen false membrane. Raw lemon juice 1, water 2. Pineapple juice. Teas: Red Sage, fresh Poke root. Cold packs – saturated with Echinacea (Tincture, Liquid Extract or decoction) to throat.

Note: Capsicum and Lobelia open up the surface blood flow of the body thus releasing congestion on the inner mucous membranes.

Diet. Complete lemon-juice and herb tea fast with no solid foods as long as crisis lasts.

To be treated by a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... diphtheria


Mouse-ear hawkweed. Hieracium pilosella L. Dried herb. Keynote: cough. Constituents: flavonoids, coumarin.

Action: antitussive, anticatarrhal, expectorant, diuretic, sialogogue, antispasmodic, astringent, antibiotic (fresh plant only). A drying agent for profuse mucous discharge.

Uses: whooping cough, cough productive of much mucus. Profuse catarrh, haemoptysis (blood in the sputum), brucellosis (Malta fever), colitis. Bruised fresh plant used by Spanish shepherds for injuries in the field. Nosebleeds. Liver disorders.

BHP (1983) combination: Mouse-ear, White Horehound, Mullein and Coltsfoot (whooping cough). Preparations. Average dose: 2-4 grams, or equivalent; thrice daily (5-6 times daily, acute cases). Works best as a tea or in combination of teas rather than in alcohol.

Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose, half-1 cup.

Liquid Extract: 30-60 drops, in water.

Home tincture: 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol (Vodka, gin, etc). Macerate 8 days, shake daily.

Filter. Dose: 1-3 teaspoons in water.

Powder. 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). ... mouse-ear


Elettaria Cardamomum

FAMILY: Zingiberaceae

SYNONYMS: Elettaria cardomomum var. cardomomum, cardamom, cardamomi, cardamum, mysore cardamom.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A perennial, reed-like herb up to 4 metres high, with long, silky blade-shaped leaves. Its long sheathing stems bear small yellowish flowers with purple tips, followed by oblong red-brown seeds.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia, especially southern India; cultivated extensively in India, Sri Lanka, Laos, Guatemala and El Salvador. The oil is produced principally in India, Europe, Sri Lanka and Guatemala.

OTHER SPECIES: There are numerous related species found in the east, used as local spices and for medicinal purposes, such as round or Siam cardamon (Amomum cardamomum) found in India and China. An oil is also produced from wild cardamon (E. cardamomum var. major).

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used extensively as a domestic spice, especially in India, Europe, Latin America and Middle Eastern countries. It has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for over 3000 years, especially for pulmonary disease, fever, digestive and urinary complaints. Hippocrates recommended it for sciatica, coughs, abdominal pains, spasms, nervous disorders, retention of urine and also for bites of venomous creatures. Current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a specific for flatulent dyspepsia.

ACTIONS: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, cephalic, digestive, diuretic, sialogogue, stimulant, stomachic, tonic (nerve).

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam, distillation from the dried ripe fruit (seeds). An oleoresin is also produced in small quantities.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless to pale yellow liquid with a sweet-spicy, warming fragrance and a woody-balsamic undertone. It blends well with rose, olibanum, orange, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, caraway, ylang ylang, labdanum, cedarwood, neroli and oriental bases in general.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Terpinyl acetate and cineol (each may be present at up to 50 per cent), limonene, sabinene, linalol, linalyl acetate, pinene, zingiberene, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.


Digestive System: Anorexia, colic, cramp, dyspepsia, flatulence, griping pains, halitosis heartburn, indigestion, vomiting.

Nervous System: Mental fatigue, nervous strain.

OTHER USES: Employed in some carminative, stomachic and laxative preparations; also in the form of compound cardamon spirit to flavour pharmaceuticals. Extensively used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially oriental types. Important flavour ingredient, particularly in curry and spice products.... cardamon

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