Habitat: Grown in gardens for its bright-yellow flowers.
English: Sea coast Laburnum, Silver Bush.Action: Seeds—dangerously emetocatharitc, toxic, febrifugal, stomachic. Seeds yield a fatty oil with expectorant properties. Decoction of seeds and roots is given in bilious disorders. Leaves— emetocathartic.
Constituents of the aerial parts include benzofurans; flavonoids including sophoraisoflavone A and B, sopho- ronol, iso-sophoranone-and iso-bava- chin. The leaves and seeds contain al- kaloids—matrine, cytisine and small amounts of methylcytisine. Cytisine is also present in the roots.Cytisine possesses insecticidal and physiological properties similar to those of nicotine.Sophoraisoflavone A exhibits anti- fungal activity.