Habitat: Throughout India in the plains and foot hills.
English: Poison Berry.Ayurvedic: Brihati, Kshudra- bhantaaki, Kateri (bigger var.).Unani: Hadaq, Kataai Kalaan.Siddha: Mullamkatti, Papparamulli (root).Folk: Barahantaa.Action: Root—carminative, expectorant; used for colic, dysuria, coughs and catarrhal affections.
A decoction is prescribed in difficult parturition.The fruits and leaves contain gly- coalkaloid, solasonine; the presence of solanine in roots, leaves and fruits has been reported. Diosgenin is also present in leaves, stems and fruits.The total alkaloid content of fruit varies from 0.2 to 1.8% (dry weight basis); plants growing in Jammu and Kashmir bear fruits with high alkaloid content (total alkaloid 1.8%).An alcoholic extract of fruits is active against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. The extract of leaves is also active against E. coli.The bigger var. of Kateri (Indian Nightshade) is also equated with S. an- guivi Lam., synonym S. indicum auct. non L. It contains salasonine, dios- genin, beta-sitosterol, lanosterol, sola- margine, solasodine and tomatidenol. The seed oil contains carpestrol.Dosage: Root—10-20 g for decoction. (API, Vol. II.)