A genus of intestinal nematodes which includes Strongyloides stercoralis in humans and S. fu?lleborni in monkeys and humans.
n. a genus of small slender nematode worms that live as parasites inside the small intestines of mammals. S. stercoralis infects the human small intestine (see strongyloidiasis); its larvae, which are passed out in the stools, develop quickly into infective forms.
A cutaneous eruption resulting from exposure of the skin the infective filariform larva of non-human hookworms, Ancylostoma braziliense, A. caninum and some Strongyloides spp (especially S. procyormis of the raccoon and S. myopotami of the nutria).... cutaneous larva migrans
A muscular structure of three parts proximal bulb, narrow isthmus and distal body or corpus as in freeliving rhabditoids, parasitic oxyuroids, and free-living and non-infective stages of Strongyloides spp.... rhabditiform
The drug of choice for adults infected with the intestinal parasite Strongyloides stercoralis (see STRONGYLOIDIASIS). Its side-effects, including ANOREXIA, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, itching and drowsiness, are more troublesome in elderly patients.... thiabendazole