Habitat: Waste places and fields throughout India, up to an altitude of 2,400 m.
English: Corn Sow Thistle.Ayurvedic: Sahadevi (bigger var.). (Vernonia cinerea is equated with Sahadevi.)Action: Plant—sedative, hypnotic, anodyne, expectorant, diuretic. Used for nervous debility. Seeds— used for asthma, bronchitis, cough, pertussis, fever; decoction in insomnia. Leaves—applied to swellings. Root—used for diseases of the respiratory tract.
The plant contains amino acids, lipids, polymeric hydrocarbons, polyphenols, protein; alpha- and beta- amyrins, lupeol, pseudotaraxasterol, taraxasterol. The latex contains manni- tol, alpha-and beta-lactucerols. Aerial parts and fruits contain ceryl alcohol, choline, palmitic, tartaric and stearic acids.