Surrogate Health Dictionary

Surrogate: From 1 Different Sources

A term applied in medicine to a substance used as a substitute for another. The term is also applied to a woman who agrees to become pregnant and give birth to a child on the understanding that she will give up the child to the parents who have contracted with her for the surrogacy arrangement. When in vitro fertilisation (IVF – see under ASSISTED CONCEPTION) proved successful, it became possible to transfer a fertilised egg to a ‘uterus of choice’. Arti?cial insemination of the potential surrogate mother using sperm from the putative ‘father’ is also practised. Surrogacy has thrown up a host of ethical and legal problems which have yet to be satisfactorily resolved.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Surrogate Measure

The substitution of one measure for one that cannot be measured in the course of a study.... surrogate measure

Surrogate Decision

see proxy decision.... surrogate decision

Surrogate Mother

a woman who becomes pregnant (by artificial insemination or embryo insertion) following an arrangement made with another party (usually a couple unable themselves to have children) in which she agrees to give the child she carries to that party when it is born. Surrogacy arrangements are made on the understanding that no payment is involved between either parties although reasonable expenses can be paid. See also section 30 order.

Details of surrogacy at the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority website... surrogate mother

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