Spasmo Health Dictionary

Spasmo: From 1 Different Sources


Helping to relieve cramps and other muscle contractions... spasmolytic

Spasmodic Torticollis

A chronic condition in which the neck is rotated or deviated laterally, forwards, or backwards, often with additional jerking or tremor. It is a form of focal DYSTONIA, and should not be confused with the far commoner transient condition of acute painful wry-neck.... spasmodic torticollis


Agents for relief of muscular cramp, spasm or mild pain. To reduce spasm of smooth muscle. The key remedy is Cramp bark but all have their specific uses.

They may be general (Black Haw, Cramp bark), or those that exert their influence upon specific structures: Hyssop (lungs), Cloves (mucous membranes), Wild Thyme (bronchi), Figwort (anus).

Others in common use: Asafoetida, Balm, Betony, Black Haw (muscles generally, also womb), Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Butterburr, Blood root (externally), Cayenne, German Chamomile (stomach), Dong Quai (ovaries), Eucalyptus, Hops (stomach), Ladyslipper, Liquorice, Lime Blossom, Lobelia, Mistletoe, Motherwort (heart), Nutmeg (angina), Passion Flower, Skullcap, Skunk Cabbage, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain, Wild Cherry (respiratory), Wild Carrot (kidneys and bladder), Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam. Devil’s Claw (muscles).

Anti-Spasmodic Drops (Heath and Heather). Cramp, neuralgia, etc. Tincture Myrrh 6 per cent; Tincture Capsic 15 per cent; with 45 per cent ethanol extractive from Scutellaria (Skullcap) 10 per cent; Lobelia 1.25 per cent; Fennel 2.5 per cent; American Valerian 5 per cent. Dose: 10-30 drops according to age.

John Christopher: 2oz crushed Lobelia seeds; half an ounce Lobelia herb; 1 teaspoon Cayenne; macerated in 1 pint cider 8 days. 1-2 teaspoon when necessary.

Combination: powders. Equal parts: Skullcap, Valerian, Lobelia, Black Cohosh. Myrrh quarter part. Mix. Sift. Quarter of a teaspoon in water, honey etc as necessary.

Formula. Powders. Cramp Bark 2; Skullcap 1; Cloves half; Cayenne Pepper quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon thrice daily. (Indian Herbology of North America, Alma R. Hutchens) ... anti-spasmodics


adj. occurring in spasms or resembling a spasm.... spasmodic

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