Solanum trilobatum Health Dictionary

Solanum Trilobatum: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Deccan Peninsula.

English: Climbing Brinjal.

Ayurvedic: Alarka, Valli- kantakaarikaa, Kantakaari-lataa.

Siddha/Tamil: Toothuvilai.

Action: Berries and flowers—a decoction is used for cough and chronic bronchitis.

The steroidal alkaloid, solasodine, is present in fruit and leaf of the plant (air-dried fruits and leaves from Coim- batore gave 0.96 and 0.36% respectively). A crude glycoalkaloid mixture, isolated from the plant material, contained about 20% beta-solamarine. The plant exhibited antimitotic, antitu- mour, antibacterial and antifungal activities and showed promising results in two cancer test systems—KB cell and sarcoma 180 in mice.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Solanum Aculeatissimum


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Assam and Kerala, in damp and waste places.

Ayurvedic: Brihati (related species, used in Kerala). Brihati and Kantakaari have been used in Indian medicine as synonyms.

Action: Both fruit and leaves contain glycoalkaloid solanine; immature fruits contain more of it than the ripe ones. Air-dried leaves and fruits contain 0.26 and 0.14% of alkaloids, respectively. See S. indicum Linn.... solanum aculeatissimum

Solanum Albicaule

Kotschy ex Dunal.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Saurashtra (Gujarat) and Rajasthan.

Ayurvedic: Brihati (related species).

Folk: Narkanta (Rajasthan).

Action: A decoction of the plant is prescribed for the treatment of ulcers.

See S. indicum Linn. contains solamargine and solasodamine. The average alkaloidal content (calculated as solasodine) of leaves collected from Kashmir, is reported to be 0.3% (dry weight basis).... solanum albicaule

Solanum Dubium


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Sandy coast of Saurashtra (Gujarat).

Ayurvedic: Kantakaari (related species).

Action: Seeds are soaked and eaten in Africa for the treatment of venereal diseases. See S. xanthocarpum.... solanum dubium

Solanum Dulcamara


Solanum aviculare Forst. f.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Introduced to Kashmir for experimental cultivation.

Ayurvedic: Kantakaari (related species).

Action: An important source of solasodine, a nitrogen analogue of diosgenin and one of the starting materials for the synthesis of corticosteroids and other steroidal hormones.

See S. xanthocarpum. The leaves, stems, flowers and green fruits contain the glycoalkaloid, solaso- nine, of which solasodine is the agly- cone. Besides solasonine, the plant

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim at altitudes of 1,200-2,400 m.

English: Woody Night Shade, Bittersweet, Bitter Nightshade, Felonwort.

Ayurvedic: Kaakamaachi-vishesha, Valli-kantakaarikaa.

Unani: Mako (red var.).

Action: Twigs and root bark— stimulating, expectorant, hepatic, astringent, antirheumatic, alterative, antifungal. Dried branches— sedative and analgesic. Used for chronic bronchitis, chronic eczema and rheumatism.

Key application: As a supportive therapy for chronic eczema. (German Commission E.)

The plant is rich in alkaloidal glyco- sides. Alpha-, beta-, gamma-solamari- ne were isolated from the fruits. Toma- tidenol I existed in the plant as alpha- and beta-solamarine. Solasodine was obtained in traces as secondary alkaloid; it existed as solasonine and sola- margine. Aerial parts gave alpha-and beta-soladulcine, the glycoalkaloids. The sterols were present in free form and as esters, glucosides and palmitic esters of glucosides.

Beta-solamarine shows significant tumour-inhibiting activity. Steroidal saponins are antifungal; alkaloids are anticholinergic; solasodine exhibit antiphlogistic activity.... solanum dulcamara

Solanum Elaeagnifolium


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Native to tropical America; naturalized in India as a weed (met with in cultivated fields and gardens in Coimbatore).

English: White Horse-Nettle.

Action: Plant—used as a poultice for sores and ulcers. The plant is a rich source of the steroidal alkaloid, solasodine. The fruit and leaves contain 3-4% (solasodine 3.2%) and 0.18% total alkaloids. Fruits also contain 0.55% diosgenin.

A related species S. khasianum (Assam, Sikkim, West Bengal, Orissa and the Nilgiris, ascending to an altitude of 1,600 m) is also a good source of solaso- dine. The fruits collected from Nilgiris contain 5.4% solasodine on dry weight basis.... solanum elaeagnifolium

Solanum Spirale


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Assam, Khasi Hills. Banga (Bengal); Titakuchi (Assam); Soh- jhari (Khasi); Mungas-kajur (root, Bihar).

Action: Root—diuretic, narcotic. Unripe berries—poisonous.

The leaves contain 1.29% alkaloids. Partial synthesis of etiolin has been reported.... solanum spirale

Solanum Erianthum

D. Don.

Synonym: S. verbascifolium auct. non Linn.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: The tropical and subtropical India and the Andamans. Cultivated in South India. (for berries).

