Family: Loganiaceae; Strychnaceae.
Habitat: Native to the Philippines. Seeds are imported into India.
English: Ignatus Beans.
Unani: Papitaa Vilaayati. (Papitaa Desi is equated with Carica papaya Linn.)
Siddha/Tamil: Kayappankottai.
Action: Properties similar to those of Nux vomica. Used as a stimulant and nervine tonic, also for asthma and rheumatism.
The seeds contain indole alkaloids; brucine and its N-oxide, alpha-and beta-colubrine, diaboline, icajine, no- vacine, strychnine and its N-oxide, and 12-hydroxyderivatives, vomicine, and others. Share of strychnine is 45-60%, in indole alkaloids (2.5-5.6%).
Family: Loganiaceae; Strychnaceae.
Habitat: Tropical India up to an altitude of 360 m.
English: Nux vomica.
Ayurvedic: Kapilu, Kaakatin- duka, Kaakendu, Kaakapiluka, Vishamushtikaa, Vishamushti, Vishatinduka, Kuchilaa, Ksuchalaa.
Unani: Azaraaqi, Kuchlaa.
Siddha: Yettikkottai.
Action: Nervine tonic and a potent CNS stimulant.
Seeds—used in emotional disorders, insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy, paralytic and neurological affections, retention or nocturnal incontinence of urine, spermatorrhoea, sexual debility and impotence, general exhaustion; as antidote to alcoholism; GIT disorders. Bark—juice given in acute dysentery, diarrhoea and colic. Root—given in intermittent fevers. In Chinese medicine a paste made of Nux vomica seeds is applied topically for treating facial paralysis.Included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends detoxified seeds in paralysis, facial paralysis, sciatica and impotency.The seeds contain indole alkaloids, the major one is strychnine (approx. 50% of the alkaloids); others include strychnine N-oxide, brucine and its N-oxide, alpha-and beta-colubrine, condylocarpine, diaboline, geissoschi- zine, icajine, isostrychnine, normacu- sine, novacine, pseudobrucine, pseu- do-alpha-colubrine, pseudo-beta-col- ubrine, pseudostrychnine and vom- icine (3-hydro-beta-colubrine). Loga- nin is also present. Pseudostrychnine is non-toxic. The alkaloidal content of the seeds ranges from 1.8 to 5.3%.The leaves contain strychnine and brucine (together 1.6%), strychnine 0.025%; vomicine is the major constituent of leaves. The bark contains 9.9% total alkaloids (brucine 8%, strychnine 1.58%); pseudostrychnine, pseudobrucine and beta-colubrine in small amounts. The roots contain 0.99% alkaloids (brucine 0.28%, strychnine 0.71%).Strychnine, when tested for an- tiulcer activity in shay rat model at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg body weight, complete absence of ulceration was observed which was comparable to cime- tidine. Exhausted Nux-vomica powder at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, and brucine at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg body weight gave protection similar to strychnine.Orally, 30-50 mg Nux-vomica (5 mg strychnine) is toxic.
Dosage: Detoxified seed—60- 125 mg. (API, Vol. IV.)... strychnos nux-vomica