(Linn.) DC.
Synonym: Eugenia zeylanica (L.) Wight.
Family: Myrtaceae.
Habitat: Maharshtra, Mysore, Kerala, Orissa and Andaman Islands.
Siddha/Tamil: Marungi.
Folk: Bhedas (Maharashtra).
Action: Leaves and roots— vermifuge. Plant—stimulant, antirheumatic. (Berries—white, the size of a pea; edible.)
Among other members of the genus, S. arnottianum (Wight) Walp. and S. caryophyllatum (Linn.) Alston are distributed in South India, particularly in Western Ghats. The fruits are edible. Stem bark of all the species contain tannin, that of S. arnottianum up to 16%.
Synonym: C. verum Persl.
Family: Lauraceae.
Habitat: Western Ghats at low levels. Plantations of cinnamon are confined to Kerala State.
English: Cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon.
Ayurvedic: Tvak, Daaruchini, Chochaa, Choncha, Varaanga, Utkata, Daarusitaa (bark).
Unani: Daarchini (bark).
Siddha/Tamil: Elavangappattai.
Folk: Daalchini.
Action: Bark—carminative, astringent, antispasmodic, expectorant, haemostatic, antiseptic. Leaf— antidiabetic. Ground cinnamon is used in diarrhoea and dysentery; for cramps of the stomach, gastric irritation; for checking nausea and vomiting; used externally in toothache, neuralgia and rheumatism. The bark is included in medicinal preparations for indigestion, flatulence, flu, mothwashes, gargles, herbal teas.
Key application: As antibacterial and fungistatic. Internally, for loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints such as mild spastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating and flatulence. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) Contraindicated in stomach and duodenal ulcers. (WHO.)The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia indicated the use of dried mature leaves of Cinnamomum tamala and dried inner bark of C. zeylanicum in sinusitis.Cinnamaldehyde is the major constituent (74%) of the essential oil from bark.Major constituent of the leaf oil is eugenol (28-98%) and that of root- bark oil camphor (60%).Cinnamaldehyde is hypotensive, spasmolytic and increases peripheral blood flow; and it inhibits cyclooxy- genase and lipoxygenase enzymes of arachidonic acid metabolism.Cinnamaldehyde exhibits CNS stimulant effects at high doses. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)The bark oil and extracts exhibit antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities, and enhance trypsin activity.Eugenol content of the leaf oil is antiseptic and anaesthetic. It is not inter- changable with the bark oil.Root bark oil acts as a stimulant in amenorrhoea. The bark contains tannins (6.5%) consisting of tetrahydrox- yflavandiols; diterpenes, cinnzeylanin and cinnzeylanol.C. malabatrum (Burm. f.) Blume is equated with Jangali Daarchini.
Dosage: Dried inner bark—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. I.)... cinnamomum zeylanicum
(Linn.) Skeels.
Synonym: S. jambolanum (Lam.) DC. Eugenia jambolana Lam.
Family: Myrtaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated throughout India up to 1,800 m.
English: Java Plum, Jambolan, Black Plum.
Ayurvedic: Jambu, Mahaaphalaa, Phalendraa, Surabhipatra. (Fruit— black.)
Unani: Jaamun
Siddha/Tamil: Naaval.
Action: Fruit—stomachic, carminative, diuretic. Bark and seed— antidiarrhoeal. Seed—hypo- glycaemic. Leaf—antibacterial, antidysenteric.
Key application: Bark—in nonspecific acute diarrhoea and in topical therapy for mild inflammation of the oral-pharyngeal mucosa; externally in mild, superficial inflammation of the skin. (German Commission E.) The seed has been included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E, as the blood sugar-lowering effect could not be established by several researchers. Claimed applications mentioned in German Commission E monograph: in diabetes, also in combination preparations for atonic and spastic constipation, diseases of the pancreas, gastric and pancreatic complaints.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the bark in acute diarrhoea and haemorrhagic diseases; the seed in hyperglycaemia and polyuria.The aqueous alcoholic extract of the bark contains bergenin, gallic acid and ethyl gallate.The fruit contains anthocyanins and yielded citric, malic and gallic acids. Gallic acid and tannins account for as- tringency of the fruit. Malic acid is the major acid (0.59%) of the weight of fruit; a small quantity of oxalic acid is reported to be present. Glucose and fructose are principal sugars in the ripe fruit; surcose was not detected.The seeds contain tannin (about 19%), ellagic acid, gallic acid (1-2%), beta-sitosterol, 0.05% essential oil; myricyl alcohol is present in the un- saponifiable matter.The stem bark yielded friedelan-3- alpha-ol, kaempferol, quercetin, beta- sitosterol and its glycoside, kaempferol- 3-O-glucoside, gallic acid, friedelin and betulinic acid. It contained eugenin and epi-friedelanol. 10-12% tannins were reported.The leaves contain aliphatic alcohols, sitosterols, betulinic acid and crategolic (maslinic) acid.The flowers contain triterpenic acids—oleanolic acid and crategolic acid. The oleanolic acid is a strong protector against adriamycin-induced lipid peroxidation in liver and heart microsomes.Phenols, including methylxantho- xylin and 2, 6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy- acetophene have been isolated from the plant (also from the seed).Seeds in a dose of 10 mg/kg p.o. on normal and alloxanized rabbits exhibited hypoglycaemic activity up to 23 and 20% respectively. The chloroform fraction of seed extract exhibited potent anti-inflammatory action against both exudative and prolifer- ative and chronic phases of inflammation, besides exhibiting significant anti-arthritic, antipyretic and analgesic activities. Water extract exhibited antibacterial property against S. boydi and S. dysentrae in cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.The bark extract is reported to have an effect on glycogenolysis and glyco- gen storage in animals.
Dosage: Stem bark—10-20 g for decoction; dried seed—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. II.)... syzygium cuminii