Folk: Chundai (Tami Nadu, Kerala); Rasagadimaanu (Andhra Pradesh); Sowdangigida, Kadusinde (Karnataka); Kutri (Maharashtra). Vidaari is a confusing synonym (used by The Wealth of India). (Vidaari is equated with Pureraria tuberosa.)

Action: Roots—a decoction is prescribed for vertigo. Leaves— prescribed for vaginal discharges. Various plant parts are ground with warm water and applied externally to lessen inflammation, burning sensation and pain. The glycoalkaloid, solasonine is present in the leaves and fruits.... solanum erianthum

Solanum Ferox


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India, up to an elevation of 1,500 m.

Ayurvedic: Brihati, Brihatikaa, Mahati, Hinguli, Prasaha, Vartaki, Kaantaa, Kshudra-bhantaki, Simhi, Bana-bhantaa. Kateri (bigger var.)

Unani: Katai Kalaan.

Siddha/Tamil: Mulli, Pappara-mulli, Karimulli.

Folk: Raam-begun (Bengal).

Action: Plant and root—stimulant, digestive, carminative, astringent, expectorant, diaphoretic, anthelmintic. Used for catarrhal affections, asthma, dry cough; dysuria; intestinal worms; colic, flatulence, vomiting. Berries—used in asthma and rheumatism.

Air-dried fruits and leaves contain solanine; 0.30 and 0.43% of total alkaloids respectively.

Dosage: Fruit, root—3-6 g powder; 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... solanum ferox

Solanum Indicum


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India in the plains and foot hills.

English: Poison Berry.

Ayurvedic: Brihati, Kshudra- bhantaaki, Kateri (bigger var.).

Unani: Hadaq, Kataai Kalaan.

Siddha: Mullamkatti, Papparamulli (root).

Folk: Barahantaa.

Action: Root—carminative, expectorant; used for colic, dysuria, coughs and catarrhal affections.

A decoction is prescribed in difficult parturition.

The fruits and leaves contain gly- coalkaloid, solasonine; the presence of solanine in roots, leaves and fruits has been reported. Diosgenin is also present in leaves, stems and fruits.

The total alkaloid content of fruit varies from 0.2 to 1.8% (dry weight basis); plants growing in Jammu and Kashmir bear fruits with high alkaloid content (total alkaloid 1.8%).

An alcoholic extract of fruits is active against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. The extract of leaves is also active against E. coli.

The bigger var. of Kateri (Indian Nightshade) is also equated with S. an- guivi Lam., synonym S. indicum auct. non L. It contains salasonine, dios- genin, beta-sitosterol, lanosterol, sola- margine, solasodine and tomatidenol. The seed oil contains carpestrol.

Dosage: Root—10-20 g for decoction. (API, Vol. II.)... solanum indicum

Solanum Melongena


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Native to India; cultivated throughout India.

English: Eggplant, Brinjal.

Ayurvedic: Bhantaki, Bhantaa, Vaartaaka, Vaartaaku, Vaartaakini, Vrintaaka.

Unani: Baingan.

Siddha/Tamil: Kathirikai.

Folk: Baingan, Bhantaa.

Action: Fruit—recommended in liver complaints and for amenorrhoea. The fruit is reported to stimulate the intrahepatic metabolism of cholesterol, produces a marked drop in blood cholesterol level. Aqueous extract of fruit is reported to inhibit choline esterase activity of human plasma. Root—anti- asthmatic. Leaves—toxic; used mostly externally for the treatment of burns, cold sores and abscesses. Seeds—anticholesterolemic.

Steroidal saponins, melongosides were isolated from seeds; tigogenin, diosgenin were also obtained. Querce- tin, 3-O-rhamnoside and kaempferol- 3-O-rutinoside have been isolated from the leaves. The ethanol extract (80%) showed anti-inflammatory activity in paw oedema and cotton pellet method in rats. Crude extract of fruits showed diuresis and dose-dependent hypotensive response in normotensive rats. Ether-soluble methanolic extract exhibited strong inhibitory activity on lipoxygenase, involved in atherosclerotic processes and platelet aggregation in rats.

Solanum melongena Linn. var. incanum Kuntze, synonym S. coagulans Forsk. is known as Bana-bhantaa (also a synonym of Solanum ferox) and is used as Brihati in Kerala. Air-dried fruits and leaves from coimbatore contain 1.05 and 0.97% of alkaloids respectively. The fruits contain solaso- dine, campesterol and beta-sitosterol. Solamargine, solasodine, ursolic acid and its derivatives exhibited significant cytotoxic effects against human P2C/PRF/5 cells in vitro.... solanum melongena

Solanum Nigrum


Synonym: S. rubrum Mill.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, in dry parts, up to an elevation of 2,100 m.

English: Black Nightshade.

