Sterilization Health Dictionary

Sterilization: From 2 Different Sources

The complete destruction or removal of living organisms, usually to prevent spread of infection; any procedure that renders a person infertile (see sterilization, female; vasectomy).
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. 1. a surgical operation or any other process that induces *sterility in men or women. In women, hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (surgical removal of both ovaries) are 100% effective and permanent. Alternatively, the Fallopian tubes may be removed (see salpingectomy) or divided and/or ligated. These operations can be performed through the abdomen or the vagina. The modern technique (tubal occlusion) is to occlude (close) permanently the inner (lower) half of the Fallopian tube through a *laparoscope. The occluding device is usually a clip (the Hulka-Clemens or Filshie clips) or a small plastic ring (Falope ring); *diathermy coagulation carries greater dangers (e.g. bowel burns) and is now little used. A more recent method is the use of a rapid-setting plastic introduced into the tubes through a hysteroscope (see hysteroscopy). Men are usually sterilized by *vasectomy. See also castration. 2. the process by which all types of microorganisms (including spores) are destroyed. This is achieved by the use of heat, radiation, chemicals, or filtration. See also autoclave.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Sterilization, Female

A usually permanent method of contraception in which the fallopian tubes are sealed in orderto prevent sperm reaching the ova. Female sterilization is usually performed by laparoscopy, which involves 2 small incisions in the abdomen. Sometimes it is done by minilaparotomy, in which a single incision is made in the pubic area. The fallopian tubes are sealed using clips or by cutting and tying. The operations have a low failure rate. Fertility can sometimes be restored after sterilization using microsurgery. ... sterilization, female

Sterilization, Male

See vasectomy. ... sterilization, male

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