Southern Health Dictionary

Southern: From 1 Different Sources

(American) Woman of the South
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Southern Wood

Love, Lust, Protection... southern wood


Artemisia abrotanum. N.O. Compositae.

Synonym: Old Man, Lad's Love.

Habitat: The plant is frequently seen in gardens, where it is cultivated for its delicate, graceful appearance and pleasant, characteristic scent. It also grows wild on sandy heaths.

Features ? Two feet stems are at first prostrate, but become erect after producing, in August, small yellow flowers in terminal leafy clusters. The greyish-green, very slender leaves, are divided into many linear segments.

Action: Emmenagogue, stimulant, antiseptic and detergent.

Southernwood is mainly employed in menstrual obstruction, frequently in combination with Mugwort and Pennyroyal. Wineglass doses are taken of the infusion of 1 ounce of the herb to 1 pint of boiling water. The powdered herb is sometimes given in teaspoonful or smaller doses to children suffering from worms, but such agents as Tansy and Wormwood are perhaps more effective as anthelmintics.... southernwood

Southern Blot Analysis

a technique for identifying a specific form of DNA in cells. The DNA is extracted from the cells and restriction enzymes used to cut it into small fragments. The fragments are separated and a gene *probe known to match the DNA fragment being sought is used. Compare Northern blot analysis; Western blot analysis. [E. M. Southern (1938– ), US biologist]... southern blot analysis

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