Ayurvedic: Kaakamaachi, Kaakaahya, Kaakamaataa, Dhvankshamaachi.

Unani: Mako (smallar var., black var.)

Siddha/Tamil: Manittakkali.

Action: Plant—anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative, diuretic, laxative, antiseptic; fresh extract is used for inflammatory swellings, enlargement of liver and spleen and in cirrhosis of liver. Berries— antidiarrhoeal, antipyretic. Berries and flowers—prescribed in cough and cold. Leaves— applied hot to swollen testicles; paste used as poultice to gout, rheumatic swellings and skin diseases.

The berries contain steroidal alkaloid glycosides, solasonine, alpha- and beta-solanigrine, alpha-and beta- solamargine; steroidal sapogenins, di- osgenin and tigogenin; solasodine and solasodine.

Solamargine and solasonine are present also in leaves. The total alkaloid content of fruits and leaves are 0.101 and 0.431% respectively.

Dosage: Whole plant—5-10 ml juice. (API, Vol. II.)... solanum nigrum

Solanum Torvum


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout tropical parts of India, in waste places.

English: West Indian Turkey Berry.

Ayurvedic: Brihati (White-flowered- var.), Goshtha-vaartaaku.

Siddha/Tamil: Chundai.

Folk: Ran-Baingan, Goth-begun.

Action: Plant—digestive, diuretic, sedative. Leaves—haemostatic. Fruits—useful in liver and spleen enlargement (cooked and eaten as a vegetable); decoction used for cough. Root—used for poulticing cracks in feet.

Unripe fruits and leaves contain the glycoalkaloid, solasonine (0.37% total alkaloids in air-dried fruits of the plant from Khasi and Jaintia hills). Hydrolysis of the neutral glucosidal fraction yields a steroidal sapogenin, chloro- genin, which is rare in Solanum sp.

The fruits gave sitosterol-D-gluco- side.

Extracts of the plant affect the rate and amplitude of respiration, also blood pressure. They also contract isolated ileum of guinea-pig. Leaves contain no vitamin K or derivatives of naphthoquinone; their haemostatic action may be due to the oil or pectins or both.... solanum torvum

Solanum Tuberosum


Habitat: Native to South America; grown almost throughout India.

English: Patoto.

Ayurvedic: Aaluka, Aaruka, Golaalu. (Aaluka, yam of Indian medicine, is equated with species of Dioscorea.)

Folk: Aaluu.

Action: Potatoes are consumed as food. Extract of leaves is used as antispasmodic in cough. Potato juice is given as an adjuvant in the treatment of peptic ulcer for bringing relief from pain and acidity. Starch and very small quantities of atropine alkaloids reduce digestive secretions and stomach acids. Potatoes are good for patients suffering from hyperacidity; boiled potatoes make an excellent diet for those having hypertension.... solanum tuberosum

Solanum Xanthocarpum

S. & W.

Synonym: S. surattense Burm.f. S. virginianum Linn. S. maccanni Sant.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

English: Wild Eggplant, Yellow- Berried Nightshade.

Ayurvedic: Kantakaari, Kan- takaarikaa, Vyaaghri, Nidigdhikaa, Nidigdhaa, Duhsparshaa, Dhaa- vani, Kshudraa, Keteri (Smallar var.), Bhatakataiyaa. Used as Lakshmanaa.

Unani: Kataai Khurd, Hadaq.

Action: Stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, febrifuge. Used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, asthma, for dislodging tenacious phlegm; also used against rheumatism, enlargement of liver and spleen, vomiting, difficult urination, bladder stones, skin diseases. Fruit—used as an adjuvant for promoting conception.

Fruits gave solasonine, solamargine, beta-solamargine and solasodine; petals yielded apigenin; stamens gave quercetin diglycoside and sitosterol. The glycoalkaloid content of fruits collected from Jammu and Kashmir is reported to be 3.5% (total alkaloids, 1.1%). The presence of diosgenin in the plant has been reported.

Both glycoalkaloid and fatty acid fractions of the plants extracts cause liberation of histamine from chopped lung tissue. The beneficial effect of the drug on bronchial asthma may be attributed to the depletion of histamine from bronchial and lung tissue.

Dosage: Whole plant—20-30 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.)... solanum xanthocarpum

Typhonium Trilobatum

(L.) Schott.

Family: Araceae.

Habitat: Peninsular India, and from Yamuna eastwards; also grown in South India.

Siddha/Tamil: Karu Karunai Kizhangu, Karunai Kizhangu.

Action: Tuber—applied as poultice on scirrhous tumours (fresh tuber is very acrid and a powerful stimulant). Eaten with bananas, the tubers relax the bowels and provide relief in haemorrhoids (tubers become innocuous on heating or drying).

The tubers contain carotene, folic acid, niacin, thiamine, sterols and beta- sitosterol.... typhonium trilobatum

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