A sleep apnoea is conventionally de?ned as the cessation of breathing for ten seconds or more. Apnoeas, which affect around 5 per cent of adults and are markedly more common in men, may occur as frequently as 400 times per night. They can be due to a failure of the physiological drive to breathe (central sleep apnoeas) but much more often are due to a transient obstruction of the airway between the level of the soft PALATE and the LARYNX (obstructive sleep apnoeas) when the airway dilator muscles over-relax. Any factor such as alcohol or sedative drugs that accentuates this, or that makes the airway narrower (such as obesity or large TONSILS), will tend to cause sleep apnoeas.
Vigorous respiratory movements are made to overcome the obstruction during each apnoea. These are associated with snoring and snorting noises. The apnoea ends with a mini-arousal from sleep. As a result, sleep becomes fragmented and sleep deprivation, manifested as sleepiness during the day, is common. This may result in accidents – for instance, at work or while driving – and sleep apnoea is also linked with an increased risk of STROKE, heart attacks and HYPERTENSION.
The diagnosis of sleep apnoea has recently been facilitated by linking specially designed software with ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY performed during sleep, with minimal disturbance of the subject.
Initial treatment is directed at correcting the cause (e.g. obesity), but if the apnoeas persist or are severe a nasal mask and pump which introduces air under slight pressure into the upper airway (continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP) is almost invariably e?ective.
Whether you are dealing with sleepless nights or you feel too tired during the day, you can try to solve this problem with tea. As it is a natural beverage, it brings along various other health benefits. Find out more about teas for sleep!
Sleep problems tea can solve
Sleep can become a problem when we either can’t sleep during the night or we feel like we don’t get enough sleep.
Sleepless nights can have various causes. We can get them because we feel stressed, anxious or depressed. They can also be caused by the medication we might be taking. Various diseases can lead to sleep problems, as well.
These include asthma, various allergies, Parkinson’s disease, hyperthyroidism, acid reflux, kidney disease, cancer or chronic pain, or even sleep-related diseases such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or restless legs syndrome. Lastly, beverages that contain caffeine can lead to sleepless nights.
As for feeling tired despite having slept during the night, this happens mostly because stress and anxiousness, or because of various diseases (celiac disease, anemia, underactive thyroid, diabetes).
Tea can help reduce both sleeping problems and fatigue. Though not as strong as medication, it counts as an important, natural element of the treatment.
Varieties of tea for sleep
There are a few types of tea that can help you when you’re dealing with sleepless nights.
Valerian tea is often recommended when you’ve got trouble sleeping. This tea allows endomorphins in your body to be released easier and therefore reduces sleep problems. Chamomile tea is another tea for sleep; it reduces stress and anxiety levels and can therefore help you relax and get a good night’s sleep. Lavender is also known for helping people relax, so drinking a cup of lavender tea before bed can help a lot, too.
Other herbal teas with similar properties include basil tea, catnip tea, fennel tea, honeybush tea, kava tea, lemon balm tea, motherwort tea, passion flower tea, peppermint tea, reishi tea, schizandra tea, and skullcap tea.
Side effects of tea for sleep
While these types of tea help when it comes to sleeping problems, consumption of each tea can lead to a few side effects. This is why it is recommended that you talk with your doctor first, before deciding to drink tea daily, as part of your treatment.
Make sure you won’t get allergic reactions caused by the tea’s main ingredient. Also, avoid teas for sleep (and most types of tea) during pregnancy and nursing periods.
Chamomile tea should not be drunk by people with bleeding disorders. Valerian tea should not be consumed in large quantities, as it might lead to headaches and stomach problems.
Tea to get rid of fatigue
The types of tea that can help you get rid of fatigue are the ones you should not drink when you’ve got sleeping problems. A cup in the morning can be safe, though you definitely shouldn’t drink it at night, before bed.
Tea that contains caffeine helps fight off feelings of tiredness. These include the types of tea made from the Camellia Sinensis plant: green tea, black tea, white tea, and oolong tea. Drinking a cup of one of these teas, in the morning, can increase your mental alertness and scare off fatigue.
However, make sure you can drink types of tea that contain caffeine. If caffeine is not good for you, it might lead to unpleasant side effects: headaches, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeats, tremors, dizziness, or ringing in the ears.
No matter the problem, whether you have trouble sleeping or you feel tired during the day, choose a type of tea that can help you. This hot beverage can count as a natural treatment which will also bring other health benefits. Enjoy your cup of tea for sleep!... tea for sleep
(OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, OSAS) a serious condition in which airflow from the nose and mouth to the lungs is restricted during sleep, also called sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS). It is defined by the presence of more than five episodes of *apnoea per hour of sleep associated with significant daytime sleepiness. Snoring is a feature of the condition but it is not universal. There are significant medical complications of prolonged OSA, including heart failure and high blood pressure. Patients perform poorly on driving simulators, and driving licence authorities may impose limitations on possession of a driving licence. There are associated conditions in adults, the *hypopnoea syndrome and the upper airways resistance syndrome, with less apnoea but with daytime somnolence and prominent snoring. In children the cause is usually enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids and treatment is by removing these structures. In adults the tonsils may be implicated but there are often other abnormalities of the pharynx, and patients are often obese. Treatment may include weight reduction or nasal *continuous positive airways pressure (nCPAP) devices, *mandibular advancement splints, or noninvasive ventilation. Alternatively *tonsillectomy, *uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, *laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, or *tracheostomy may be required.... obstructive sleep apnoea