Suicide Health Dictionary

Suicide: From 3 Different Sources

The act of intentionally killing oneself. Suicide results from a person’s reaction to a perceivedly overwhelming problem, such as social isolation, death of a loved one, serious physical illness, or financial problems. It is often the result of a psychiatric illness, such as severe depression or schizophrenia.

Suicide is most common among the elderly. More men than women commit suicide, although women attempt the act more often (see suicide, attempted). The most common method is poisoning, usually by taking a drug overdose or by inhaling car exhaust fumes.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Self-destruction as an intentional act. Attempted suicide is when death does not take place, despite an attempt by the person concerned to kill him or herself; parasuicide is the term describing an attempt at suicide that is really an act to draw attention to the perceived problems of the individual involved.

Societies vary in the degree to which they tolerate individuals acting intentionally to cause their own death. Apart from among some native peoples, particularly the Innuit, suicide is generally viewed pejoratively in modern societies. Major religious movements, including Catholicism, Judaism and Islam, have traditionally regarded suicide as a sin. Nevertheless, it is a growing phenomenon, particularly among the young, and so has become a serious public health problem. It is estimated that suicide among young people has tripled – at least – during the past 45 years. Worldwide, suicide is the second major cause of death (after tuberculosis) for women between the ages of 15 and 44, and the fourth major killer of men in the same age-group (after tra?c accidents, tuberculosis and violence). The risk of suicide rises sharply in old age. Globally, there are estimated to be between ten and 25 suicide attempts for each completed suicide.

In the United Kingdom, suicide accounts for 20 per cent of all deaths of young people. Around 6,000 suicides are reported annually in the UK, of which approximately 75 per cent are by men. In the late 1990s the suicide rate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland fell, but increased in Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. Attempted suicide became signi?cantly more common, particularly among people under the age of 25: among adolescents in the UK, for example, it is estimated that there are about 19,000 suicide attempts annually. Follow-up studies of teenagers who attempt suicide by an overdose show that up to 11 per cent will succeed in killing themselves over the following few years. In young people, factors linked to suicide and attempted suicide include alcohol or drug abuse, unemployment, physical or sexual abuse, and the fact of being in custody. (In the mid-1990s, 20 per cent of all prison suicides were by people under 21.)

Apart from the young, those at highest risk of dying by suicide include health professionals, pharmacists, vets and farmers. Self-poisoning (see POISONS) is the common method used by health professionals for whom high stress levels, together with relatively easy access to means, are important factors. The World Health Organisation has outlined six basic steps for the prevention of suicide, focusing particularly on reducing the availability of common methods. Although suicide is not a criminal o?ence in the UK, assisting suicide is a crime carrying a potential sentence of 14 years’ imprisonment. There are several dilemmas faced by health professionals if they believe that a patient is considering suicide: one is that the provision of information to the patient may make them an accessory (see below). A dilemma after suicide is the common demand from insurers for medical information, although, ethically, the duty of con?dentiality extends beyond the patient’s death (see ETHICS). (Legally, some disclosure is permitted to those with a claim arising from the patient’s death.) Life-insurance contracts generally render invalid any claim by the heirs on the policy of an individual who commits suicide, so that disclosure by a doctor often creates tensions with the relatives. Non-disclosure of relevant medical information, however, may result in a fraudulent insurance claim being made.

Physician-assisted suicide Although controversial, a special legal exemption applies to doctors in a few countries who assist terminally ill patients to kill themselves. Oregon in the United States legalised physician-assisted suicide in 1997, where it still occurs; assisted suicide was brie?y legal in the Australian Northern Territory in 1996 but the legislation was repealed. (It is also practised, but not legally authorised, in the Netherlands and Switzerland.)

In the UK there have been unsuccessful parliamentary attempts to legalise assisted suicide, such as the 1997 Doctor Assisted Dying Bill. In law, a distinction is made between killing people with their consent (classi?ed as murder) and assisting them to commit suicide (a statutory o?ence under the Suicide Act 1961). The distinction is between acting as a perpetrator and as an accessory. Doctors may be judged to have aided and abetted a suicide if they knowingly provide the means – or even if they simply provide advice about the toxicity of medication and tell patients the lethal dosage. Some argue that the distinction between EUTHANASIA and physician-assisted suicide has no moral or practical relevance, particularly if patients are too disabled to act themselves. In theory, patients retain ultimate control in cases of assisted suicide, whereas control rests with the doctor in euthanasia. Surveys of health professionals appear to indicate a feeling by some that less responsibility or culpability attaches to assisting suicide than to euthanasia. In a recent UK court case (2002), a judge declared that a mentally alert woman on a permanent life-support regime in hospital had a right to ask for the support system to be switched o?. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. deliberately causing one’s own death. A distinction is usually drawn between attempted suicide, when death is averted although the person concerned intended to kill himself (or herself), and other forms of *deliberate self-harm, when the harm is inflicted for reasons other than actually killing oneself. Following the Suicide Act 1961, suicide is not a criminal offence in the UK, but it remains a criminal offence for a person to aid, abet, counsel, or procure the suicide of another (see assisted suicide). There is good evidence that asking about suicidal thoughts and especially plans is important in the management of depression: and no mention or attempt should be dismissed without appropriate assessment and help, especially in vulnerable groups, such as teenagers or the isolated elderly. Charities such as Samaritans have a vital role to play. See also autonomy.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Assisted Suicide

The act of intentionally killing oneself with the assistance of another who provides the knowledge, means or both.... assisted suicide

Physician-assisted Suicide

See SUICIDE.... physician-assisted suicide

Suicide, Attempted

Any deliberate act of self-harm that is or is believed to be life-threatening but that in effect proves nonfatal. Attempted suicide is more common in women and most common in the 15–30 age group. The rate is highest in people with personality disorders and in those who live in deprived urban areas or have alcohol or drug problems. Common precipitating factors include the death of a loved one, financial worries, or severe loss of any kind that results in depression. The most common method is drug overdose.

Urgent treatment is needed for drug poisoning.

Longer-term therapy aims to provide support and treat depression.... suicide, attempted

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