Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Uttar Pradesh at 1,200-2,400 m.
English: Chickweed, Water Starwort.Folk: Budeolaa.
Action: Leaves—decoction used in galactorrhoea.
Fresh plant contains an essential oil having 3-hydroxymethylfuran, alpha- pinene, limonene, n-hexanol, geran- iol, camphor, benzyl alcohol, guaia- col, cresol, eugenol and carvacrol as the major constituents.... stellaria aquatica
(Linn.) Vill.Synonym: Alsine media Linn.Family: Caryophyllaceae.
Habitat: Throughout India at 6001,650 m.
English: Common Chickweed.Folk: Kokoon (Jammu); Safed Fulki, Buchbuchaa (Delhi).
Action: Antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, astringent, refrigerant, demulcent, emollient, vulnerary, antipruritic. Dispels excessive body heat, relieves irritation. Used internally for rheumatism, externally in the form of ointment for chronic skin conditions, varicose ulcers and abscesses. Applied as a plaster for broken bones and swellings.
The plant contains saponin glyco- sides, coumarins, flavonoids (including rutin), carboxylic acid. The leaves contain vitamin C and carotene.The plant also contains mucilage and is rich in potassium and silicon. The aerial parts, in post-flowering period, contain 44 mg/100 g of vitamn E.... stellaria media
a star-shaped fracture of the kneecap caused by a direct blow. The bone may be either split or severely shattered; if the fragments are displaced, the bone may need to be surgically repaired or rarely removed (patellectomy).... stellate fracture
a star-shaped collection of sympathetic nerve cell bodies in the root of the neck, from which sympathetic nerve fibres are distributed to the face and neck and to the blood vessels and organs of the thorax.... stellate ganglion