Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography: From 1 Different Sources
see SPECT scanning.
A technique using X-RAYS or ULTRASOUND to build up a focused image of a ‘slice’ through the body at a given level. By producing a series of such slices at di?erent depths, a three-dimensional image of the body structures can be built up.... tomography
A discharge. The term is commonly used to describe the orgasmic ?ow of SEMEN from the erect PENIS that occurs during sleep. Described as a nocturnal emission or, colloquially, as a ‘wet dream’, it is a common event in late PUBERTY.... emission
See COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY.... computerised tomography
See PET SCANNING.... positron-emission tomography (pet)
The process whereby a person is assessed for care needs using one form/mechanism so that agencies do not duplicate each other’s assessment.... single assessment process
A local or regional access point where older persons receive information, assessment of needs, care planning, referrals to health and social services and, in some systems, authorization of services for home care, community-based care or residential care facilities.... single point of entry
See “blinding”.... single-blind trial
Ejaculation that occurs during sleep, commonly called a ‘wet dream’. Nocturnal emission is normal in male adolescents.... nocturnal emission
(CT) a form of X-ray examination in which the X-ray source and detector (CT scanner) rotate around the object to be scanned and the information obtained can be used to produce cross-sectional images (see cross-sectional imaging) by computer (a CT scan). A higher radiation dose is received by the patient than with some conventional X-ray techniques, but the diagnostic information obtained is far greater and should outweigh the increased risk. CT scanning can be used for all parts of the body. The data obtained can be used to construct three-dimensional images of structures of interest. See also multidetector computerized tomography; spiral CT scanning.... computerized tomography
(MDCT) a development of *spiral CT scanning that uses more than one array of detectors opposite the X-ray tube, so that more tissue can be included, with thinner cuts, in a single rotation of the machine. This is particularly important for three-dimensional reconstruction of tissues. It also allows volumetric scanning or *isotropic imaging, which are best achieved when the thickness of the slice is similar to the size resolution of the detectors in the other two planes. Modern CT scanners are now usually equipped with between 16 and 640 detector arrays. The technique is particularly valuable for imaging fast-moving structures, such as the heart.... multidetector computerized tomography
(OCT) a class of optical tomographic techniques that allows extremely high-quality micrometre-resolution three-dimensional images to be obtained from within optical scattering media (e.g. biological tissue). OCT is proving valuable in ophthalmology, for noninvasive imaging of the ocular structures, and in cardiology for visualizing the interior of coronary arteries using a specialized *catheter. See also spectral domain optical coherence tomography.... optical coherence tomography
a type of health-care system in which there is only one purchaser of health-care services, usually the government. The NHS is a single-payer system.... single-payer system
(Fourier domain OCT) a noncontact noninvasive imaging technique that can reveal layers of the retina by looking at the interference patterns of reflected laser light. Automated software is able to outline the retinal nerve-fibre layer with great precision, which is relevant in glaucoma.... spectral domain optical coherence tomography