Synonym: Epicarpurus orientalis Bl.
Family: Moraceae.Habitat: Drier parts of Peninsular India.
English: Siamee Rough Brush.Ayurvedic: Shaakhotaka, Shaakho- ta, Pitaphalaka. Bhuutavaasa, Kharachhada.Siddha/Tamil: Piraayan, Pirai.Folk: Sihor.Action: Stem bark—febrifuge, antidiarrhoeal. Root—applied on inflamed swellings and syphilitic eruptions. Latex—applied on glandular swellings and elephantiasis.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the use of the stem bark in cervical lymphadenitis, also in lipid disorders.The root bark contained cardenolide glycosides, including asperoside and strebloside; also yielded 6-deoxyallose. Stem bark yielded alpha-amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, lupeol and beta- sitosterol.Asperoside and strebloside exhibited antifilarial activity, former being