Tabes dorsalis Health Dictionary

Tabes Dorsalis: From 1 Different Sources

(locomotor ataxia) a form of neurosyphilis occurring 5–20 years after the original sexually transmitted infection. The infecting organisms progressively destroy the sensory nerves. Severe stabbing pains in the legs and trunk, an unsteady gait, and loss of bladder control are common. Some patients have blurred vision caused by damage to the optic nerves. Penicillin is used to arrest the progression of this illness. See also syphilis; general paralysis of the insane.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


This means, literally, a wasting disease, and is a traditional name applied to various diseases such as tabes dorsalis (tertiary SYPHILIS) and TUBERCULOSIS accompanied by enlargement of glands (see GLAND).... tabes


LOGWOOD. Peachwood. Haematoxylon campechianum L. German: Campechebaum. French: Campe?che. Italian: Campeggio. Part used: Heart wood chips or raspings.

Constituents: Haematoxylin, volatile oil, resin, tannin.

Action: astringent.

Uses: diarrhoea, dysentery, summer diarrhoea. Bleeding from the lungs, womb or bowels. Nasal polypi (douche).

Preparation. Half an ounce to 1 pint water simmered down to three-quarters volume. Dose: one-third to half a cup; children 2-4 teaspoons; thrice daily.

Liquid extract Logwood BPC (1934), dose, 2-8ml. ... dorsalis

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