The meaning of the symbols of sloe seen in a dream.

Sloe: From 1 Different Sources

Exorcism, Protection
Health Source:
Author: Health Dictionary

Black Haw

Viburnum prunifolium. N.O. Caprifoliaceae.

Synonym: American Sloe, Stagbush.

Habitat: Dry woods, throughout Central and Southern States of North America. Features ? A tree-like shrub, ten to twenty feet high. Fruit shiny black, sweet and

edible. Young bark glossy purplish-brown, with scattered warts. Old bark greyish-

brown, inner surface white. Fracture short. Root bark cinnamon colour. Taste bitter,


Part used ? Root bark (preferred); also bark of stem and branches.

Action: Uterine tonic, nervine, anti-spasmodic.

Uterine weaknesses, leucorrhaea, dysmenorrhea. Prevention of miscarriage—given four or five weeks before. Infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water—table-spoonful doses.... black haw

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