Sucralfate Health Dictionary

Sucralfate: From 2 Different Sources

An ulcer-healing drug used to treat peptic ulcer.

Possible side effects are constipation and abdominal pain.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. an aluminium-containing drug that forms a protective coating over the stomach or duodenal lining; sucralfate is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer. A fairly common side-effect is constipation.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Various bismuth chelates and complexes, such as sucralfate, e?ective in healing gastric and duodenal ulcers are available. They may act by a direct toxic e?ect on gastric HELICOBACTER PYLORI, or by stimulating mucosal prostaglandin (see PROSTAGLANDINS) or bicarbonate secretion. Healing tends to be longer than with H2-RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS and relapse still occurs. New regimens are being developed involving co-administration with antibiotics. ENCEPHALOPATHY, described with older high-dose bismuth preparations, has not been reported.... bismuth

Ulcer-healing Drugs

A group of drugs that are used to treat or prevent peptic ulcers. The eradication of HELICOBACTER PYLORI infection by treatment with antibiotic drugs and a drug to reduce acid secretion is now the preferred treatment for peptic ulceration.

Ulcer-healing drugs work in several ways. H-receptor antagonists function by blocking the effects of histamine, an action that reduces acid secretion in the stomach, thereby promoting the healing of ulcers. Taking antacid drugs regularly may be effective in healing duodenal ulcers because the drugs neutralize excess acid. Omeprazole and misoprostol work by reducing acid secretion. Other ulcer-healing drugs, such as sucralfate, are believed to form a protective barrier over the ulcer, allowing healing of the underlying tissues to take place.

The choice of ulcer-healing drug depends on the length of time symptoms have been present and the appearance of the ulcer during endoscopy.

In many cases of recent onset, a course of acidblocking drugs or antacids will give rapid relief.

Recurrent ulcers usually require treatment with antibiotic drugs.... ulcer-healing drugs

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